Grand rising beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Saturday aka Saturn's Day? We are still in the energy of the full moon and today is a great day to do some cleansing in your space. You can do a salt cleanse like I have mentioned before, and egg cleans, clean you space, and even smudge you space. It is best to work with the energy of Saturn to cut all energy that isn't in your highest good out of your life. Saturn will do just that. Things have been a little on the quiet side, which is a good thing. I know I am deeply thankful to wake up every morning and to see calm waters in the world. What I mean by that is, the wars are not as forceful as they have been in the past. It kinda feels like the world is on pause to see if Issy is going to show their ugly face one more time after the court ruling a week ago. I just wonder how long it takes before arrest happen? I have no idea to be honest with all of you, however I am here for the shit show to go down. I have my popcorn ready to see all of the bad guys fall. Israel will fall, it is just a matter of time before it happens. They own our politicians, and if you have been following @cancelthisclothingcompany you would know that APAC is the number one contributor to just about every single politician we have. Which means APAC is who owns the majority of our government leaders. Which also means that is who is really the shadow government behind the Presidential office. I've known this information for many years, when you follow the money, you start to see things with a different perspective. This is just one of the reasons why I refuse to support genocide of any group of people. I have mentioned before that Issy is the number one producer in the black market for organ harvesting. Ukraine is the number one producer for human trafficking... The US is the number one consumer of the humans that are trafficked. P diddy and Epstein both had video evidence of some very powerful people doing some dirty illegal things. They are not the only ones, there is more just like them. Its just a matter of time before this dark truth is brought up to the surface for the whole world to see. It makes sense as to why people have said they are saving Israel for last, and the crimes must be committed before the Military can have tribunals. Many crimes have been committed against humanity. Several years ago, I didnt want to believe that a group that was said to be the chosen ones, are the EXACT ones behind all of the evil in the world today. By all means, please do your own research, and don't blindly accept anything as truth from anyone. Right leaning people that support war, will not tell you this truth... We all know the left is going to hide this truth.... This has become a huge issue with the world today, people take those in power at face value, not knowing those in power are great deceivers. Its their job to lie to us. Im holding space for the dark magic to be broken through the media, and for Gods people to see the truth. It is just a matter of time before God shines a light on some very dark deceptions that have taken place. I keep waiting for the arrest to start, and its just a matter of time before they start coming after all of them. The US is just as guilty as Issy, due to giving them all of the weapons to commit these crimes. Our military has also been used to commit these crimes. Wake up USA, we are being played.
Today the sun is at 5 degrees of Leo, and it doesn't feel like everyone is out to get us! Venus is at 19 degrees of Leo. Who had the chance to see the open ceremony of the Olympics? They did a re enactment of the lord's last supper, with drag queens. They even brought in one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, Pluto. This is the thing, they have been showing you the truth for a very long time. This is how they do it, and also use things like this to do energy harvesting and ceremonies to their "GOD". I didn't watch the whole thing, because I know what is really going on behind the curtain. However I have watched enough of it to share what they were doing. Let's dive into what ceremonies and rituals look like, shall we? The halftime show for the super bowl has been used for many years to do these things. Not to mention that Snoop had baphomet around his neck. Children in tunnels... They tell you in plain sight what they are doing, however we have been conditioned to believe it's all MAKE BELIEVE..... They fool the masses in believing its fake, when in reality it is the opposite. When a ceremony is done, you need to make your offerings. Everything is connected and has meaning. They used the open ceremony to openly do a death ritual with drag queens. Everything in it has meaning, and is meant to honor the god or deity that the symbol is connected to. You also have to make offerings to the deity, spirit or god you are working with. It was very clear in this one, they are making offerings to the Devil, and The Angel of Death. So what does this mean? Well they want to harvest as many souls as they can through death for their God. This is what they mean by hidden in plain sight. Everything has meaning, and I mean everything. For a very long time, Hollywood has been what has ruled media magic. Which is why it is based at the root chakra of the earth. This is also why sex sells, and fear is their main way to drive their agenda. The media is what is able to intensify these dark rituals, which are dark spells. Many people are finally starting to wake up and see these things. I have said this for many years, and was called crazy, however when you can see through the dark magic, it is easy to see. Not everyone in hollywood is bad. Not all government leaders are bad. If you want to know which side everyone is on, pay attention to who is against Trump. This is a starting point to being able to see through the veil of illusion. I have spent the last 4 years studying the Occult. The reason being, is due to knowing we are in fact in a spiritual war. Good vs Evil. Lucifer vs Michael. You wouldn't go to war without studying your opposition would you? Do you truly believe we would send our troops to war and not study who they are about to go fight? Do you really believe that a football team would go play a game against their opposition and not study them? This is no different. I was scared to even open the door to the occult due to my religious upbringing. I deeply feel this was done by design due to keeping God's children in the dark of the real reality of the world we live in. If you don't know what your enemy looks like, you won't be able to see when they are casting dark spells onto humanity. Just remember this is Lucifers playground, and all that is done in the dark will be brought to light. This is a fact, because this isn't how God intended the world to be. Yes this is soul school, where we come to clear karma on a soul level. It wasn't intended to be hell on Earth, as it has been since Atlantis when the first battle began to free humanity from the dark warlords.
Mercury is now at 1 degree of Virgo, and be prepared for full blown receipts to be delivered connected to crimes against humanity. God has his divine earth angels in the right positions to bring this darkness to light. Mercury will travel to 4 degrees of Virgo before it starts its second retrograde of the year. I have restocked my mercury retrograde necklaces in my shop if you would like to get one. I do wear them every mercury retrograde and it helps in supporting me with the energy of this transit. With Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, working in tangent to only bring forward things that are factual, and mercury acting as the messenger to deliver these facts with a quickness. I have a feeling this mercury retrograde will be one that we all remember forever.
Now that the moon has crossed over Chiron that has now stationed to retrograde at 23 degrees of Aries, this is also going to bring in the added energy in exposing the wounded masculine energy that has been ruling for way too long. We are already seeing this play out with what was shown with the olympics last night. Keep in mind the more we see this, and refuse to accept it as truth, the dark loses its power. Only those that have God of the highest order in them hold the power to create the change needed in order for us to usher in the Age of Aquarius.
The planets that are in retrograde is Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces, Saturn at 18 degrees of Pisces, Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius, and now Chiron (asteroid) at 23 degrees of Aries. In less than a week Mercury will be joining the party.. I used to fear retrograde season due to all of the towers that would show up in my life as soon as they would station. Retrograde season is when we reap the rewards of our efforts. That can only happen once you go through and clear our your current karma. This can look like major towers like losing your, job, going through a breakup, business partners falling through and much more. When you ask God to remove any and all things that shouldn't be on your destined path, retrograde season is usually when this happens. This is why I will always say that towers are a good thing, especially if you feel stagnant and like you are not able to move forward. Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path. Its not happening to me, but for me.
Uranus in Taurus is still working with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini to put the mad scientist on blast as far as weather modification goes. Yesterday it was reported that many are being evacuated in parts of California due to the wild fires. You all do realize these are not naturally occuring, right? It was also reported that the intense fires in Jasper Alberta are not connected to global warming. This is what happened in Maui yall, and this has been going on for years in California. There was also another Earthquake in Texas on the 23 of July. People are speaking out about these things, please continue to hold the line, and by all means if you are guided to do a healing or send protection to a certain part of the world, please do so. We need all hands on deck to help the earth as we walk through his collective tower. If you are being called to travel, please listen. Continue believing in the good of humanity. Continue having faith that the light is in full control. Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered.
I have been very busy in the background getting my Angel Classes re recorded to be able to upload to my website. It has been a learning progress to do on my own. Once they are uploaded, I will be finishing my part of the Grid work workshop we are also going to be doing soon. I am learning how to do all of these things for the first time, which means lots of discoveries along the way. Everything I recorded for my Angel workshop will have to be recorded again because the files are too big to upload to my website. This has taken me longer than I had planned to get uploaded to my site. I will have to record everything again, and take a different approach to getting it all on there. This is part of the process when you are learning something new. Discoveries will be made, and sometimes you have to do the work double, to get it correct. I'm okay with that, it can be frustrating when it takes double the time to get the job done. Be on the lookout, and ready for these classes to be uploaded soon! I'm just so excited to be able to get them on my website finally.
I am sending you all of my love today and always!!! Continue to hold the line and know that the light wins in the end, God wins! We have just a few days left with this full moon lunation cycle and will be moving into the new moon lunation cycle on the 4th! The Schumann is only 10, be sure to work on your own personal energy in order to bring this up even more. The dark loses all of its power when we are able to raise the vibration up to 5D. This is how I guide where we are on a collective scale. Work on you, it is the most important thing you can be working on right now!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd