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Writer's pictureBrooke

The calm before the storm!

Updated: Jun 22, 2024

Grand risings beautiful soul family!! Hows everyone holding up with all of this water energy? Are your emotions running high? Does it feel like you have reached a boiling point with how much more you can handle? It reminds me of a tea kettle about to go off. Today the Sun is at 28 degrees of Gemini, moving tightly into the Neptune square which will take place tomorrow. The moon is at 27 degrees Scorpio, and this is enhancing this energy of shit is about to pop off!

Idaho farmers are banning together and brining more awareness to the water issue thats currently taking place. Do you all remember in Maui, Hawaii right before the fires, all of the water was cut? I have received messages about damns braking for many years, and I do feel the more they try to restrict the natural flow of the water, mass events will happen in order to bring in balance and order with the natural flow of the Earth. We need the farmers to continue holding the line!!! This is vital!! Get involved and support your local farmers in order to preserve our food supply!!

Last night Putin had a meeting with Kim, the leader of North Korea. It looks like they are planning an alliance in moving forward with these wars. Now I'll be honest with all of you, this doesn't make me nervous, and I'm not picking up imitate danger with this meeting. Im a little more concerned about what is coming here as far as the draft goes, and I'll explain why...The last week I have been seeing many people speaking up about this, and in full protest of all of these wars. For many years we have been conditioned to accept sending our young men to fight these battles... It's the force of young women that I deeply feel is what is going to send people over the edge. So many people are NOT okay with this.. Continue to pray for peace, especially moving into the Summer season.

Yesterday there was 4.9 earthquake in Iran. With Mars at 7 degrees Taurus, as it moves closer to Uranus that is currently at 25 degrees Taurus, we can see even more of this happening. July 15th Mars and Uranus will conjunct at 26 degrees of Taurus. Uranus which can be the mad scientist, and a wild card, coming together with the God of War, could create a huge wave of explosive energy. The star Algol is at 26 degrees Taurus, which is also known as the demon star, and is the root word for Alcohol. This conjunction is going to come in hot. Be prepared for emotions to be high, especially with the Moon also being in Scorpio conjuncting Poseidon. There will be a very unpredictable mass event that will take place during this time to get everyone on board with global war. More possible cyber attacks, infrastructure attacks, or even war breaking out in the ocean. This can be worst case scenario... Best case scenario we have breaking wins for humanitarian response to the wars coming to an end.. Its a great idea to look ahead and start to prepare for things you may feel you need. Im holding space for a huge win for humanity, making it part of my daily prayers. I feel it would be a great idea to hold a global mass meditation on this day, to be able to counter balance all of this lower vibrational energies. We are going to need all the help we can get!!!

Justin Timberlake was arrested, due to driving under the influence yesterday. Speculation has it that he was under the Diddy party pack... Shew goodness I don't know how people do these amounts of drugs. Could this be the beginning to the end of Justin and being exposed for his ties with Diddy? Possibly... One thing is for sure, it's a great big club and we are not in it. Its time for all of them to be exposed, especially the famous Epstine guest list!

What if I told you that the drive to go to war and have global control was driven by human trafficking? The most expensive thing in the world is a human, and it's big business. This is one of the hardest, ugliest, darkest truths we all will eventually have to face. Just remember the battle is already won, God wins!!! Im sending you all my love today Soul Family!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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