Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Monday aka Moon day? I had my markets Saturday and Sunday, and my soul has been refilled big time! It is like an endless source of energy when I am able to have my markets. I love connecting with people and sharing everything I know about Crystals and their magical metaphysical properties! I love to find unique crystals to create masterpieces with. I have several I need to upload to my website today and tomorrow, before my next market. Be on the lookout for my new designs to be uploaded! Ekkkk, I am so excited to share them with all of you! The sun is now at 19 degrees of Leo, and the Moon is now at 7 degrees of Scorpio... With it being Leo season, it is all about the lead role you are playing in your own life. You are the lead character, and you have all of your supporting actresses and actors working alongside you. Like for instance, a couple years I put together that I was "The Queen Bee".... During my time teaching (2011-2013) at the Paul Mitchell School in Knoxville, Tennessee my students would call me "Queen B". I thought it was cute, and very fitting since my name is Brooke... Little did I know that who I was, was being mirrored to me in my reality. Let me explain, in 2021 during my first trip to "Please Don't Trip" in Beaver Utah, that's when the Bees. started being very loud around me. They had a "B" on the side of the mountain, which I said was Queen Bee's Mountain. The large bee that was right in the entrance to the festival. I had Bee bandaids, and gave one to a dear friend of mine. I also picked a bee bottle cap out of a box, it said "Honey June" on it. Not to mention all of the Bees that would show up everywhere we went during the festival. Trust me when I say, spirit will get very loud with sinks, to direct you towards what you are destined to discover! Now you add all of this, on top of the Football game that I attended in 2022, just a couple months after "Please Don't Trip" the second time. Plus discovering that my North Node is conjunct the Beehive Cluster in my 12th house. It was like Bees were showing up in every single part of my life. Not to mention I was on my North Node line in Arizona, it was almost like that exact moment was made only for me... And to be honest with you, it really was only made for me. Sometimes we will fulfill the lead role of our own destined life, and not even realize it. In these moments, I am humbled at how divinely the way things will be rearranged and orchestrated to get you exactly where you are meant to be in divine timing. If I had been told that I must show up at this game, I would have over thought the whole thing. Instead my guides just guided me right to that very next step. This is where trusting your spirit team is going to be huge... They are the ones gently guiding you to your very next step. Just remember you are the lead role of your life, and you are learning new facets of your part you are playing.. Now everyone has Bees show up around them that are very close to me, its like the bee sinks spread out to them as well. It's so cool to witness!
This is where synchrisities will come into play. I know for a fact that if I had not had the sinks with David Palmer, I would have never even gone to "Please Don't Trip" the first time. The sinks that I had with that man were unlike any I had ever had in my life. I do feel it is fitting to share this part of my journey during Leo season, since David is a Leo. The sinks were off the Chain..... LIKE MIND BLOWING off the chain. He shares the same birthday as my mother, 7/23.. He calls himself Davy Crockett, I grew up where Davy Crockett is from. His Nephew is Nathan, my ex husband is Nathan, His nana shares the same birthday as my Aunt. Our Brothers have the exact same birthday too. At the time he had just started dating a girl named Ashley, and I had just had a falling out with a girl named Ashley at the exact same time (2021)... Like wtf is going on?! Of course I knew this was not common to meet someone that shared all of these divine sinks with. The sinks continued, leading up to meeting him in 2021 through 2022. It took all of these sinks with David, inorder for me to see that I did in fact need to be at the event in 2021 and 2022. At this time, he was still working with Craig, and he is a Scorpio. My mom is married to a scorpio... Like I said, the sinks just kept coming.... Just naming a few, trust me there was more! Again this had to happen in order for me to see just how important it was for me to show up. Had I not had all of these sinks to alert me that this was a very important event to attend, I wouldn't have show up. I'll be very honest with you, I almost didn't even introduce myself to David at the first event. I was scared to even speak to him after what transpired at the event.... I was going to leave and not even introduce myself to him, but my guides told me that he must meet me first hand so that is what happened. I was very skeptical of him, due to growing up with my Mother. I had lived and witnessed just how toxic a zero degree Leo could really be. They show no mercy when they want to destroy someone. Its facts, that's how Leos are, they are lions which are predators. These sinks continued, and even more of my journey was laid out right in front of me after the first "Please Dont Trip" festival. The first one was during the Gemini New Moon Eclipse. While I was there, I asked my guides to show me what my purpose was and what I needed to do. They told me to open the portal and secure the 4 corners with the divine angels and allow for those that are leading the way to divine union to be able to walk through the eclipse energy. So that is what I did. What most dont know is that "Please Dont Trip" was also being used to usher in divine unions. Every single detail was included in creating the event. Even down to the colors and the Bee theme. I do have screenshots to back this up from the creators of "Please Dont Trip". The next day, I did speak to several people that felt the portal open, and also confirmed they walked through it. It was pretty badass to be honest with you! That was the first time I had witnessed my work on such a large scale, and received instant feedback about it. What a magical trip... Holy smokes yall! I am thankful for David leading me to my divine work and path with all of the divine sinks I had to have in order to get me exactly where I was meant to be. There was a point in 2022 that I did feel that what had been done behind the scenes was not okay, since it wasn't shared publicly with those that attended. Leading up to the second festival was when I discovered the real intentions behind the festival.
Now I also want to add that "The Peace Dealer" Michael had also shared a movie that was a great example of what was to come. This movie is called "Jupiter Ascending", and in March Michael had told everyone to watch that movie, in order to have a solid innerstanding of what was to come. Just days before he told everyone to watch this movie, I was in the Amish store off exit 23 (Davy Crockett's exit), and purchased a Queen Bee plaque. Then I heard someone else mention this movie, and decided before heading to "Please Don't Trip" that I may need to watch this movie.... Of coarse I had so many divine sinks watching this movie, but I just took it as sinks and nothing more.. That is until after "Please Don't Trip" the first time and all of the bees that showed up, but also with Summer Moon Utah Wells going missing from my hometown.... As if the sinks didn't continue.... Like I really can't even make this up if I tried.. She went missing just days before the Summer Solstice... It wasn't until after don't tip the second time that I started to believe this was in fact a big part of who I was... And that movies could be made to predict what was to come. I had lived and walked the life as "Jupiter", and had no idea what to even do with this knowledge. I didn't want to tell people about it, due to them calling me a delu delu Pisces. It was during these times that Michael's Moon Messages were my guiding light to help me decode what was being shown to me. It took me almost a year before I ever told Michael about it. The last thing I wanted to do is experience more gaslighting about my journey. Of coarse Michael was skeptical, but he allowed me the opportunity to share my journey without judgement. This alone was such a healing moment for me, and I am deeply grateful for his grace and allowing me to share this with him. I have mad respect for Michael and his work! I will forever be deeply grateful for the healing that has taken place in just being friends with Michael. I do look up to him and have mad respect for what he brings to the table within the light community.
I tried to share this with David, but was met with some resistance from him on his birthday 2022 while in Vegas. I was in a huge battle with my mother, and the last thing I wanted was someone that mirrored her, I was more focused on a job at high vibe to be honest with you. David was a huge trigger for me, just due to the energetic resemblance of my own mother. I had just been ran out of town, and had nowhere to go just days before Dont Trip. Imagine how I must have felt getting attacked by my mother, and then David at the exact same time. Two Leo's going hard after a Pisces. I allowed for David to show me what needed to be healed with in me, which was my mother wound. I do feel that if David would slow down, and practice listening he might catch glimpses of God in the small details of sinks, but that is just me. I'm not hating on David, only sharing my truth from our exchanges. I will say the things he has said to me publicly was completely out of line, and he can appoliage at any time for his behavior. This has happened multiple times.. To gaslight me, and project his own issues isn't okay, before even allowing me to share my own details. Yes he is great at predicting somethings, however he and I have some things we do need to discuss before I will ever sing his praises again publicly... I was ran out of town for standing next to him at "Please Dont Trip", and lost time with my children for showing up in Utah todo my divine work. This is when the parental alienation started, and why I was forcefully removed from my kids lives. Keep in mind, David was also being attacked at the same time and investigated by the FBI. (more divine sinks) To be attacked after suffering great loss almost killed my spirit, which in looking back that is exactly what it was meant to do. It was meant to destroy me. We don't attack those that are working in the light, ever, or even make fun of them publicly. The reason why we don't attack those in the light, is because we cant see spiritual ranking... Or you could be attacking the one person that could be the missing link to your challenges. You very well could be cutting your own throat when deciding to go after someone, because that is really how God works in mysterious ways. Whatever you say about anyone could be your reality. So it is best to mind your words, and stay in line with the divine. Let the divine take care of the karma of those that do you dirty, the angels will hit harder than you ever could, trust me on this one. It is best to keep your soul clean, and allow for the Angels to take care of your dirty work and handle those that mishandle you!
With everything going on in the world today, I wanted to spend some time diving into how your lead role character will start showing up in the small details of what is being mirrored back to you. It will show up in the mind blowing divine sinks, trust me they will be mind blowing. You will not miss them, and the sinks will in fact be directly connected to your destined path. I was meant to show up in Utah for that festival two years in a row. I was destined to attend that football game in 2022.. These things were destined to happen. Im deeply thankful for Michaels guidance and progressed chart reading that prepared me for that exact moment in my life. He said that I was stepping into my Royal self, and to be prepared for life changing experience. He was right on the money with this reading. It blew me away even more. I have so much more to add to this, however Im going to close with this. I need you all to believe in miracles, and believe in the divine. My life has been a true living testimony of how God works through us. When you have a divine role to play, God and the divine Angels will make sure you show up right on time. Literally. While I was walking through one of the biggest towers of my life, I was also walking through my destined divine path. This is why I will always tell you all that not all storms come to disrupt your life, they come to clear your path. It isn't happening to me, but for me. I have experienced this, and know it is so true. My path didn't look like what I thought it would, which is why when we let go of how it should look and trust the sinks the angels will blow you away. The surrender really is the hardest part. I am deeply thankful for the mind blowing experiences that have been a huge part of my journey. Literally let go and let God lead the way! Its the only way to do it, trust me! If I can walk through hell and still experience heaven, you can too! That is how the last 3 years have felt for me.
Just know that I have mad respect for all of the knowledge I have gained in following David and Michael over the years. I am also very aware that we are humans, having a human experience here at Earth School. I do hope that David is able to grow through these times. I do not share my truth to hurt or cause any challenges. Trust me I have been very quiet about all of my journey. However there are some parts that have to be shared. I am only sharing my truth, and my journey. In being a healer, I will always hold space for those that have wronged me to grow through the towers. It is the true path of the light. It starts with taking ownership in the role you play in others stories. I'm not here to place blame or even play the victim, because neither of those things are of the light. I've only skimmed the surface of my journey, and do plan on sharing more details In divine timing. When I do share my journey, it is to inspire others to follow the sinks and allow for the divine to blow you away! You never know what you will end up becoming when you follow the divine sinks that show up, or where you will end up landing due to them. Spend some time reflecting over what you have been shown about your lead role character. What sinks have been showing up for you? Who is in the movie with you? Or even just express to your spirit team that you are ready to embark on your destined path of discovering your lead role character. Kinda like getting the script in the mail to read over before its time to go for casting. What has already been shown to you? The divine sinks are giving you clues to who your character is and what your next step is going to be! Listen and follow what is being shown to you!
I am sending you all of my love today and always! Just remember the battle is already won, God wins! Continue to hold the line, and hold love in your heart. The Schumann was 51 yesterday, I'm sure you have felt the big blast of energy flooding in! Get out and ground, and also remember to drink lots of water. Also spend some time taking notes about your lead role character that you are about to step into! Your book and or movie is in the making, and you want to be sure that you remember all of the details! Please remember to HOLD THE LINE, we are still in the eye of the storm!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd