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Writer's pictureBrooke


Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Thursday aka Jupiter's day?! Yesterday I had my full blog typed out, and went to post it, and lost everything. I tried to set down and type it all out again, and it just wasn't flowing. Not to mention the several hours that I had spent writing it, and ending up losing everything. I had to just walk away from it yesterday.. It was just one of those days to be honest with you. We had Venus conjunct Mercury Rx, and my electronics were not working properly. Did anyone else have a challenging day with their electronics yesterday? We had a blast of energy coming in with the Schumann, it was 39 yesterday. Shew I was wore out energetically yesterday. It was like my batteries were just low, and I wanted to lean into my Cancer rising energy and go within big time to recharge. I did end up going to bed early, which was deeply needed. During times like this it is going to be vital to listen to what your body is telling you. I can lean into my South Node too much, and not listen to what my body is saying and just push through it. Over the last 14 years, I have learned that when I lean to much into my South Node, towers start showing up for me. Yesterday was one of those days that I had to let all of my work go, and focus on me. This has been my lesson to balance over the last 4-5 years. Showing up for myself and for others is a balancing act when you tend to become a workaholic. All work and no play makes Brooke need to go against the traditional norms, and have some fun become very loud! This is when my Aquarius energy will start to show.... Yesterday my focus was about Fear... I do want to dive into it even more today since I lost that whole post. Right now the powers at be want you to believe the world is ENDING.... They want you to believe that War is going to sweep across the world. They want you to believe that we don't have any power. They want you to believe that we just have to take whatever choices they throw our way. Fear is a lier, and ends up behind the driving force that leaves us frozen in time. I want to show you a different way of seeing fear: Feeling Excited and Ready!! The reason why so much fear is being pushed right now with the Mocking bird Media, is due to the media being based in Hollywood. The Root Chakra of the Earth is based at Mt Shasta in California. When you collectively push fear and dark spells through the media at the Root chakra, you are pushing this energy into the entire Collective of the Earth. This is how this has been set up for many many years. Those that have been in power also know this same knowledge. Tvs, Phones, Movies and the media is one of the best and easiest ways to cast spells. It is Media magic. When you connect that to the location of where the media comes from, you have a perfect storm for creating the energy that you want to create with the actions and intentions of the media. When you know this knowledge, it is easy to see the agenda being pushed from the Mocking Bird Media. Now imagine for one moment, if love was pushed from here? Or even Peace, and/or healing... What a different world we would all be living in... I wanna go back to the Fear aspect of all of this. Why do they use fear, because when we are in a state of fear or survival, it is harder to manifest the desires you want to bring into your life. This is due to living in your wounded root chakra. I can literally feel on my root chakra, where the entire collective is feeling it, due to where its coming from. Pay close attention to the sacred locations of the Earth, being the prime locations for attacks. This is an attack on ascension, which is why the exact location in Maui was hit with the fires last October. That is the Feminine Heart Chakra of the Earth... That is why all of the riots are popping off right now in the UK... That is the Masculine Heart Chakra and The Third Eye Chakra of the Earth. Why would these areas be targeted? Whatever is done on the land, will be energetically sent out to everyone in this world. We all will energetically feel it, especially the Earth Healers aka the Empresses. What can we do? We can send Reiki and healing to these parts of the land and ask that the dark spells be broken, the more we all do this, the faster we counterbalance what they are collectively trying to do. This is a big part of the spiritual war that most are not able to see. Just remember, things are not getting worse they are getting uncovered! We need ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!

Now lets dive into it being the 888 portal. For today, turn everything off and get into "Everything is always working out for me".... The more we can collectively tap into this energy, we are able to balance what is being pushed out.. 888 represents Abundance, it also is the infinity symbol. You will find this on the Magician card and the Strength card above their heads. 8 also represents Saturn, which we are also in an 8 year. 888 is also connected to Archangel Raguel and it means “Currently in the flow of Abundance”. You can also dive into gematria, and see that 888 has even more meanings.. 888 in Jewish Gematria it means "The Holy Son of God", "Divine Plan", "Gods hidden a Prophecy", "Nothing Can Stop Us", and "Lord Christ the Second Coming" to name a few... In English Gematria it means, "Donald J Trump", "Spirit Bath", "Gods Anointing", "Morning Star", "We are not alone", "A Message from God" and "Time Traveler" just to list a few. Take some time and look into what you can find with these Gematria codes. There's more I didnt list, due to the extreme energy they carry. I wanted to focus on these for right now to show you the power of the vibration of this number. Be mindful of the thoughts you choose to feed today. This day is a very powerful manifesting day, just remember that. We are all being pushed to new levels when it comes to our beliefs, and how we show up with our own unique gifts to fight this spiritual war. Your mind and energy is the most important part of this process. Please remember that! WE need ALL HANDS ON DECK!!

Venus at 4 degrees of Virgo has now crossed over Mercury rx at 3 degrees of Virgo. They are working into a square with Mars at 12 degrees of Gemini and White Moon Selina at 7 degrees of Gemini. Squares is opportunities of growth. If you are experiencing major changes or even towers, you are showing up right on time. We are going through the process of seeing who is with us, and who needs to be let go of. We are in Retrograde season, which is the season to learn lessons and also receive blessings. Always listen to what your gut is telling you about everyone. Virgo is known for their super powers being their first gut response with everyone. If you have dominate Virgo placements, listen to what your body is telling you when information comes in. Virgo is the list master, so keep up with any and all red flags that are showing up with your relationships and money. Also keep in mind as this square becomes more exact, we could also experience more challenges with our electronics. They could get wild over the next week, just be prepared for hiccups. Its not happening to me, but for me. As I mentioned in my New Moon Lunation update, pause and slow down. Especially with it being Mercury Rx and Mars in Gemini. Mistakes can happen if you move to quickly through things. Slow and steady wins the race.

Jupiter at 15 degrees of Gemini, Mars at 12 degrees of Gemini, and White moon Selina is at 7 degrees Gemini in a trine with the South Node at 7 degrees of Libra with Lilith at 7 degrees of Libra. Pay very close attention to the laws that are being passed. Especially over the next few days with Jupiter and Mars getting closer to their conjunction. This is a perfect storm for the light to really bring some breaking news about some hard deep truths about what is going on in the world. Lilith is going to light a fire in the legal system in regards to crimes against humanity, especially CHILDREN. Mars has already activated this, before meeting with Jupiter. Keep in mind, these seeds were planted many many months ago. Just a reminder that the light does in fact win, God wins!!

The last 3 days I have felt like I was in eclipse portal energy. The best way I can explain it is this: It has felt like I was experiencing 3 different realities at the exact same time. It feels like cern is cranked up big time. Which means they are doing everything in their power to alter timelines. I can feel this when it starts getting amped up. Im sure many of you do too. I have also noticed that many mandela effects show up right after I experience this. It wouldn't shock me if we start to see many mandela effects come out over the next week or so, because it does feel like things are being rearranged on other dimensions. This happened when Trump was shot at. Take note, (Venus and Mercury in Virgo) of any and all changes you feel and notice when things like this come up or happen for you. I have spoken to others that did notice the timeline jump and change when Trump survived the assassination attempt. Venus and Mercury Rx are bringing us the receipts to show us the full details of these experiences. Take note of what you notice, and circle back to it when Mercury stations. This will give you more details of what your body was telling you.

We officially have Uranus now off of Algol at 27 degrees of Taurus. Due to them being with in a 1 degree orb, we can still feel the disruption that Uranus has been bringing up to the surface. This has been a big part of what we have been seeing as far as the wounded masculine is concerned. Its felt like a slingshot throwing bombs at everyone. Literally. We all have felt it. Those curve balls that come out of nowhere, redirecting you.. This is also highlighting the destruction of the earth with all of the weather modification, and also the earthquakes that continue to show up. California experienced another earthquake day before yesterday. It was a 5.2 earthquake that rattled the southern parts of Cali. Again if you are called to do some work where you are located, please listen to the guidance you are given. Im going to say it again, we need ALL HANDS ON DECK! Collective manifestation is real, so the more energy we can send out to balance what they are doing, the easier this will be for all of us. Believe in the power that you hold, you are more powerful than you realize.

We also have Chiron at 23 degrees of Aries in a trine with Venus at 4 degrees of Virgo and Mercury Rx at 3 degrees of Virgo... This is also giving us the support to bring the facts to the table of what has been going on behind the scenes with the Wounded Masculine aka WAR... The International Court of Law has been very quiet... Im waiting for them to speak up, and for these conversions to be had about what has been going on. So far they have been silent.... Hold onto your britches here, because we haven't heard the last of this just yet.. On a personal level, it can feel like all of your wounds are being dug up to the surface with Chiron Rx. Set with what is being brought up for you. Take note of how far you have come on your journey. Give credit where credit is due, and also hold yourself accountable for the next steps that need to be taken in order for healing to take place. We are in the process of taking real honest evaluations of how we are showing up for ourselves. Are you showing up fully for yourself, or are you still playing the victim card? Also keep in mind that we are all flawed, perfection is an illusion. We are all imperfectly made perfect. You are far from a victim, so stop playing that role... This is what real honest retroflection looks like. You are not what others do to you, but you also play a role in how you choose to move forward. This isn't happening to me, but for me! "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"!

I want to leave you with this today, you are loved. You are abundant. You are divine light. You are Safe! You are worthy of your hopes wishes and desires. What you want, wants you! Take your power back, and stand in your convictions for the divine light that you are! This is the moment we all have been training for over the last 5 years. Holding peace while in the tornadoes... I see you! I feel you! Just remember the battle is already won, God wins! Continue to hold the line, and follow what your guides tell you to do! You are needed, and deeply valued with what you bring to the table, just remember this! I am sending you all my love today and always!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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