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Last deep cleansing before the New Moon

Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Saturday aka Saturn's day?! Today is the last day of the Capricorn Full Moon Lunation cycle, and with it being Saturn's day, it is a great day to do your spiritual cleansing. Do an egg cleanse, salt wash, smudge, or whatever you do to maintain your spiritual cleansing. Use the energy of Saturn to close those karmic doors aka karmic energy in order to make room for your blessings to come in. If you need any assistance, or directions on what to do, please feel free to reach out to me and ask. The sun is now at 11 degrees of Leo while the moon is also at 5 degrees of Leo. We also have venus at 29 degrees of Leo, moving out of the square with Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus. Egos could be at an all time high, and we can see this playing out on the world stage with everything that is going on with the Military. With Chiron rx at 23 degrees of Aries, this is playing a huge role on putting the wounded warrior on blast. Keep in mind we are still in the eye of the storm as the world stage is set to bring all of this darkness to light. Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered.

Yesterday I caught Candice Owens video she streamed on her youtube channel day before yesterday. Let me just say, we need to extend divine protection around this woman for bringing so much darkness to light. She has been on a role, and if you have not had a chance to check out her podcast, please do so! She is leading the way exposing the corruption at the highest levels, and she has already been fired from her job at the Daily Wire for speaking out about these things. Back in the Spring, I did warn everyone that those that spoke out against Issy for the inhumane things they have been doing, would become a target if not removed. This has already started, due to so many accounts being banned for doing this right here. Lets just say that Candice brought all of this darkness to light in the video I'm talking about. Wrong is wrong, no matter what anyone says. This is a battle of good vs evil. And as we all know, the truth has been hidden from us for a very long time.

I'm going to be very honest with all of you, I have been preparing all of you for breaking news in regards to everything that is being brought to light. And oh my word, it has been flooding in like none other. It has been intense just trying to keep up with everything. Mars at 9 degrees of Gemini and Jupiter at 14 degrees of Gemini is still in a trine with the South Node at 8 degrees of Libra. Shew goodness y'all... Shit has been popping like it is hot in the legal systems around the globe. Let's dive into this a little bit, shall we? Yesterday Attorney General Andrew Bailey of Missouri filled a lawsuit against Biden and Kamala for knowingly transporting Illegals through their state. Per Mr. Bailey, it is a felony to do this knowingly and he is planning on seeing them in court. Yesterday it was also stated that Mark Z apologizes to Trump for flagging his photo as fake. Chat GPT has also removed the fact that Trump was shot, and when asked about what happened, the response is "an individual thew a projectile at former President"... So let's get this correct, Google is scrubbing the event.. Open AI is changing the details of the event, and everyone is just cool with it?! There is a reason why I'm not a huge fan of AI, and it is being shown to everyone right now why I feel this way. I'll go back to what I have said in the past, Atlantis fell due to this technology.... The exact same thing that is taking place right now with ascention, and technology. With this technology in the wrong hands, we don't stand a chance.. History is doomed to be repeated, if we choose to not learn the lesson. I am a divine light worker, and I only serve God and the Divine. The technology is not being ran by the divine right now, so I do keep my distance from it.. In these times it is best to observe and not absorb the energy.

I did share yesterday about the Governor of Florida issuing a state of emergency for this storm, that hadn't been named yet. Yesterday afternoon it was officially named Debbie... They are predicting that it will move up the Gulf of Florida and cross over the Carolinas and end up on the Eastern shore line. You all know how I feel about these storms, I've been very vocal about this for almost a year. These are not naturally occuring, and with how this has been handled, it has been shown that maybe I'm right over target with this information.. If they know what a storm is going to do, before it even forms or weather reports are made, then they are creating them. Just remember last year that the hurricane that moved at the last minute which it was meant to hit Tampa, where the bad gas had been distributed. We still have wild intense wildfires in California, and not to mention what the mining at the Cobalt plants are doing to Yellowstone. I'm so thankful that the Indians heard the call to stand up and take action to stop this from becoming one of the worst nightmares in history come true. I'm still firm on my stance that the Earth is going to respond to these things, and we are going to regret poking the bear just to make a dollar. It's truly no different than the crazy global war that is brewing in the background. There is no reason why we should even be in these situations, other than Corporate America wants to get rich on the killing of innocent people all in the name of Climate change or whatever they say they are doing it for.. When they stop doing these horrific things to the earth, and weather, I'll then and maybe then buy into the fact it's for my safety. However I'm going to be on the side of the people and bring awareness to these dark issues. There was a 6.8 earthquake that hit the Philippines yesterday... There was also a bridge that collapsed in Jazan Saudi Arabia due to extreme rain. They have extreme flooding in Saudi Arabia, it is so sad.

The US has sent even more troops to the Middle east to prepare for retaliation against Iran. Turkey is part of Nato, the US is part of Nato.. I have been doing some research to see what the rules are when two NATO countries have the potential to go against each other. I did come across a gentlemen that stated we are not to fight allies in NATO, for this can trigger all of NATO coming after us. In my digging this morning, I'm not able to clearly find these rules. However Issy is not part of NATO, and Turkey is ready to attack Issy. As far as the rules, and how this will play out I'm still digging to see what I can find. Will we leave NATO to be able to carry out the mass murder that is taking place in the middle east? Or will we come to an agreement with these countries and bring peace? Keep in mind as I mentioned above, Ego's are at an all time high, and that ego death can be messy and painful... It's still too soon to tell you, however it is very clear that Kamala is going full force to take as many people out as possible in pushing for WW3.... All of the leaders are in on this, all of them. I do not buy what we are being sold. And I do believe that these wars are being used for something darker than what we are being told. I have come across patients, that are for those that took the MRNA vaccine, in these they state that anyone that took them are now property of who ever owns the Patients. Of coarse I have set on this, due to is this even real and accurate information? Things can be hacked on line and placed there, and them be false... (just saying it is true, they can do that) Can you really change someone's DNA and they are now property to whoever created this? Is this why they did what they did in 2020 to be able to trick people into taking them? I have always felt that the Wars were to cover something up, either the fallout of the real effects of these vaccines, or organ harvesting. It very well could be both. And if these things are true, could they come and get those that took the vaccine and force them to go to war? What rights do we really have in these situations? I'm not trying to spread fear, it is all connected and just a matter of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

I want to go in a different direction this morning.. Last night I was thinking about all of this, and tapping into my Pisces dreamy side of my imagination.... Wouldn't it be wild if everything we are watching is a lie? Like seriously, think about this for a moment, humor me for just a minute. Its a well known fact they lie to us about just about everything.. This is true, we all know this. It is called the mockingbird media for a reason... It was built and made to bend and create the reality they want to create, we know this already. These are things that have been proven factual over the years.... It is also known that is why hollywood is based at the root chakra of the Earth, and why they push FEAR with the news. These are well known facts. They keep showing us the truth about Biden, especially with all of the weird videos that keep showing up of him, like last night when he walked on the plane after everyone got off the plane. We all know something has been off here since 2020, its never been so clear that someone is "Playing" Biden. I spoke about this with my first video with Michael, The Peace Dealer. What If they want us to believe the world is ending, so we bring this into manifestation? Only Gods people are able to do that, its also another well known fact. We are rolling up on the Leo New Moon, and also Lions Gate, and their timing with this Global war is lining up right with these events. Why is this relevant, well if people truly believes its the end of the world, they get their wish to usher in the end times. This is how spells work, this is how magic works. With the recent upkick with the mockingbird media calling everyone "weird" tells me that they are reaching to trick everyone into thinking its game over. However, we all know that isn't how things will end up going, especially those of us that are able to see through the smoke and mirrors, the spells don't work on us. Plus we also know that we are stronger than they are. Im saying all of this to say, yall continue to hold the line... I know things look very very dark, however God has divine Angels in the right positions to walk us through this. Just because it looks a certain way, doesn't mean that is what will happen. We will go through some intense changes this year, and just know its all for our greater good.. All of the Evil must be exposed and removed once and for all. Again, this isn't the first time we have gone through this collectively. The light always wins in the end, this is a fact. Hold the line, and know it will be over before you know it. We have been in the middle of this war for the last 5 years, and it is so close to the end.

Yesterday the stock market had one of the worst crashes since 2020. We all have known that the stock market has been falsely kept up, and it was just a matter of time before this happened. I have a feeling it's connected to the Gamestop short sell that Andre Tate lead a couple years ago. It is rumored that inside trading is going to come to an end with our elected officials, as legislation is being introduced into Congress. If this passes, this will in fact change the game.... No member should be allowed to have inside knowledge and make money off of that, it is illegal to begin with already. Do they do it anyways, yes they do. Hold on because more will be brought to light with this. WE all know that the monetary system is going to change, but they haven't shared this with all of us just yet. The new system is already in place and running parallel to the system we have now. I deeply believe and trust that. I've seen many suggest that XRP is going to be a front runner, while we also have BRIX that is also running. This isn't my speciality, however I do fully believe that the next financial system is up and running it's just a matter of time before they share this information with all of us.

I will be holding my Leo New Moon healing circle tomorrow at 2pm EST. You can find the link to join in my events tab. I'm late getting this uploaded, and will have it posted as soon as I post this. I want you all to let go of fear of the unknown. Let go of fear of endings. We must let all of this go, so we can bring more light in and be able to direct the way for what's coming in. We collectively are stronger than any dark agenda, best believe it. Hold the line and know the light is in full control. The Schumann was 11 yesterday and it's not been updated for today. Just remember that your energy is KEY in helping to hold and ground 5D into this dimension. Everything is always working out for me, EVERYTHING! I am sending you all of my love today and always! Moving into this Leo New moon we will hear more about crimes against humanity. Believe in the good of humanity. Have compassion with your brothers and sisters. Continue to have hope, and faith that God and the divine Angels are walking right beside us!!!!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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