Grand risings beautiful souls! How is everyone doing on this amazing Tuesday aka Mars Day? We are in the beginning stages of watching the toxic corporate structures begin their break down. We have known for years this time was going to come. This is what we have been preparing for, holding peace while in the tornado... For close to 4 years I have warned everyone that we must master peace while in the tornado... Do you believe the world is ending? Or do you believe that the light is building parallel right beside us? The reason why Im bringing this up is due to the 8/8/8 or the 888 portal. I have reason to believe that this day is going to play a vital role on how we move forward as a collective. Its not due to the "lions gate" it is due to the numerology of the day. WE all need to be in mass prayer leading up to this day. I did suggest this a couple months back, and do want to circle back to it. Do you remember the hurricane last fall that was meant to hit Tampa with the bad gas? Well this is really no different. We collectively put our power, energy, and intentions together to force movement of the hurricane, which resulted to it being moved from its direct target. This is just one of the examples of the many times God has stepped in with the divine Angels to work on our behalf. We have been doing this with the energy of the storm in Florida right now, and moving it to Egypt. The most recent time is connected to when Trump was shot at. If you truly believe that the dark is going to win this battle, you are feeding energy to their agenda... Can you truly believe in something that you can't see? Can you really believe in collective manifestation? If we have the knowledge of these things, don't you believe that we can use these things to our advantage? I am here to remind you of your God power.... I am here to remind you that the divine Angels are here with us every step of the way. We do need to utilize them to our fullest advantage. The reason why I am bringing this up before even diving into everything that is going on, is due to today being Mars Day, which is a great day to make collective intentions. Get your bay leaf out, and write some intentions on your bay leaf. Write peace, abundance of food for all, health, divine protection, the end of the dark spells, to expose the dark, break the chains of slavery, and whatever else you can think of that would be benefit to the collective as a whole. You can also set some intentions for yourself as well. I do feel I will get out and move some energy today, since so much fear is being pushed into the collective right now. This drive of excess fear is to intentionally lower our vibration in order to bring the lower timeline in. Some spiritual laws and facts I want to remind you all of. First thing is this, WE ARE STRONGER than they are!!! This is a fact. Second thing, we are here to help to balance this energy.... How do we do this? We lean into the opposite energy of fully believing, FAITH the size of a mustard seed. Thirdly, know it is DONE!!!
I did share in my New Moon Lunation update, that I posted on my personal Youtube @Twinstarseed222 , I shared that we could experience disruptions in our telecommunication systems, and yesterday many brokers experienced disruptions in their systems. Today this has eased up. Emotions are high with the crash of the stock market. We have known for well over 3 years that it had been falsely inflated. What has happened is we are seeing where all of the holes are in the corporate structures. I am seeing bills be passed to stop insider trading, which is how we can see their plans based on how they move in the stock market. Trumps shooting was a great example of this. I want to remind you all that we are playing the long game, aka 5D chess... How do we do this, well with our super powers of coarse. This is why we have been going through and learning our new gifts, this is what we will be able to use in balancing what is coming. If you listen to @ThePeaceDealers moon message, we both got the same download about this. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, we are going to bring to the table, our powers in order to fight this battle. You standing in your power holding the vibration of peace or higher, is your secret weapon. If you research the David Hawkins emotional scale, this is deeply connected to our full power. In some research connected to his work and I quote "Society calibrates at 204 I think he said, with great minds on earth calibrating around 499-510 ranges."
The range of Peace lives at 600, and you hold the power to awaken and raise the vibration of well over 750k people. Now think about his for a moment.... Thats alot of people. This is why your vibration is the most important part of this journey. I have faith in God, I have faith in the Divine Angels, I also have faith in myself with full self control in order to stay in this vibration. Fully accepting what is, and knowing what is meant to be will always come to you can be a very powerful vibration to be living in. Trust me. Especially right now. We are going to need some added support with the Root Chakra of the Earth. There is so much fear that is being pumped into it with the media about WAR.... THE End of the World... Endings don't have to be scary, however they are needed at times when the lessons are learned and it's time to grow and expand. Keep in mind that Pluto's role is to blow up everything that isn't on our divine path. So the towers that are taking place, are meant to take place in order to rearrange us exactly where we are meant to be. I have gone through my Pluto Squares, and have had to work closely with Pluto and Saturn the last 3 years, and personally walked through the power of these planets and what they are here to show us. Just remember "it isn't happening to me, but for me"... Trust and know that the divine has a greater and bigger plan for all of us. We had an extreme blast of light come in with the Schumann yesterday, it was measuring 38... This is where we will get our power from. We can use the energy that is coming in, and use that to power our intentions. You all are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. Trust and believe in that. Words are spells we cast every single day. I have said for many years, you only need your intentions and words to cast spells, so be sure you are casting positive ones out for yourself and humanity.
I did prepare you all for major breaking news to start popping and goodness gracious it has been popping like it is hot! Keep in mind that propaganda is at an all time high right now. I'm really holding back with how much I choose to believe is real and what I choose to believe is fake. The mockingbird media is amping up on this propaganda, which tells me that they are going to throw everything including the sink at us over the next 3 months. We still have 5 months to go before we see a change in the oval office. That is a long time away, however just remember your own power. You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for.
I would rather be remembered as the delu delu Pisces that used every single tool in my toolbelt to help fight against the dark agenda. I would rather be known as the girl that used every single thing she has learned over the years to help ensure a better future for my grandchildren. If this is too delu delu for you, please by all means, join the dark in bringing their plans into manifestation. I however want to be able to stand up and say, I used everything in my toolbelt to fight against this very dark agenda. Its really up to you, which side you choose to support. Take your power back and stand with me in solidarity in blasting this darkness and sending it back where it belongs. We are walking beside Earth Angels, Magicians, Magi, Wizards and Warlocks. Trust me when I say that the divine has the power here on Earth to be able to walk us through anything. Take your power back and stop feeding into the fear that is being pushed. Just remember what we fear, we bring right to us. This is the law of attraction. What we speak about we bring right to us, this is how spells work. Literally. So mind your words, and the things you think. It is go time, and it is your time to shine!
The sun is at 14 degrees of Leo, while the Moon is now at 8 degrees of Virgo. The moon is going to Square Mars and Jupiter this afternoon. Facts will be dropping like it is hot... Especially with the Trine Jupiter and Mars is making to the South Node and Lilith. Mercury and Venus will conjunct tomorrow at 3 degrees of Virgo. While Mars and Jupiter will be with in a 4 degree orb of each other. We can use this energy to our advantage with our collective intentions today. We can pull the power of Mars, with the expansive energy of Jupiter, to fully expand the light and take leaps and bounds forward to help lead us out of this tower. Lilith is conjunct the South Node, bringing up crimes against humanity. This will continue to be a theme over the next two weeks. Please remember to hold the line, God has our backs. I'm not saying it is going to be easy, because war is never easy. However I am saying that we do have the power to make ripples into the collective in order to change the direction that we are going in. Just remember that! I am sending you all of my love today and always. I'm here if you need me, and just remember that God wins!!! Just remember to HOLD THE LINE!!!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd
Leo New Moon Report by Twinstarseed 222
"When two or more come in my name, I Am there." We are protected, we are on Divine missions, and we are doing it together while holding space for peace and Unconditional Love to reign on our planet. Thank you Brooke for this poignant and moving post today. I stand with you and all light warriors as we move forward now. Sending love to you and all