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Writer's pictureBrooke

DNC Recap

Hello beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Saturday aka Saturn's day? The Sun is now at 2 degrees of Virgo, and Venus is at 24 degrees of Virgo. Venus is working out of the square with Mars that is 23 degrees of Gemini. Jupiter is at 18 degrees of Gemini working out of the square with Saturn Rx at 17 degrees of Pisces. Mercury Rx is now at 22 degrees of Leo working out of the trine with Chiron Rx at 23 degrees of Aries. The Moon is at 11 degrees of Taurus. It does feel like the energy is easing up just a little. Today I have been in deep retroflection of what I wanted to talk about. Not sure what to give or say about how to work with the energy. I feel I have covered the bases with that the last couple days. The biggest thing about today is to stay grounded in who you are. The moon is in Taurus, so take note of what is working and what isnt in your physical reality. What is holding you back? What is pushing you forward? What is needed for your next step? Venus in Virgo is taking note of our health... What do you need in order to have a healthy lifestyle? What needs to be changed in your daily routine? Are you truly honoring your health or do you just say that? I have had some major epiphany's the last two days.... It does feel like another timeline shift is about to take place. There has been a lot being brought up to the surface to be examined. This is where those of you that are doing the work, setting with those shadows, and loving them.... This is where you all will start to see your progress start to bloom. Growing pains are here to show us where we need to look within. Are you listening to your gut and following your divine directions? The energy of the last couple days has just felt off. Not necessarily bad, just off. Not sure if it's due to something being offline, or if something in the background is off. Meaning what is going on behind the veil. As always be sure to call in divine protection while traveling.

We collectively are very strong. I'm seeing great response to the intentions we have been setting collectively on my socials. Every day please send healing to the Earth. The more we send, the ripple into the collective masses is huge. Continue to set the intentions that the dark spells be broken that are being used through media magic. Continue to call in the Divine Angels to be here on our behalf. Everything you do, is more energy in the direction that we are going in. Just remember that God is with us, and I'm referring to the most high God of the Divine Heavenly realm. You see it was very important for me to be specific, because there is many Gods out there. And you want to be transparent with the God or energy you are working with. With that being said, I want to dive into what spirit lead me down about the DNC, and what we witnessed. Keep in mind it was a Full Moon Conjunct the US Natal Moon at 26 degrees of Aquarius.

So at the DNC they had buses to where you could get abortions and vasectomies. I felt it was a very odd headline and did not judge, but wanted to find a deeper meaning to what what's going on behind the curtain. Some argue its for reproductive rights, while others say its wrong. I'm not here to debate those things, just here to show you on a spiritual level what happened and why they did it on the day they did. I learned something new that I wanted to share with all of you. Some spirits require you to sacrifice a child in order to make a coven aka soul contract with them. When you elect to have an abortion you are "unknowing" making a coven aka contact with Molech. This energy is connected to child sacrifice, this is also what he is known for. The world participated in a dark sacrifice ritual with a political party, and no one is allowed to say a word about it. Now in being lead down the road of putting this together, it was clear for me to see what was actually done behind the scenes. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm only explaining what took place on a spiritual level. Now what ends up happening is that spirit now is able to access that body due to the soul contact that has just been made, not even knowing it had been done. I'm sure none of the women knew that was what was taking place... And most don't even realize the symbolism and connections to their "god"... If we stop and look around, the spirit of Molech is in everything they are pushing... War, more sacrificing of children. So on a spiritual level this is what was done that day. In order to receive assistance from them you have to give an offering, and some believe this is enough. Anyone that is having to heal from a parent that sacrificed them, is dealing with this spirit. Since we are still in the energy of the Full Moon and today being Saturn's day, let's set some intentions.

Call upon the Angels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, Metatron, Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Ariel, Jophiel, Haniel, and Raziel. We are going to state that the coven made with Molech be broken, through all timelines, space, past, present, future. The chains be broken, and the violet flame activated along with the crystalline flame, lilac flame, and rainbow flame. We demand that the spirit leave the body and allow for the body to be filled with white divine light. We demand healing be filled in the body, and divine love run through. Thank you Angels for your divine intervention on our behalf. Thank you for your divine guidance.. Thank you for your divine protection!

And So It Is. It Is Done.

The next thing I want to dive into is the shit show the DNC created on tiktock. It was going around about the letter for the creators and how much they are getting paid to create content for them. Several people got the email, because they spoke about it. Anyways fast forward to the event and @jollygoodginger attacked Charlie Kirk at the event, recorded it, and posted it to his tiktock. Now he also told veterans they were a disgrace for voting for Trump, and goodness the backlash he has gotten. My entire feed has been creators calling him out, even Veterans calling him out. So it looks like things are getting very interesting for sure. August was like, gurl hold my beer!!! lol It is very clear that Jollygoogginger is not trying to bring unity, whatsoever. It didn't shock me, he did build a platform in creating drama.

Continue to hold the line beautiful soul family!


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