Hello beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Saturday aka Saturn's Day? The Sun is at 25 degrees of Leo working into a square with Uranus at 27 degrees of Taurus, and Mercury Rx is 27 degrees of Leo is in a exact square with Uranus The moon is 1 degree of Aquarius, and just crossed over Pluto Rx. Venus is at 15 degrees of Virgo working into a Square with Jupiter at 17 degrees of Gemini. Saturn Rx at 17 degrees is working into an opposition with Venus.. Today is just one of those days.. Lots of opportunities of growth for sure! Just remember to flow, and it is not happening to me, but for me. The best way to walk through these transits, is to pause and remember that everyone else is feeling this energy too. We are all feeling it, just in different areas. The biggest thing I want to talk about is this Saturn/Venus opposition. Saturn is the planet of restriction, work, time, karma... Venus rules our money and relationships. It can feel like things are being blocks as far as money goes. Keep in mind with mercury retrograde on top of this, this is where our past will come back around to see if you have learned the lesson. This can show up in your intimate relationships, friendships, family, business partners, or even random strangers. Do you always have the same karmic loop with all of your friends? Or are you stuck on a karmic wheel with dating the same type of person? This is when the same thing you have always done in the past needs to go out the damn window. Most of the time (no pun intended lol) that will be a lovely karmic lesson we are meant to learn and move on from. Neptune Rx has removed the rose colored glasses and see things just as they are.
Today has some very intense aspects, and we will continue to see more of them as we build up to the Aquarius Full Moon.. It is going to be intense. Heading to my market this morning there was an horrific wreck on the interstate.. You couldn't make out the cars, that bad. They had one side of the interstate shut down completely, redirecting traffic... This is why I will always tell everyone to call in divine protection, all day every day! This is what they are here for... With all of the squares, mercury retrograde, and Mars in Gemini it is a perfect storm for accidents to happen. This is why I have been telling everyone to pause, slow down, slow and steady wins the race. I see squares as pressure points. Where a big lesson aka accident can arise. Also listen to everything your guides are telling you to do!! Divine detours also happen in hard aspects like what is going on. Doors will close, and others will open to redirect you to your next path, or set of divine lessons. We are all doing this on a soul level.
Yesterday I came across another Indian speaking about what had just happened in California 2 days ago. There was a 12 foot long Oarfish aka Doomsday fish wash up on the shore of San Diego. It is the 20th one to show up on the coast of California since the early 1900's... This fish lives in the bottom of the ocean and can get up to 30 feet long. Due to Japanese folklore, this is a sign of a major natural disaster to come, possibly earthquakes. Now I have shared with all of you that there are people preparing for mega quakes. If you live in California, please listen to your spirit team.. Especially those on the shorelines, because a Tsunami.. There has already been two earthquakes... Due to the gentleman I watched, he said it could be anywhere from 3-5 days of its appearance before another one hit. The next one will be bigger than the other two. The reason why this is Japanese folklore, is because it happens when they show up. The animals are telling us exactly what is going on if we just watch them. Even news articles wrote about this folklore, but never sent a warning out to people that this could be real or true. I said 6 months ago that this exact thing could happen. This is not to push fear, but to encourage you all to listen to what your spirit teams are telling you.... Now you add all of this to what is going on at yellowstone, I have been trying to send all my energy in this direction to help calm down the Root Chakra, and send healing to the land. Please lets send more healing to the land!
I have been so focused on California, I haven't had a chance to even check on the Hurricane.. Instagram took out my guys I have always followed that kept me up to date on my weather. I'm sure my feed looks wild to anyone that isn't me lol.... Astrology, farming, psychology, herbalism, cards, sacred geometry, weather, and my news sources.. Gotta throw a little humor in there!! But back to my whole point, instagram has removed some of my main people I have been following for the last two years. I knew they were going to start at the top and work down. That is strategic war tactics. So I had to pause and look up information to see what was going on, and it looks like Ernesto is going to make a hard right and go north away from the US. It made landfall in the Bermuda Triangle just earlier today. It was a Cat 1!! Yall are some badass earth healers, and it's a honor to know all of you!!! I knew we were going to be busy, I did tell you all this last year!
I am going to keep this one very short.. Its 9:11 and It's been a very long day! You are amazing, and I love you!!! Just remember to HOLD THE LINE!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd