Grand risings beautiful souls!!! How is everyone doing? Today your emotions could be very high!!! Venus and Mercury ingress to zero degrees of Cancer. The moon is also in Scorpio, in the first decan. Today we could be all up in our feelings!!!! What is your body truly saying to you? Your first gut response, what is it? Spend the next two days, really tapped into what your body is saying, not what your mind is saying. You will feel a sense of heightened intuition, downloads, and or messages coming in. Also be sure to call in divine protection while traveling with this Neptune and Mercury square..
Keep in mind we are still in the energy of the Gemini New Moon, and on the 21st the sun will move into Cancer Season, for the Summer solstice. We have gone through some major upgrades, not to mention so much truth has been brought to light over the last 3 weeks. Continue holding the line, and know the light is in full control. Even tho it does look very dark around the world at the moment.
As the moon moves closer to Poseidon, to connect with Saturn in the grand water trine, we could hear more of what was taking place in Cuba. With the US, Russia, and Canada all meeting in Cuba late last week, we could hear more about what was taking place over the weekend in Cuba. It has been reported that Russia will be leaving Cuba today, to travel onto their next location. What I find interesting about all of this, is that Gitmo is also located in Cuba.... Could there be military trials taking place? Or is it just routine training operation that has been taking place? Or are they getting ready to plan an attack on American soil? Im going to be very honest with you, it could take a while before they even release what was truly taking place in Cuba. I did find it odd that the weather in Florida went crazy not long after the Russian ships, and the US ships showed up... Could all of it be connected, possibly... Keep your eyes on the water!!!
It wasn't long after uploading my blog post yesterday, I started coming across platforms speaking out about the draft of military daughters. This maybe the one thing that sends the American people over the edge. Ukraine mothers have been speaking out about their kids being forced to fight their wars, and coming home with all of their organs missing... What are they really doing to our future generations? Why are they taking the organs from these young adults? Ukraine and Israel do have their hands in some dirty business, and it's up to us to find the truth and to rise up against the injustice of our future kids, and protect them. In my research, Ukraine is the number one provider of human trafficking.. Israel is the number one provider of black market organs... This does make one question the US intentions of being allies with both of them.. Is this possibly what is really taking place behind the scenes with these wars? I do know that the wars are to make money, but these wars are being intentionally used to coverup something, what is really going on behind the curtain.... My first thought was that it was being used to cover up the fall out of the vaccines, but it could be even deeper than that if organ harvesting is taking place amongst the drafted young adults. This evil inhumane war machine has got to be exposed... It will be in a matter of time, trust me. All that is done in the dark will be brought to light.
Idaho farmers are taking some big hits from the government due to their water access.. They are risking their farms going through major droughts, which is going to be a direct hit to our food supply... Not to mention the bird flu, and the attack on chicken farmers... The attack on the farmers isn't new, this has been taking place since 2020. This is another reason why I am telling everyone to learn how to grow and preserve your own food. How do you control a nation? Attack the food supply, and the water rights and or water supply.. Boom you now have full control over a nation of people... The agenda is a one world government, one world order.... It almost appears that our own people are out to get us, which is why we all must be involved in what is going on. Just remember we are stronger together!!
Stay strong in your faith, and just know that the light wins!!! I see you family, hold the line!!