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Writer's pictureBrooke

Moon Day Monday Y'all!

Hello beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Moon day Monday? I hope you all are doing well! I've tried to set down and write several times today and the words were just not present. It does feel like things are about to start amping up big time tho. What many are feeling is the next shift of mercury turning back on.. Shew, I am deeply thankful for that. It's not that this retrograde has been bad, I've just felt it more than I really wanted to. I do feel it makes it a little harder to get into my channeled flow while its retrograde, this maybe due to where the retrograde is taking place for me in my birth chart. Either way, I am deeply looking forward to this cycle coming to a completion very soon! We have less than two days to go when Mercury Stations Direct. This will take place on 8/28/2024 at 17:14 EST time. Keep in mind we will still have mercury shadow period until 9/11/2024 at 19:52 EST. Today I decided to channel my energy in a different direction. I will say that when I feel things get stagnant, I will change things up naturally. Its my natal mercury and moon in Aquarius that will bring this on. It can be a blessing and a curse. I do feel I can change things up before I really give things an opportunity to grow. Then there is the other side of it, holding onto too long to things that really should be let go of! Right now if you need to change up your routine, do it. If you need to change up your diet, do it. Listen to what you are being called to look at and reexamine. I have felt a big "pause" in the energy, however it does feel that as soon as Mercury stations and starts to speed back up that things will start to move. We are working out of the squares more with Jupiter and Saturn, and Mars and Venus. So it does feel like things are starting to open up more. Continue to hold the line, Continue to believe in the good of humanity! The Schumann is 71 today, so listen to what your body is needing. I did spend some time making my space clean and tidy. This is great to do leading up to Tuesday, which is Mars day. Tomorrow will be a great day to do your salt cleanse, clean your space, or do an egg cleanse. I love to clear stagnant energy out!

Yesterday there was an earthquake that hit Lisbon, Portugal. The founder of Telegram was arrested in France and charged with 12 criminal accounts. Today it was released that the California democrats are helping undocumented immigrants buy homes. Hey why not?! It was also reported that there has been an upkick of covid cases since the DNC..

It was also reported today that the western media can be held accountable for genocide for lying about what happened on October 7th in regards to Issy and Gaza. I've not touched on this in a bit, because cancel culture is real for even addressing these topics.

I do want to touch on the Jolly good ginger drama that has been going down on tiktock. Goodness gracious y'all, this drama has been wild. People are calling him out left and right. When you see how many are not for him, you start to kinda see the bigger picture. I will say that I've not ever been a big fan of his content, due to it being very wounded root chakra drama. Plus when you do the actual healing work, you follow more inspiring creators. That's just me tho... I want to be inspired by the people follow, or I need to be able to learn from them. That's just me tho, and I am very aware that we are all different and have different likes.

Y'all I have tried all day to get this out, literally typed on it all day. With Mercury about to change gears, I can totally feel it with my writing. Im sure you are feeling this energy change up too. Hang in there, and continue to hold the line! I'm sending you all of my love today and always!


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