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Writer's pictureBrooke

Happy Moon Day Monday!

Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Moon Day Monday? Y'all the energy has been very intense to say the least. Shew goodness! Today the Sun is at 3 degrees Cancer, Venus is at 9 degrees working into a Cardinal Grand Cross with the Nodes of Fate at 11 degrees Aries and Libra. Mercury completed this over the weekend and is now at 15 degrees Cancer. This energy can bring towers with our money and relationships being in the Full Moon Lunation Cycle. Cardinal Crosses can feel like boiling points ready to pop off and move forward. If you feel stuck, release and let go control of how, and allow for whats meant to be show up. This is a hard one, because the energy wants you to make a move. That is what the Cardinal Signs represent, action! Those signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. On top of the Cardinal squares, we will have the moon at 11 degrees Aquarius squaring Mars at 11 degrees Taurus later this evening, and moving into a square with Poseidon at 15 degrees Scorpio. These squares are happening in the Fixed Signs (Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius). The energy today can feel a little bipolar. Like I know and feel I need to take action, however at the same token I feel completely suck where I'm at. With Pluto retrograde, the towers will only show up to redirect you on your path when you are not in line with your destined path, that is Pluto's purpose, to bring the towers to redirect us! Lean into them if you are experiencing this. Trust me, it will be worth it in the end.

Saturn will station retrograde at the end of the week.... This will trigger a domino affect of karma being dished out. Y'all ready for this?! I am so ready for this! Those opposing God, and his people will start to see darkness delivered upon their lives. It's meant to be this way, because this is how God works. Sometimes God will place people in your life that holds the power to grant your wishes, just to see how you will handle them. For 4 years I have warned people that our karma is coming back instantly, this is how new earth energy works. This is also why others have said this for many years, that you will be able to see people for who they are, based on the karma they are bing served!! So if you are dealing dark energy, this is a warning of what is to come. Be prepared for a reckoning to be brought down. Now if you are doing everything God is telling you to do, and holding love in your heart, be prepared for some major roads to open up for you!! Your good deeds will not go without notice. You know the old saying, "you reap what you sow" and "you get what you give" that is how Karma works. It's the same thing. It really is mind boggling that many do not believe its all the same, when in fact it is.... This is a Saturn Ruled year, and Saturn rules karma, time, work, and father energy. This year is going to be the delivering of all of the seeds you have planted with your own karma. Trust me, you will be able to see who is truly in the light, and who isn't by this alone.. The biggest lesson with Saturn in Pisces is connected to WAR...... I am holding space for this darkness to be brought to light.

Leading up to, and during the full moon, I was lead to do some gridwork and earth healings. This was unexpected and very last minute for me to try and fit in my already busy schedule. Because of my Angels redirection during this time, I wasn't able to upload my Capricorn Full Moon update on youtube. I was also guided to wait, per my guides. This was due to my guides telling me that someone was watching and reading my stuff, repeating it word by word. More or less stealing my channeled messages and pretending to use them as their own. So I listened and waited to see if anything I had written here on my blog was said, and of coarse it was..... Let me be very clear, this is my work and I will take legal action the next time my work is stolen and Im not given credit for it. This person is very well known in the Astrology community. Im not the first person this person has done this to.. You know who you are, and I see you clearly! This is your last warning! And for those of you that have no clue what I'm referring to, this message isn't for you! But since creepers like to creep and steal content I have to post the warning here... Just so I know, they know and have read it.... This is spiritual theft and God protects the ones that stay in the light.

Now that is out of the way, I want to thank all of you for all of your continued support, and hard work as we walk through these times.... I needed a day off and did choose to not give an update yesterday. I have also had a few messages from you all stating you are not able to leave comments on my post. There is something going on on the back end, that I am trying to figure out. If I have any followers that are knowledgeable with google and websites, will you please reach out to me? I am still learning how these things work, and how to fix them on the back end.

Lastly in moving forward, I am going to need all of you to believe that the light is in full control, God is in full control. It might look like the dark is going to win, but trust me it isn't. And the world is not going to end, the Dark Ruling this Earth is what is coming to an end. Keep believing and holding the line... God is moving things around to bring in new earth!! I am sending you all of my love soul family!!!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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