Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Thursday aka Jupiter's Day? Right now the Sun is at 29 degrees of Leo, and at 11:11 am Eastern time the Sun will move into Virgo! Hello Virgo season! The Moon is currently at 8 degrees of Aries, and is conjunct the North Node at 7 degrees of Aries. Venus is at 21 degrees of Virgo in a square with Mars at 21 degrees of Gemini. Jupiter is at 17 degrees of Gemini in a Square with Saturn Rx at 17 degrees of Pisces. Today the energy can feel very locked up. These squares are pressure point, kinda like boiling a tea kettle and it screaming as soon as the water starts to boil. This will show up in your relationships and money, not being able to move forward, and your mind! Be sure to stay on top of your thoughts during these times, it's not happening to me but for me. We are in the process of changing how we think and speak about our lives. For example, every morning I would take my boys to school I would call in the Angels and ask for divine protection during our morning commute. Every single time we would stop at a redlight, white cars would be all around us. I would say "boys look" and they would look around and see all of the white cars, and would look at me and say "mom how do you do this every morning" because white cars would be all around my car. This happened every single morning... Notice the conviction of me sharing this example? What you say always happens, ends up being what always happens. Its no different than I always get front row parking every time I go to a store, and I do... Try playing with this, and see what happens for you. With Saturn Rx in Pisces, we are changing our beliefs with the words we always speak, which will align with what we always believe. When you first start doing this, it will feel very foreign to you. It will feel very fake, like you are lying to yourself. This is normal to go through when you are reprogramming your mind to fully support you! I would love to hear your feedback of the things you always say, which always happens whether it is good or bad. This awareness is going to help with all of the virgo energy that will be felt as soon as the Sun moves into Virgo.
Today take your time with everything you do. The astrology supports you either passing the test that are set up for you, or failing the test and having major karma being dealt back to you. Remember to listen to what your body is telling you when things come up to the surface for you. We are still in Mercury Rx, so the past is coming back around to see are you who you say you are? Wise words to live by with the astrology we are working through is this "if it quacks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, and it looks like a duck then it is a duck"... Believe what you see in people with Neptune Rx... Red flags doesnt me go.... Also when the past comes back around, it will only be as good as it was.... Ask yourself this "does this really align with where I am going?" If it doesn't, let it GO!!!
Yesterday I brought back my Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energy check in ascension readings. I will be doing these until my guides tell me that I need to pause. I did let them go for a while, due to all of the resistance I was getting trying to upload them in the past. My guides told me to stop, so I did. I do feel this is a great guide to help see where the collective energy is at, especially for those that follow me. I will be posting these to my instagram (@twinstarseed) YouTube (@twinstarseed222) and my tiktock (@twinstarseed) and my telegram channel (@twinstarseed). If you want to see what I'm seeing with in the collective, join my telegram channel. I won't be sharing what I see on any of my meta social media accounts moving forward.... I am trying my best to hold onto that account for as long as I can. Telegram is the only platform that I have not been shadowbanned or even removed from. I even had to stop sharing my blog on my socials, due to the links being flagged and that triggering more of a shadowban on my account. You will have to come to my website to see my blog and get updates here. I was getting so many views on my blog sharing it to my socials, until I started talking about things that AI doesn't like.
At the end of 2022, my guides told me that the internet wouldn't be in our future. I haven't shared this openly with many people. When I was told this, they told me it would be 5 years when this would happen. I have tried to refuse this for a very very long time. I finally told The Peace Dealer about this in April. This is not to push fear, but to only share what I have been told. Now keep in mind, I was told that people would be living together in 2020, and it took 4 years before that started happening. It is happening right now, people are not able to financially support living alone. Now back to what I was told about the internet. My guides clearly said, 5 years. The first time I told someone in 2023 about this, they thought I was delu delu.... Fast Forward to almost 2 years later, it's starting to look more like a reality. I had no idea why I was told 5 years, until yesterday.... It is the projected ww3 timeline. 2027 is when all of this is projected to really come to a head.... Could it happen sooner? Yes it is very possible, unless we all get involved and push back against the war machine.. You all have no idea how wrong I want to be about this... I want to be so wrong about what I was told. However I am very aware at how accurate my guides are when they tell me something is going to happen... I didn't need the astrology in 2020 to know what the agenda was, I was told from my guides everything that would happen. Guess what, it all has happened just as they said it would. This alone is enough for me to say out loud what I was told at the end of 2022.... I do feel we still have some time before we get to this point. I don't feel an imminent need to take cover, however I want you all to find your tribe and start getting ready for anything to happen. There's some crazy psychopaths that are currently trying to take over the world, its best to be prepared for anything. They are going to put up a fight, and we must be prepared for whatever they do...
I want to touch on the plane that crashed in Brazil that had 7 Drs on it that was going to bring some darkness to light about the medical field... Oh and the Ship that was hit with the waterspout in Sicily that had Mike Lynch and his crew on it.... Now why are these two important to bring up now... Well I have been preparing you for the Mad Scientist to be exposed (Uranus in Taurus), both of these accidents would qualify under this example. If there is a patient for something, you best believe that the technology is available and being used... I have said for months that I didn't believe these planes were crashing due to maintenance issues... Also I have been very vocal about weather modification... Who benefited from all of these people passing away? Why would they want to remove all of these people from this realm? I have felt that the Bowing class action cases might have been somewhat a cover up for directly targeting certain planes in order to remove who they deem needs to be eliminated. I know it does sound out there, but when we look at these two events, together, it doesn't seem so far fetched now does it? I could be wrong about the class action cases, however if there is one thing I have learned over the last 4 years is this, they will stop at nothing to push forward with their agenda.... Literally. When you travel, be sure to listen to your gut and guides, and always call in divine protection.
I guess you could say that I have just gotten to a point to where I don't trust anything any of them tell us anymore. I'm not saying all of them are bad, I'm just over the smoke and mirrors.... I am also over the complete disregard of life that these clowns have towards humans... Watching innocent people be slaughtered just so people can make money has completely ripped my soul out. I know that this is part of the plan, in exposing all of the darkness. However at times it can feel like nothing is being done. I know that isn't the case, but it does feel that way... I know how easy it can be to feel like we don't have any power against this, which in fact is far from the truth. It is very hard to bare witness to the darkness that is being exposed.... I know its hard... I'm here to remind you, that no matter how dark it looks, God has us!!! The light will in fact win... Continue to send healing to the root chakra, and asking for the dark spells to be broken. Continue sending healing to the land to help protect those on the West coast from major natural disasters.... These things are working, because the earth has been quiet..... The more we do this collectively together, the stronger and faster the results. It is working, please continue to do what you are doing... I see you, and continue to HOLD THE LINE!
I am sending you all of my love today!! Just remember that the battle is already won, God wins!!! We have power in numbers, and are in fact stronger than they are. Yesterday the Schumann was 89... Its not been updated today, and it is currently blacked out. Get out and do some grid work, and use the energy of jupiter to expand what you are banishing... We are in the Full Moon Lunation cycle, which supports clearing, removing and banishing energy! Do your egg cleans and salt wash today! You can do this again on Saturday! This is also a great time to do some cord cutting, and calling your energy back to you!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd