Grand risings beautiful soul family. How is everyone doing on this amazing Thursday aka Jupiter's day? Happy Rabbit Rabbit, be sure to clean your space and blow cinnamon in your door for good luck all month long! You can also do the salt wash I shared with all of you a little bit ago. The Sun is now at 9 degrees of Leo, and Venus is now at 25 degrees of Leo working into a square with Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus. Jupiter is now at 14 degrees of Gemini working into a square with Saturn Rx at 18 degrees of Pisces. Keep in mind that Saturn is in the kill or be killed degrees, and with the squares mentioned above, we will have many opportunities to practice who we say we truly are. With the Venus and Uranus square, we could experience sudden disruption in our relationships and finances. This can go either way in the good or be presented as a lesson. Uranus can be very unconventional, and as we work through these squares, you could notice new people showing up in what feels like out of nowhere. Things can change quickly and very unexpected. There could also be towers that show up, to redirect you back on your destined path. When towers show up for me, I allow them to do their thing, and thank them for the opportunity of growth. Let's dive into the Jupiter and Saturn Rx square we are going to start feeling over the next few days. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, while Saturn is the planet of karma and time. It has been feeling like time has been slowing down to prepare for this Mercury Rx that will take place on the 5th, when you add that to this square, it can feel like time is slowing down while it feels like it is going to explode simultaneously. We can start to see the areas that we may need more discipline in with this square. Saturn is going to force us to stand in our power of who we are in acting with integrity. The more you can stand in your true authentic self, the easier these squares will be. I usually learn new spiritual gifts with Saturn Squares, so be prepared for new sudden wisdom over the next two weeks. With the Sun and Venus in Leo, we want to make sure that the role you are playing is exactly who you say you are. Are you the same person on and off screen? This is where we will start to see clearly who is walking the walk, and not just talking a good talk. When people show you who they are, believe what you see! Neptune Rx has removed the rose colored glasses, so when you see people, know you are seeing them clearly. Keep in mind, in moving through Cancer season, we started working with new gifts that we have been perfecting over the last little bit. The moon is now in Cancer at 6 degrees, and will square the nodes of fate a little later this afternoon. Emotions could be at a all time high right now. As the moon moves through the square with the nodes, it will start to trine Saturn Rx in Pisces.
With the moon trine that will take place a little later this afternoon, keep an eye on the water. We are still in the full moon lunation cycle, and emotions are running very high. Yesterday I did mention that I could feel this creeping up to the surface. It feels like "crimes of passion" energy. Right now we have the toxic masculine aka Chiron the wounded warrior running around with nuclear codes ready to blow the whole world up. Kinda a scary thought when you put it like that, however this is what we are watching play out right now. War and the ego's need to be right is extremely high right now. Keep an eye on the water, this morning I did see a notification come in that we had sent 12 war ships to the Middle East, getting prepared for retaliation for what happened yesterday with Issy and Iran. Canada also has a war ship off the coast of Taiwan. You all do know that I don't use these nicknames for disrespect, right? You do know that I use them in order to speak openly and not trigger AI. I just felt the need to share this with all of you. Things look very very dark at this moment, just remember we are stronger than they are. This is a Fact yall... Never underestimate the power of God and the Divine Angels. If you are told to do something, do it. Listen to what your guides are telling you at all times. Be prepared for anything, because the energy is still unstable. We will have to walk through this collective tower together. We have the divine on our side, which means we will win this battle between good vs evil. The angelic army is here assisting us every step of the way. It was shared that Iran issued an order for a direct retaliation to Issy for the air strike that killed Ismail Haniyeh. It sure does look like Kamala wants our kids to fight her wars... Get ready because that war will be here on American Soil before you know it with her actions behind what triggers a second Civil War. I do not support the killing of innocent women and children, EVER.... I don't care what color their skin is. I don't care their religious background. Killing innocent people is genocide, period. When you use skin color or religion to justify the killing of innocent people, is considered hate crimes. Hate towards a race and religions backgrounds. If you support any of these wars, check your heart. Supporting any of these wars, opens the door to war here... Be mindful in what you choose to support. Do you really want to answer to God as to why you were okay with the slaughter of innocent women and children? I dont...
As I have mentioned before in previous post, they want everyone on board with war.. If you agree to war, if you support the killing of innocent people, you won't pass the Satun lesson of learning what war does to humans. This is a huge soul lesson we are all having to walk through together. Pray for divine justice to wash all over the world.. I have shared that this is a global awakening, and the rise of Venezuela after the elections were stolen is just a glimmer of what's to come. The majority of the collective of people does not support the wounded masculine walk with war. This will continue to be highlighted as we move closer to the New Moon in Leo.
I want to dive into Mercury which is now at 3 degrees of Virgo. Mercury is slowing down to start its retrograde on the 5th, the day after the New Moon. Mercury controls our mind, cars, communication, and our community. It is also known as the return of the ex's... Block anyone you do not want coming back into your life. Retrograde season is when we get tested.... Did you learn your lesson about that ex in the past, or do you need to walk through the lesson again? When people show you who they are, believe what you see. The faster you work through the lessons, the faster you move to the next level. This is earth school for the soul to learn lessons, so it is in your best interest to past the lesson and move forward to the next part. We are clearing so much past life karma right now, so it is best to stay on top of your own lessons in order to move through this quickly. People from past lives could also be coming back around. This mercury retrograde will be bringing people together that is meant to be coming together. You want to have extreme discernement to be able to tell who is a lesson and who is a blessing. Mercury can be the trixter, so be sure to double check all contracts before signing them. Mistakes are usually higher during mercury retrograde. Be sure to call in your Divine Army when you travel. Do a gut check before you allow your past to come back in. It will only be as good as it was in the best of times. Mercury retrograde can have you feeling lonely and wanting to go back to your past, don't do it. Leave it where it belongs, behind you! The reason why the rearview mirror is small, is so you can keep your focus on what is in front of you, not behind you. Car challenges can also be common during mercury shadow and retrograde.
Mars is now at 8 degrees of Gemini with in a 6 degree orb of Jupiter which is at 14 degrees of Gemini. We are going to start to feel the buildup of this conjunction over the next week. Mars is in a sextile with the North Node at 8 degrees of Aries. It feels like shit is about to start popping off. This exact conjunction will take place on 8/14 at 9:29 am EST. We will feel this build up starting next week, after the Leo New Moon. The last time Jupiter and Mars met was in May 29th, 2022, and it took place in Aries. That conjunction was a very powerful conjunction. It can be explosive energy when the planet of expansion meets with the God of War. What was going on in your life during that time in 2022? Be prepared for many twist and turns to take place over the next two weeks. I want to also remind everyone that Mars is going to activate the seeds that were planted with Jupiter, White Moon Selenia and Uranus. Channel this intense fire and passion towards your goals and personal accomplishments. Writing is going to be very powerful during this time. The last time this conjunction took place for me, I was ran out of town. Someone tried to pay a friend of mine $500 to get dirt on me to come after me for false grounds to try and put me in jail. This someone was very, very close to me. It triggered the chiron wound within our generational lineage for me to then heal and transmute. This was something I didn't see coming. It blindsided me. I left town with one of the deepest wounds one could ever receive from those that were meant to love me. Not knowing who I could trust, where I could go, or what was going to happen next. Not to mention, how in the fuck was I even going to survive... My dad told me that it would be best to leave town for a while and allow for time to start healing what had been done. I know exactly who was behind these things, even tho if they are asked about it, they deny it straight to everyone's face. This person is very good at lying to save their face. But this is the thing, you can't lie to God, because God sees it all!!! Just because you think you can fool the masses, doesn't mean you can fool God. Me being run out of town now only killed me, but it created a deep wound with in my kids as well. I can sleep at night, because I know God is the final judge and God saw everything.
Keep in mind Pluto will retrograde back to 29 degrees of Capricorn on the 2nd of September. We will continue to see the Government structures blow up that is not fully in line where we are going as a collective. We all knew this was coming 4 years ago, that is when I first received the messages about this happening. This final degree of Capricorn will bring the towers needed to expose all of the corrupt darkness with in the Corporate structures around the Globe. Continue to have faith in humanity. Continue to have faith in the divine. I am very aware that things look very dark, this has to happen in order for the darkness to be brought to light. Crimes against humanity is what is being exposed. Buckle up and hold onto your britches. Hold the line, and know that God wins!!!! I am sending you all of my love today and always!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd