Grand rising beautiful soul family. How is everyone doing on this amazing Thursday aka Jupiter's day? I want to remind everyone that we are still in the energy of the Capricorn Full Moon Lunation Cycle. It is all about letting go!!! With today being Jupiter's day, today is a great day to do a spiritual cleanse. On Thursdays I love to do a salt cleanse, which consist of washing our hands with salt. Salt is a very powerful cleansing tool that can be used to protect your doorways, windows, and can also cleanse the energy of your aura. I will also do this salt cleanse on Saturdays and Tuesdays. The reason I choose to do this on these days, is because I am also using the energy of these planets to enforce the intentions I am setting during the full moon lunation cycle. Jupiter is direct, and is able to expand the intentions you are setting today to cleanse your Aura and also space. Spiritual hygiene is going to be key in protecting your energy. Get some salt, and put it in your left hand; you want to fill up the palm of your hand with the salt. Turn the water on, and get the salt wet. I use counter clockwise movement with my right hand in the palm of my left hand and say : "with this salt, I cleans my path of any dark energy, witchcraft, evil eye, dark magic that may be blocking the flow of money". Say this 3 times as you are moving your right hand in counter clockwise movements in your left hand. Once you are done, rise your hands and say "so it is". Pat your hands dry, and you have now cleansed any blocks that are energetically blocking you. You can add more to your intentions if you choose to. I love to use salt wash to cleanse my energetic aura field. This is one of my staples that I will use on a regular basis. It is also a great idea to clean your space during a full moon lunation cycle. Literally purge old energy from your home. Clean, go through drawers, dust, all the things connected to moving energy. What happens when we stop moving energy in our homes, we get stagnant. Dust, others personal items, and old memorabilia will hold that energy in your home preventing you from being able to let go. You can also do an egg cleans to help remove any negative energy from your aura. Both can be very effective in getting the job done. Those of you that are sensitive to energy, you need to be doing this on a regular basis. You also need to be calling your energy back to you every single day and removing energetic cords. I am a psychic sponge and will become the energy I am around or in. It is vital for my own protection to be able to stay grounded in my own energy to keep up with my spiritual hygiene. Please get serious about your own cleansing and protection ritual in order to stay safe during these times, especially if you are an energetic sponge like myself. Keeping selenite wands in your windows, over your doorways, or even under your bed is also another way to ensure to keep your energy clear of any outside interference. I have selenite everywhere, even in my car. This is amazing to place and forget about, because you do not have to do any maintenance to the selenite. It is one of two crystals that you do not have to do anything to. Black Kyanite is the other one. I also keep this with my spiritual tools, and under my bed, along with being in my car. If you are not staying on top of your spiritual cleansing, you could delay your progress due to being under the influence of others energy. Energy transfer is real, and we often associate it with the energy transfer that takes place when we have sex. Sex will create soul ties, and energy transfer. Stay on top of your spiritual hygiene, please! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me, this is what I am here for!
Let's dive into the astrology, shall we? Today the sun is at 3 degrees of Leo, and we are slowly feeling the release of this Pluto Rx opposition at 0 degrees of Aquarius. You will feel this where the Leo and Aquarius axis is located in your birth chart. Venus is now at 16 degrees of Leo, and Mercury is now in the final degrees of Leo. This opposition has been highlighting the shit show in our leaders here in the US. When you think of Leo being the performer, think of everyone we are watching on screen right now. Pluto is brining the towers for all of those that chose to sell their soul to the devil. As I have mentioned before we are watching the battle between the light and the dark take place on the global world stage. Every single person that is supporting "war" or the killing of innocent people have sold their soul. Be mindful in who you choose to support during these times. I left a comment on Gov Bill Lee instagram post about his meeting with Bibi Netanyahu yesterday. It is mind blowing to me the amount of so called christians that support the killing of innocent people. Those on the world stage are showing you what they support in the things they are telling you. Bill Lee supports the killing of innocent women and children, but yet put a law in affect to not allow women to get abortions once a heartbeat is detected. This my friends is being a hypocrite. You can not say you value and want to save lives, and turn around and go take them..... Innocent women are dying here in Tennessee due to this law, and he claims to be a "godly" man, but yet people are dying due to his laws. He is clearly showing he supports innocent women and children being slaughtered. What part of "do not kill" does christians not get? War is not an acception to the rule. Yall really need to wake up and see you are being played by a wolf in sheep's clothing. I let my Governor know that he just showed the world that he supports the killing of innocent children and women. I also let him know that Tennessee did not support these proxy wars, and demanded the United States first. I got a little kickback for my comment, however it is my duty to use my voice and let them know they are not supporting my values or voice. Get vocal, and get involved. Why is that men are always the ones telling women what they can or can't do to their bodies? The Age of Pisces is coming to an end, which also means the age of the toxic patrochy is also coming to an end. Christians please start questioning the intention of those claiming to be christians but yet are in full support of war. Those people are playing you to make money.. Please wake up. It is my soul responsibility to call out the darkness when I know it is not coming from God. Please don't shoot the messenger! Keep in mind Saturn Rx in Pisces at 18 degrees is the Collective Global Karmic Lesson connected to War. Anyone that supports war of any kind, is pretending to be one of God's people. God condemns war and what it does to his people. God is love. God is the pure divine love from a child. God says. "do not kill"....
The moon is at 27 degrees of Pisces, conjunct Neptune Rx at 29 degrees of Pisces. It has felt like the whole world has been in a huge rebirth. It has felt like we have been deep in the bottom of the ocean.... So much has been thrown our way the last week... Shew, and it hasn't even been a full week since the full moon. The purge started when we started feeling the Mars and Uranus conjunction on the 13th. What I mean by purge, is the deep soul healing that has been taking place on multidimensions. In my full moon lunation cycle, I told you all to keep an eye on the water while the moon was in Pisces, Yesterday it was announced that covid has hit the Australian Olympic water polo team... Five of the women on the team has tested positive. I do question how many of them got the jab? Taiwan had to shut down to prepare for a deadly Typhoon (Gaemi) as it making its way to make landfall soon. Not to mention that this morning it was reported that Sharks off the coast of Brazil have tested positive for cocaine. What in the world is going on with the sharks? This is a Moon conjunct Neptune Rx moment for sure. I have so many questions, like who lost their shipment of cocaine in the ocean? How else could this have happened? They had to have lost a lot for it to show up in the sharks. But also how did they know to even test them for cocaine? This story has been one for the records... Goodness, now we need to worry about cocaine being in the ocean affecting the marine life....
Today the schumann hasn't been updated, it was 7 yesterday. This is way too low for me to be feeling good about the energy. How is your body feeling? When it's this low for me, I require more sleep than usual. Also be sure to up your protection during these times. We are going to have to work together collectively to bring this energy back up. The schumann hasn't been updated for today, so be sure to focus on your own energy. The more you do that, the faster we can collectively bring it back up. I get a little uneasy when it's this low, because it is the only time the dark can override the light. When we are living in the higher frequencies, the light is in full control. When its low, it does give the dark a chance to fight back. This can also be connected to it being a frequency war. Continue to hold the line, and know the divine angels are with us every step of the way. Focus on your own energy, healing, cleansing, whatever you need to do in order to bring your own personal energy back up. Your own personal work is more important than saving the world.
In my blog post yesterday, the one that was deleted, I had mentioned what was brought up for me after sharing what I had walked through. It was not easy for me to stand in my truth. It left me feeling very vulnerable, and exposed. In 2018 I was told that I was to write a book about everything I had overcome, and I freaked out. There was no way I could ever publicly talk about the things I had been through. Just no way. But God told me, that this was why I had gone through what I had. Little did I know in 2018 that my story was just beginning. I was sick to my stomach for months after being told this. There was no way I could ever talk about the things that tried to break my soul, and I hadn't walked through 2020 yet.... The healing had not fully taken place yet. I still felt shame for the things that I had walked through.. These are normal things for people that have had to walk through major trauma experiences. I had no idea that God was preparing me for an even bigger tower, with an even bigger story. Just two years after being told this, 2020 happened.... When we have chosen to be the ones to take the hits, in order to be the one to acknowledge the trauma and karma it can be very painful to experience. However breaking generational karma and trauma is what we signed up for. I did share not to long ago that we cant be angry or upset over the trauma that happened, because we agreed to be the ones to take the hits in order to transmute it to clear it for our family lineage. This work isn't for the faint of hearts, because you do have to take hits from those you love in order to have the "chiron" wound to then heal. This wound ends up being your superpower and your gift to humanity. The wound must happen in order for the healing codes to be unlocked. I was the one chosen to take the same hit that my Aunt Bobbie took from her dad with my mother. Unfortunately my mother hasn't been able to wake up enough to see that she did become her own father. She is still living fully in her wounded ego. You know the saying, "family members will make fun of you and kick you out of the family, when you are the one breaking and clearing their generational karma".. It is so true too. To take the hits that I have taken, and still keep my heart open has only been due to having God by my side. I give God the glory for the good and the bad, because that is the only reason why I have made it this far. As I have mentioned before, some choose to go to church, while others walk it. It's easy to cast judgement, but even harder to forgive those that have hurt us. When God says "vengeance is mine" trust me when I say it's so true. Give it to God, and let God clean house. Trust me it is going to happen. Keep your heart pure, and know that the divine has your back, even in the middle of the storm. God works in mysterious ways, and trust me when I say when you choose to walk the life of being more "christ" like aka accepting Jesus aka Yeshua in our hearts, God will hit those hard that choose to intentionally hurt you. That instant boomerang of karma shows up with a quickness. God has your back, best believe it!
I am sending you all of my love today and always. I do hope you have enjoyed my daily updates over the last few weeks. I so look forward to getting up super early to research everything that has happened in the last 24 hours, to be able to ge on here and give you all a spiritual update of what is happening around the globe. Just remember to hold the line, and work on your own personal energy.... This is the most important job you can do right now. The more you raise your vibration, the more your vibration instantly wakes up so many people around you. Someone living in the vibration of peace which is around 600 on the scale, you hold the power alone to wakeup close to 750k people. So if you live in a city that has a half a million people, it only takes one person to energetically wake those people up. Your energy matters, more than you realize!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd
I completely agree and appreciate the level of logic you pair with spiritual wisdom here in your daily blog posts. One of the most obvious ways these "playing in our face energies" is taking place is through the political and government arenas. These machines have been gobbling up our liberties for decades, been the source of countless traumas to which people were victimized through mishandlings at all levels, which has so eroded our sense of dignity and identity that many have been silenced and are now apathetic to be the change we need. They believe we are so desensitized that we will accept any low level of life as good. Well, they are wrong. However, breaking through the apathy and…