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Writer's pictureBrooke

Did that just HAPPEN???

Grand risings beautiful soul family! How are you doing on this amazing Jupiters day aka Thursday! Today the sun is at 6 degrees of Cancer! Venus is at 12 degrees Cancer working out of the square with the nodes of fate. Mercury is at 20 degrees cancer working into a square with Chiron at 23 degrees Aries. With this Mercury transit, we will start to hear more about the fall of the toxic masculine. There will be conversations connected to crimes against humanity along with War Crimes. This has been a running theme over the last 4 months. This week we had what would have have been a huge win for Jullian Assange being released, but what was the deal he made? Speculation has it that with the deal he made, they would have to remove some of the things that was leaked from the DNC servers from Wikileaks.. At the exact same time this happened, the US supreme court ruled that the government could restrict, censor, and remove content from social media platforms they deem false information. More or less this means that our first amendment rights have been shit all over.. I guess we should trust that they will really allow the truth to be shared? Kind like the truth being censored about the shots? I almost feel this was an illusion of feeling like a win, when in fact the Biden Administration did the opposite...

There can be emotional triggers that take place in regards to your anger, frustration with in your relationships. We are being tested big time since Saturn is about to station retrograde this Saturday. Choosing the high road will be more beneficial than acting out in anger or vengeance. Just remember what you give, you get back 10 fold.... Be sure you are putting good out, so good comes back to you in abundance! Trust me when I say, God will hit harder than anything you could do to anyone.... It ultimately ends up being the gift that keeps giving, choose wisely which beast you feed especially right before Saturn Retrograde.

The moon is at 17 degrees Pisces as I am working on this blog. It's conjunct Saturn, at 19 degrees Pisces. They will be forming a grand water trine with Mercury and Poseidon. Nothing has been reported about the Canada and US ships leaving Cuba... More reports about the Russian ship leaving has been uploaded to the internet. But not one word of the other two.. I would also like to mention that the weather in Florida has also chilled out over the last week. Interesting how that happens.. Keep your eyes on the water, especially during the Full Moon Lunation cycle. On Monday the Cargo ship that hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge, departed for Northfolk, Virginia. It has been 3 months, and all of the cargo containers are still on this cargo ship... Did they even look at them? Many lawsuits have been filled in result to this crash, and it's estimated that the bridge will be rebuilt by 2028. Eleven of the crew members are still on the ship, not able to leave. They are getting the ship inspected before heading back out. Not alot of information is being released at this time. I will keep an eye on this to see if anything is brought to light.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobah announced that 5 states have decided to sue Pfizer for misleading the public with their experimental shots. Idaho, Kansas, and Texas are the three states I have been able to confirm that have followed suit with charging Pfizer for crimes against humanity. Misleading the public into believing these experiments were safe and affective, which have turned out to be a lie. If anyone can confirm the other two states, please let me know. Im having a hard time confirming this information. I have read over the lawsuit from Kris, and it does state that Pfizer didn't participate in Operation Warp Speed, due to not wanting to release what was in the vaccines, and to keep the government out of the development of it. This is the only company to go after the children, and they should be exposed as well for Crimes against Humanity!!!

Yesterday I dove into Dr Frankensteins chart, and would love to dive into it a little more. As I mentioned yesterday that transiting Mars has been activating his karma, and brining to light the mad scientist. Mars is currently at 13 degrees Taurus, only 9 degrees from Dr Frankensteins Natal Uranus at 22 degrees... His natal Uranus is at a critical degree, the killed or be killed degree, 22 degrees... His natal Mercury is also at the 22 degree of Sagittarius, and his Mars is at 22 degrees Scorpio.... This is the connection I have made to the mad scientist. Especially with his well known history of his science experiments going bad back in the 80's and now we are seeing the results of the gain of function studies he recently participated in. As Mars transits closer to his natal Uranus, we will see more of this darkness brought to light. Will he be tried and convicted of crimes against humanity? If we continue to see more lawsuits filled, this could be a huge possibility... I am holding space for this to take place. He should be tried, convicted, and sentenced the fullest extent of the law. I would also like to add that the 22 degree mark doesn't always mean that you will be a killer.. Based on some research done on serial killers, not all had the 18 and 22 degrees in their charts. However some did have it. I am always mindful in how I speak about this, because I also have these critical degrees in my chart. The more I trust my spirit team to have my back, the more they will tap into that energy, and I don't have to. It's a full surrender in trusting that no matter what, you are always divinely protected by the angels. This is why I always say that as long as I keep my heart pure, my spirit team can do more damage than I ever could, and that's a fact!! I do feel if we assume all that have these degrees are killers, thats putting a bad assumption out there. Sometimes it will show up in the chart, just as it has his. I have a feeling we haven't heard the last of Dr Frankenstein. Keep your eyes on him over the next week, theres some major storms brewing in his life for sure.

Today "X" released that they will be using strip to verify all of their users on the platform. They recently dropped the Israeli based company they had been using in the past. Im not familiar with these companies and how they use our information, so im not able to give you a honest opinion about this... However it does look like "X" former twitter is setting some boundaries with Israel Companies.

There has been alot of military movement in the last 24 hours.... Im going to be real honest with you, I wont be reporting about war anymore moving forward. The more we give it our attention, energy, and focus, the more we bring it into manifestation. This is how energy works, this is how spells work.... This is how law of attraction works... If Gods people believe it's the end of time, you will bring it into manifestation. I am here to wake all of you to your divine potential that we are stronger than they are. Start believing in peace, and we will see peace start to unfold over the next few months. It's time you all wake up and realize the dark is using you to bring into fruition their dark plans. Stop believing the dark is going to win, because its is not. Take your power back, and believe in the full Magic of GOD....... Believe in the miracles of GOD!!! Just remember energy goes where attention flows. Stop giving unnecessary wins to the Darks plan and agenda. Wake up, it's way past time. The dark must have the lights full belief in order for their plan to rule over the light. This is facts.. Stop giving your power to the Dark forces. Just remember God says, DO NOT FEAR!!!!! Instead believe!!!

Im sending you all of my love on this beautiful Jupiters day!!! The Schumann has been blacked out for the last two days. It does feel like we have had many burst of light come in during this time. Be sure to rest, listen to your body, ground, and drink alot of water while we go through these intense waves of energy!!! Just remember the battle is already won, God wins!!

@Copright Brooke Hurd

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