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Writer's pictureBrooke

Saturn's Day

Hello beautiful soul family!! How is everyone doing on this amazing Saturn's day aka Saturday? I had a market today, so I'm a little late giving an update. I didn't have service where I was located, so it forced me to pause on typing between customers! I will have to say, I love being able to set up and talk to people about God's creation.. Isn't it truly magical that God made the Earth, which in turn created these beautiful gems that give us so much back in return! What a truly magical thing to be able to be apart of! The wonders of this Earth have always humbled me. Like a magical sunset over the ocean. Or the smile from a new born baby. Even down to the random (or is it random) things that children will say. I have always been a simple soul, and able to find joy in the simplest moments. What have you done today that brought joy to your soul? Did you stop and smell the roses? Did they smell divine? What was your favorite moment of the day? Find more of those moments, and hold onto them. Build up a life where you have multiple times a day you experience these moments. You have to be intentional in creating joy in your life!

The Sun is at 18 degrees of Leo, and the moon is exactly 0 degrees of Scorpio as I type this out. It has felt like things were brewing behind the scenes over the last 4 days... It feels like a tea kettle that is boiling and it is about to go off. Literally. I have been behind the scenes pushing as much energy back into the collective in order to help keep the vibe high. I have also been intention and not being on line as much the last little bit. The reason being, is that my actions must mirror my words. If I'm suggesting it is a good idea for you all to do it, I need to be able to take my own advice. I have always strived to be one that will listen to the things I suggest for others, and know when I should mirror it for myself. For me and my walk with Saturn in learning lessons, it's best to be transparent. That is a prime example of doing the work. Which is a Huge part of our journey here on earth, showing up for ourselves just as much as we show up for others. I feel this is a great thing to focus on today. Especially with Mercury Rx at 2 degrees of Virgo, with Venus at 7 degrees of Virgo. It's time to take a mental evaluation of the energy you put into your own personal needs vs showing up on stage for the audience. Boundaries has been a huge part of my journey in learning how to establish them. Unbecoming a people pleaser can feel very selfish. It can feel like you are going in the wrong direction saying "no" to things you used to say yes to. Spend some time in deep retroflection over these things. Is your current behavior serving you? Or do you need to make some adjustments?

I am very aware that yesterday I dropped some major 'WTF" viewpoints. I did want to dive into it a little more. If we know we are in a spiritual war, and everything is energy, mixed with intentions which creates energy in motion. Your intentions are the most valuable part of this equation. When we are not able to see those intentions clearly, we must rely on other means of our senses to deliver this information to us. First and foremost if it feels dark, then it is dark. It really is that simple. We live in a time where up is down and down is up. Pay attention to who hangs out with who. Who is always showing up in the same places, and same behavior. We are moving into tribal times, and we will start to gravitate towards those people. It will feel like a magnet pulling you in that direction. I am seeing that those that are part of my hive mind, are getting the same downloads as me at the exact same time. It is wild to experience. Especially when you are able to see it play out in real time. With each new level, I am blown away at what I get to witness unfold. The reason why I have to share my journey when I speak about these things, is because if I have and hold the powers that I do, others have their own kind of powers as well. Just remember that we live in a dualistic world, where there is light there is also darkness.

The most valuable thing we have to spend is our time. Pick wisely what you choose to spend your time on. Are you spending your time serving the dark or are you spending your time serving the light. This is Earth School and we are here to learn lessons to clear our karma. This is a saturn ruled year, which is a very karmic year. Spend some time taking note of the things you spend your time on.. Is it serving you? I'm not speaking about your work, however if you do feel you need to evaluate that listen to what you are being guided to do. Mercury Rx in Virgo is giving you a great opportunity to take note of what is serving you and is your time being balanced in all aspects of your life. Work and relationships.

I have been keeping a close eye on what has been going on with the 'War" energy... I promise I will speak about these things, when it is needed. Right now I'm taking my own advice and being intentional on the things I choose to focus on. Due to knowing words are spells, and we cast them with everything we say. I am actively doing my part to make a conscious effort to change how I show up! I am a lifelong student, and embrace this deeply in my soul. I know I always have room to grow to become a better version of myself. We all can do this together!

I do hope everyone has an Epic Weekend!! I am sending you all of my love today and always! The Schumann is 13 today, so continue to hold the line family! If you feel tired, listen to what your body is telling you and rest. We have had some major influx of energy moving in over the last week. Today it could feel like a sudden drop. This is normal when we drop down this much in such a short time.

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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