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Its Leo Season!!!

Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Monday aka Moon day?! The sun is now at 0 degrees of Leo, happy Leo season and happy birthday Leo!! If you would like a solar return reading for your birthday, please reach out to me. This explains what the year will look like for you! While the sun has been traveling through Cancer season we have been learning and fine tuning our new Psychic skills. One of my discoveries was my channeled writing. I have had many things happen that I have prepared you all for from my blogs. I haven't shared receipts on my socials, but should start doing that moving forward. I want to be very transparent with all of you, I wanted to focus on just fine tuning this new skill I have been developing. I take spiritual guidance very serious, and one thing I do hold very important is "do no harm". It can be very dangerous for people to be a loose cannon while also holding gifts like this. We are here to bring balance back in after the storm. Keep in mind we are still in the eye of the storm. I would love to hear the new gifts and skills you have been working with over the last 4 weeks. With the sun being in 0 degrees of Leo it is in opposition to Pluto Rx at 0 degrees of Aquarius. This can feel like the whole world is against you. Especially if you have dominate Leo placements in the first decan. Pluto only blows up what is not meant to be on your destined path.

We left Cancer season with a bang for sure! haha Yesterday Biden Released that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. I did see this one coming this weekend due to the International Court ruling on friday that the acts against Gaza were Crimes against humanity and anyone that has been assisting Israel will be charged with Crimes against humanity. This includes the USA... This is the same court that did the nuremberg court cases. Now I can see this just being the beginning to the fall of the Biden family.. I'll tell you why. With the International Court ruling to protect Gaza from war crimes, aka crimes against humanity, we could see Biden and his administration be tried and put in jail... Now you know why they are fighting so hard to make changes at the last minute. Due to this ruling, they didn't have a choice but to force him to step down.... He of course endorsed Kamala to be the Democratic nomination for the 2024 presidential race. I'm not sure if she will also be charged with crimes against humanity due to being Vice President with this ruling with the International Courts. I'll be very frank with you, I don't know how she wouldn't be charged with crimes against humanity. Keep an eye on this court, and what they decide to do after this ruling on friday. Im shocked that Ukraine has not been investigated and the same thing said about that war. It smells just as bad as Gaza. I have been trying to prepare Christians that they were being used to support Genocide based on their Religious beliefs in blindly supporting Israel. The God I serve doesn't support murder of any forms, this includes WAR..... Just remember the 10 Commandments: one in particular, "Do not Kill".... They have been playing Christians to get their full support for genocide. This is the EXACT same thing that happened in WW2.... I did tell you all to hold onto your britches, that there would be many twist and turns by Monday. So far Gavin Newsom, The Clintons, and Biden have endorsed her to be the next DNC nomination. We have also had Obama step in and say that the DNC needed to put a proper candidate in this position. As I have mentioned before, there is major panic in the DNC on what to do. Keep in mind this was their plan all along to be able to steal another election. This isn't the first time this has happened, it's time to wake up to the soft civil war that has been taking place for the last 5 years. Its just now obvious that it's been happening that long. The veil is very thin, which is forcing them out of the shadows to show you who they really are and what they are truly doing behind the scenes. I have been very firm about the Saturn lesson in Pisces is connected to WAR!! We are now seeing the Karma of Saturn be delivered through the International Court of War Crimes. In order to end the age of Pisces fully and step into the Age of Aquarius, we must first learn the extreem lessons of War and what it does to humanity. Healing must take place before we can usher in the new Age of Aquarius. It's coming, I just need you all to hold the line a little longer. Keep believing that God has the divine earth angels in the right position. We are seeing glimpse of this little by little. Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered!!!

We still have Venus at 13 degrees of Leo, and Mercur at 27 degrees of Leo. We have a lot of fire energy in the transits. As I have mentioned before, pause before you react to anything. This is going to save you so much trouble in the long run. Pause and take a deep breath, especially now that the Sun has joined the party with Venus and Mercury. Leo is the star of the show, the performer. What do you want your legacy to be? How you respond will be how others see your legacy. Do you want to be known for your heart, which Leo also represents. Or do you want to be known for the dramatic ass hole that is a narcissist? We get to choose how we show up, and the impression we leave on people. The true test of a lightworker is the impression they leave on others. Are you here to be of service and guide humanity through these crazy times? Or are you using your words as a weapon and seen as the loose cannon in the public that causes more harm than good? You want to pick the highest ocitive of this Leo energy. No one likes a narcissist ass hole that gaslights everyone... Choose the role you wish to play wisely. With this being a karmic year, it's not going to end well for those that pick the lower vibration of this Leo energy. I mean the Democratic party and MSM are great examples of this. It's your choice on how you show up, and the impression you leave people with. You can be honest and set boundaries wo being a ass... It is possible to do.

The moon is now at 14 degrees of Aquarius, in a trine with Jupiter at 12 degrees of Gemini. Only the facts and truth will be what's left standing once Pluto brings the towers to everything that has been built on lies... The chains of slavery will be broken, to allow for humanity to usher in heaven on earth. This is God's promise to humanity. This is what is up next, and the dark knows this. Which is why they are fighting so hard to win the presidency. They want WW3... They want souls to claim for their side. These are some very hard truths to accept. This is not on my timeline, and we will see the falling of the old guard, as we move through the next few months. Back in the fall of 2023 I told everyone that I wasn't following anyone that was going to war, because that is not the direction I am goin in.. I meant what I said. That isnt my timeline, because I am aware of the Saturn lesson we all must learn and heal from.

Chiron at 23 degrees of Aries, is in a trine with Mercury in 27 degrees of Leo. This is what is brining the news of Crimes against humanity. I have been preparing you for this for several weeks because it is the storm that is brewing in the background. This is what the media doesn't want you to know, which is why it's not bing spoke about. They want you to believe that WW3 is about to break out, and it's going to be hell. That is the darks agenda, for sure. However we are stronger than they are, and this darkness will be brought to light, mark my words. Too many people around the globe has witnessed the truth of what's really been going on behind the scenes. I did a podcast on my youtube channel about this back in January of this year with my friend Ashley. Please check it out. This will help you to see more of what has been going on, and what will need to happen in order for us to move forward. The toxic masculine has been put on blast, and will be exposed in divine timing. Just remember to HOLD THE LINE!!! We are stronger than they are and hold the power to change our reality, facts! This is because we have God and the Divine on our side.

Jupiter at 12 degrees of Gemini is in a trine with the south node at 9 degrees Libra, this is what is bringing this news about Crimes against Humanity to light in the legal system. White Moon Selenia is now at 5 degrees of Gemini also working into the the Trine with the South Node, along with Pluto and the moon. Mars is now at 1 degree of Gemini also in this same trine with Pluto and working into the Trine with the South Node. Mars is activating this darkness in order to bring it to light. Only the truth and what the Divine has in store will be what is left standing in our Corporate structures around the Globe. I am very aware that it looks VERY dark and uncertain at this moment. Please know we are having to bear witness to the darkness in order to know what must be changed for the good of humanity.

All of these twist and turns have been a result to the Mars and Uranus (at 26 degrees of Taurus) Conjunction that took place on the 15th. I know I have had many twist and turns in my own personal life. We will see this energy start to slow down, now that the separation between these two planets are taking place. Uranus comes in with rapid swiftness, and it's best to just roll with the energy. It can feel like an extreme roller coaster, so buckle up and hold onto your britches!!! The ride will come to and end very soon! With Uranus, its best to hold on loosely. That way it doesn't feel like it's dragging you all over the place!

The best way to work with the Astrology on a personal basis, is please take full control of your thoughts and the words you speak. Some of you this is your superpower, and the words you speak become your reality. Are you giving your power away to the dark by focusing on all of the dark? Or are you giving your power to the Light, and speaking blessings into your life? This full moon lunation cycle is going to highlight the areas you may need to work on. Just remember that our karma is coming back instantly. This started for me in 2021 when I started walking the split of the two worlds... Some of you are getting your own karma, and blaming it on dark magic or playing the victim. While others of you are seeing that it is your own actions with your words and thoughts that's creating your reality, for those of you that see your role, acknowledge the lesson and let it go. This is a sign that it's time to level up, you passed the Saturn test! Just remember "it's not happening to me, but for me" and "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". It's time to get serious about the role you play in your own suffering, and level the fuck up!!! I believe in you! Reprogramming your mind and thoughts is one of the hardest lessons to learn and master, however it is possible and can be done.

Im sending you all my love today on this epic moon day Monday!!! Just remember to hold the line, the light is in full control. The Schumann was 29-37 yesterday and is currently blacked out. This is due to even more light flooding in. Many of you know that this is how I gage what's happening, and evidence that the light is always in control when it is this high. Keep working on you, it's the most important thing you can be working on right now!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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22 jul 2024

Tune in Age of Pisces Episode 5 mentioned in today's blog "It's Leo Season!!!" 7/22/24

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22 jul 2024
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Thank you so much for sharing sister!!! 😘

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