Grand risings beautiful soul family. How is everyone doing on this amazing Moon day aka Monday? We had the New Moon yesterday, and now Mercury is Station for Retrograde. Venus alos ingress into zero degrees of Virgo. Lots of intense energy shifts. I set down to start going through my notifications to give you a daily update, and I have almost 20 notifications from just one news channel. I have been preparing you all for this shift, because I could feel it was going to be popping! My brain felt like it was still asleep when I got up this morning. This can be a normal feeling when mercury stations. The sun is now at 13 degrees of Leo, the moon is currently at 26 degrees of Leo, in a square with Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus. It can feel like we are trying to move with sand on our feet. Like we are trying to move forward, but just not able to move. It is the energy of the squares in the skies. The sun and moon is in a trine with Chiron Rx at 23 degrees of Aries. To say that things are firing up, is a understatement. With his square to Uranus, it does feel like things are on shaky ground. Now keep in mind, we have known for many years that the financial system was going to change. This isn't a conspiracy theory, they have been somewhat open about it. Even Trump has spoke about using bitcoin as another form of currency, his VP has many ties to cryptocurrency. This is where our faith is going to come into play everyone. We must have faith that the divine system is running parallel to what is collapsing. I know this might sound a little delu delu, however if you have been following along for the last 5 years, we have known there would be two worlds running parallel to each other. Do you believe it's the END times, or do you believe in what we have been building the new system right beside the old one? Everyone in the financial systems know exactly what is going on, and they also know what is going to be used moving forward. Trust me, they know everything that is going on. So with that being said, have faith that everything is working out. This is a HUGE test for those of us that know the power in manifestation. Especially moving into the 8/8/8 portal. I'm not calling it the lions Gate, and calling it the 888 portal. 888 in numerology represents abundance, 8 is also ruled by Saturn, so it will be a very karmic day. When you dive into the Gematria of this day, you will also find that 888 has many different other meanings. It does feel like they are in full blown mission to fool the masses, especially leading up to this day. I'll tell you why, it holds the potential to being a very powerful day. The Schumann was 34 yesterday, so we need to keep our focus on our own energy over the next 3 days. Keep in mind, they will want to throw us off, and have us believing that its end game, but it is up to us to HOLD the LINE!!! This is where blind faith is going to come into play.
The Indians are holding strong with their protest of the transport of lithium across the tribal lands, this is HUGE yall!! They are determined to bring awareness to this darkness. We need to continue to send them strength and courage to stand tall while they stand up against the injustice that has happened to indigenous people since the beginning of this great Nation. It really is no different than what we have been watching take place in Gaza. What has been taking place in the middle east, is exactly how this land in this great nation was conquered and colonized in 1776. When you do some research in what all the Native Americans have gone through since the founding of this Nation, you soon realize that genocide and the forceful removal of people on their land has been their play since day one. If you also dive into some of the business deals that have taken place in that area, you will find that BP landed a huge deal to start drilling off the coast of Gaza right before the attacks started. Could it be possible that the fight on "terror" is actually a mask for, we want this land to do what we want to do in order to make money and will take it by force? It looks a whole lot like what we have been doing to the indians since before 1776. You can even research this back to the Gold Rush in the 1860's, and the removal of indians off of their land in order for the military to start mining for Gold. If you read article 6 clause 2 of the constitution it states : "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding." This goes back to the Gold Rush, and the Lakota land treaty, the treaties have not been honored since they have been made. Do you believe the Indians are the ones breaking these treaties? It is the exact same thing that is taking place in Arizona right now with the blocking of the transporto of Lithium across the Navajo Nation. The Indians have their own laws of their land, and per the constitution, it is to be honored by the United States. Doesn't look like they have been honored since the beginning of this Nation. This is something to keep your eyes on, because it is going to be interesting seeing how this plays out. I send all of the divine Angles to wrap their divine protection around those standing up for the injustice that continues to take place to the Native Americans. Their voices will be heard this time around, best believe it!
I started preparing all of you for the climate change agenda last fall. With this tropical storm Debby that has officially made landfall in Florida, there has been reports of massive flooding, and tornadoes. This is exactly like what I witnessed back in January/February of this year in Panama City Beach FL with the 3 random out of nowhere tornadoes. When all of the junk is sprayed into the atmosphere, and then it is charged with frequencies of the cell towers, they are able to enhance storms, to manufacture things like this. This technology is out there, and you can find information on it if you dig a little. Not to mention the many whistleblowers that have stepped forward to blow the whistle on this. Now why is this relevant? Well again the powers at be want you to believe that the world is ending.. So why not create even more natural disasters in order to "sell" us whatever solution they have for it, which would be electric cars. I have mentioned already that the electric cars won't make it through this winter, and I do mean that. Right now the Indians are showing up with their stance against this. Just remember those that sell the fear also sell the solution. And if all of this fake modification of weather stopped, we wouldn't be having these extreme storms. Just keep in mind, this is all part of the 2030 agenda.... Yesterday I did a call to action in my broadcast channel on instagram, to send the winds and rain to the throat Chakra of the earth, which is in Egypt. The air quality is getting to be bad in all surrounding countries where all of the war is taking place. I did receive notification this morning that the Air is clearing up in Egypt, and I'm holding space for the rain to follow the wind. Emotions are high in that area, and they need to be cooled off big time.
Keep in mind that these squares are also going to expose the dark and support the light. This is how the energy works... Collective spells, and intentions also play a huge role too. Just remember you are the most important part of this process. Yesterday it was released that the US government accidently gave 239 million in development assistance to the Taliban since 2021..... Hmmm.... Did they just admit that they are in fact funding both sides of these wars? How does this big of an accident even happen? Not to mention last week they announced that we got 3 big terrorist back that were connected to the 9/11 attacks... You mean to tell me that 23 years later you round up 3 others connected to this, while they have also been funding those that have been responsible for these horrific attacks? I'll be very honest with you about this part, we are VERY lucky that we have not been attacked with this information coming up to the surface. We are very very lucky. Do you really believe that it took 23 years for them to find these men? And it was also reported that they would be sentenced to life in prison? So all of the Jan 6ers, have been locked up and treated like terrorist, but yet these men are not held at the same standard. Im smelling a coverup, and a big possibility these men are just pawns in their big plan to continue to drive division and hate. Something is just off with this.... In due time we will be revealed what was really going on, trust me.
Yesterday mass protest broke out in the UK.... A holiday inn express was caught on fire where immigrants had been housed. From what I have been finding on this, the protest have been escalating over the weekend. Not to mention the protest in Venezuela, after the election was in fact stolen. This does go right along with the energy of the transits. I have been preparing all of you for this darkness to be brought to light. Just remember things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered.
It was reported this morning that multiple brokerages are down, this includes Charles Schwab, Ameritrade, Fidelity, and Vanguard. This also goes right along with the astrology. It has not been reported what the cause is behind these being down. Could it be hackers, or is it due to solar flares. I'll be very honest with you. I feel we are in the middle of the financial switch that is taking place behind the scenes. This has been in the works for the last year, and now its time to switch it over. Is this something to fear, no... This isn't the first time that our monetary system has changed. This is happening on a global scale. I have a feeling Gold is going to be what is backing the new system. XRP is another system that looks to be on the rise as well. I'm encouraging all of you to have faith as we go through this change.
The mining of lithium is going to have to stop out west. Especially with what is going on with Yellowstone. Armadillos are showing up in East Tennessee..... These animals are not local to the area, and I'm now 2 for 2 in knowing locals that have seen them dead in the road. If you follow the animals, they will tell you what's going on. Im telling all of you that my biggest concern right now is this volcano. Especially with having the awareness of these animals being in Tennessee the last couple weeks. The Indians know this, which is why they have decided to step up and use their rights to stop this from being done on their lands. This holds the potential of being very intense for all of us here. Especially if you are close to Yellowstone. All Earth Healers, Gridworkers, and Reiki practitioners we need your divine help to assist in giving the land some relief. We also need rain in this part of the world too. This is a great area of focus right now with how the Earth is responding.
Yesterday it was reported that 4 million doses of fentanyl was found in a truck crossing the border in Arizona. It is on recorder being the largest drug bust on the border, ever... 4 million doses were found... Holy smokes yall. This is almost impossible to even imagine. With this happening, this tells me that the border is in the process of being cleaned up in Arizona. Things have been popping in that state. It does look like people are being the revolution that is needed right now! Continue to have faith.
The leader of Bangladesh, the prime minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and gone into hiding. There is also a widespread internet outage in Bangladesh right now too. This was done intentionally due to all of the protest that are taking place there right now. The collective as a whole is done with the extreme control of our government structures. This is being highlighted with all of the protest that are taking place.
Did you all hear about CNN using AI to make a fake photo of the Kamala crowd look like more people were there, then was actually there. bahaha.... So the ratings are so bad with Kamala that now CNN has resulted to making fake AI photos to try and trick everyone into believing that the US wants her.. We are in a battle for the mind and what you believe, because in the end this is how the world is created. Keep in mind that they must tell us the truth, and they will continue to get called out when fake AI photos are generated. This is now the second time that CNN has lied to people over the last couple weeks. Like literally busted and caught making fake stories up to sell to the public. STOP listening to the mockingbird media yall.... She isn't doing as well as they pretend that she is. Trust me on this one, she isn't liked by the masses. Too many have awakened to the fact that we are living through a Kamala Presidency. We know Biden isn't the one running anything... Someone is playing him,and it has never been so obvious. If she was doing so well, they wouldn't have to lie about how many people showed up to her event. IJS...
I am sending you all of my love today!!! Continue to hold the line, and have faith in humanity. Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered. WE are more powerful than any dark agenda there is. Best believe the Angels and God are with us right now!!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd