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Writer's pictureBrooke

Come on baby light my fire!!

Grand risings Soul Family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Friday aka Venus Day? Today the Sun is at 20 degrees of Cancer, still in a trine with Saturn Rx at 19 degrees of Pisces. Venus is now at 1 degree of Leo joining the party with Mercury now at 15 degrees of Leo. We have more fire energy to add to all of the emotions with all of the planets in water signs. I love all of this fire energy to be honest with you. When it is channeled in the highest vibration, it can bring so much positive, and transformative movement with in your life. Now that Venus is in the first decan of Leo, our relationships are going to be what feels this the most. Keep in mind with the transits we have right now, it is easy to fall back into the fight or flight reactions. Fire represents our passions, excitement, anger and frustration. This is where the pause is going to come into play. If it won't matter in 5 hours or 5 years let that shit go. But if it's going to matter in 5 years, then it's time to speak up. Keep in mind with the Sun still in Cancer, with the trine to Saturn Rx we are being tested in our relationships.... Do you always fly off the deep end when things don't go your way? Or are you able to control your emotions while walking through the fire? We are having to dig deep in order to gain the knowledge and wisdom to alchemize these energies. For 4 years I have tried to prepare everyone for this moment right here, Holding peace while in the middle of the tornado..... The world is the tornado, and we control the future with how we choose to show up!!

Mars and Uranus Rx are within a 2 degree orb of each other. We are starting to see on a global scale of what is to come with this conjunction. The toxic masculine energy has been put on blast the last few months with all of the destruction some of the world leaders have been participating in. Gaza, Ukraine, all of the weather modification, and of coarse the corrupt big pharma has been just a few examples of the toxic masculine energy that has ruled the age of Pisces that is being put on blast right now. I'm hopeful that things will turn out for the best for humanity. I'll tell you why, its because so many people have been speaking up about crimes against humanity. No matter what they throw at us, we will prevail and peace will wash over the world. This is God's promise to humanity, and while it might look like this isnt going to happen, I'm here to remind you that God is always going to honor each promise made. We are stronger than any dark agenda there is, this is a fact. The reasons why we are stronger than any dark agenda is due to having God behind us. Just remember only God can deliver blessings, the Devil isn't able to do that. I'm not saying that it's going to be easy, what I am saying is that the more we believe in Gods magic, the more support we will have in being able to walk through this collective tower.

Back in February I did a show with @thepeacedealer and we spoke about what we could see coming over the next few months. So far everything we spoke about has come to light. If you have not had an opportunity to check it out, it's on my youtube channel @twinstarseed222 . With it being an election year you best believe they are going to throw everything at us..... The goal is to HOLD the line and to stand up for our rights!!! We are no longer going to be allowed to set out and let others do this work for us.

The moon is now at 5 degrees of Libra making a trine to White Moon Selina at 4 degrees of Gemini and Jupiter at 10 degrees of Gemini. Since we are in the new moon cycle, use the energy today to set some intentions with Jupiter that will support the foundation you are trying to build. We could see more breaking news with this transit connected to the legal systems, and crimes against humanity. I have noticed more and more people speaking up about this.. This is the revolution we all have been looking to see break out. You can go to war and not fire a single shot. I would also like to add that the more we feed energy to the solutions, the faster we will get to where we are meant to be. This is how energy works. Choose wisely what you give your energy to. You can either be feeding the challenge or the solution. This is also where extreme discernment comes into play. We will see many false prophets fall from grace over the next 6 months. People we thought were in the light, we will see that they were just wearing a mask of illusion. Just remember when people show you who they are, believe what you see. This is also a great transit to reevaluate your relationships, and take a honest look to see if they are balanced. Libra and Cancer energy can become self sacrificing due to wanting to keep the peace or sacrificing oneself in order to help others. The highest vibration of this energy is when you are able to see what is truly balanced for you and others. Knowing that when you fill your own cup up, you are more of an asset in your relationships. This one simple flip in how you work with this energy can drastically change your relationships and money. The moon is going to cross the south node over the next day, there could be people from the past that come back around to give you an opportunity to practice who you say you are. Just remember that Saturn Rx will bring the same lesson back around, just in a different meat suit to see if you mastered the lesson. We are always given opportunities to practice who we say we are...

Yesterday I had to go to the post office to mail a package. On the door was a sign that said; "the internet is still out, cash only".... So of course you all know me, I had to ask how long it had been down. It went out on Sunday, and now on Thursday they still didn't have any internet. My next question to them was who they used for that service. It didn't shock me when they said AT&T...... Over the last 4 years this company has been involved with alot of shit. It all started right after the 2020 election when a bomb went off in downtown Nashville on Christmas day, blowing up the building which housed the servers for this company. They also used these servers for the elections. Over the last 4 years, this company keeps popping up, in a shit storm. So on top of the local post office not having internet this week to be able to process payments, just this morning it was released that they had been hacked again. Now I'll be very honest with you... This company has many Government contracts, so why would this company be a target for all of these crimes? I'll tell you, they participated in stealing the 2020 elections. In my observations the last 4 years, this company is not for the people.... If they were, they would have been transparent in what actually went down with the election interference. Looks like another corporate America Company is in the middle of exposing themselves.... Hold on, it might get a little wild. This will not be the last time we hear of this company moving forward. We are witnessing it crumble right before our eyes.

I hope you all have an amazing Friday and an Epic weekend!!! I'll be back tomorrow for my last update for the week. No matter how dark it looks, the light is in full control. Your belief in God and the light had better be unshakeable moving forward, because we are the ones leading the way to be able to create the world we choose to live in! Yesterday the Schumann was 40, and it's been blacked out since yesterday. This is our reminder that the light is in full control!!! I'm sending you all of my love today and always!!! Just remember to HOLD THE LINE!!!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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