Hello beautiful soul family!!! How is everyone doing on this amazing Wednesday aka Mercury day? The sun is now at 22 degrees of Leo, the moon is 18 degrees of Sagittarius, and Chiron Rx is at 23 degrees of Aries. We are in a grand Fire trine right now..... There is alot of fire in the skies speaking beautifully to us. Just remember Chiron is our deepest wound, but also our superpower. In walking my journey of discovering who I am and what Im here to do. I have chiron in the 10th house. Aries rules my 10th, while I have chiron in Taurus. I am meant to be publicly seen as a healer. In fully surrendering to my divine path and role, and learning how to heal some very deep wounds that have been publicly seen, these wounds are meant to heal those that are drawn to me. Once I fully owned my chart, I could fully see myself clearly and find my way through everything that has ever happened. It was like fully finding acceptance. Due to being able to see the full picture and finding acceptance in knowing things had to be as they were, is such a blessing... Which means more healing!!
I have been sharing parts of my journey of what happened to me the last time Jupiter and Mars met back in May 29, 2022.. I found my divine work, and David lead me to it. And I was ran out of town for showing up to "Please Dont Trip" to work beside him. I had to be forced to be out west, due to not being able to come home... It all had to happen that way. Remember I had a football game I was meant to show up to? I took many hits for choosing to step into my role, which I was destined to be in. I was meant to walk through something that was meant to break my soul, in order to live to give testimony. I personally know the disruption these two planets meeting can bring. Was it soul wrenching? Yes it was. Did I feel like I was dying? Yes I did..... The intentional hits did hurt, deeply. I also knew it was for a reason bigger than me. I knew who I was, and I knew my role as a healer. I will always hold space for healing, because I am a healer. I know healing can take place... I also know when I have to set boundaries, and say no.
Since everyone has been working on building their super powers during Cancer season, what are some new things you have been discovering? For me, I had to start being mindful of what I was writing. In discovering my channeled writing, I did have to question if it was channeled or was I too falling into the loop of giving my own power to the dark? If there is one thing for sure, I will pause and check myself faster than most will. I do strive to live and be what I say to others. I love to do this during mercury retrograde. I will check myself daily.... Am I fully in line with who I say I am. I am also human and can feel the earth, and do know when we need to direct our energy in the direction that it is needed to go in. I am always keeping a close eye on everything going on, in order to give you all an update.
Let's talk about some of the things that Uranus has brought to light with some of the AI... So far both VP's Wikipedia has been changed.... Vance has had his military awards removed... While Waltz has had things that didn't happen added to his... Allegedly he is being accused of "stolen valor". Now if Bill Clinton's was changed with that certain friend, I'm sure they would or could change the information at any moment they wanted to. That does create some distrust with in the collective. I have witnessed myself how things just get "removed". I would also like to share something I came across that caught my attention. There was a gentleman on Tiktock that shared he was working 12 hour days 7 days a week installing the electrical wires for robots at a Tesla plant.... He was fired shortly after sharing that video. Not to mention the backlash from Trump and Elons interview on X... Boy that has really triggered the whole world. It has been the most listened to interview around the Globe. Ive not listened to it, I'm not a huge X supporter.. I do have an old twitter account that was banned.. I also came across another gentlemans video sharing that a Tesla had wrecked into his home an a tow truck showed up with in 3 minutes after the wreck to get the car. I also saw another video of one driving itself in a parking lot. I wouldn't own one knowing what is going on in the skies, but that is just me.
It does feel like the world is changing at a rapid pace. I want to share some magic with all of you. Yesterday after uploading my video calling in the Angels, there has been so much magic and peace around. Its working. I can feel it deep within me. I had a conversation with a friend of mine about how amazing it is to see instant results of the Divine showing up. Like it gives me chills every single time. Continue to send healing to the Root Chakra of the Earth. Also to the Masculine & Feminine Hearts, and The Third Eye, and Throat Chakras. The more we can bring our focus back to the land, more healing happens at a rapid pace.
I am sending you all of my love today and always. Spend some time today going over all of the things that have been showing up in your life that is building you up for your main character aka Leo lead role. Your chiron wound is your superpower, just remember that! The wound must happen in order for you to gain the knowledge, wisdom, and healing codes. Those of us healing generational karma and trauma, I see you!!! I feel you!!! You were the chosen one for the position! It can be done! Healing can happen. Change can happen! Continue to believe in the good of humanity. Continue to believe in the light. And whatever comes next from the ones pushing fear, please say NO!!! Continue to HOLD THE LINE!!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd