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Writer's pictureBrooke

The Eye of the Storm!!

Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Thursday aka Jupiter Day? Just remember we are still in the energy of the new moon, today is a great day to do some intention setting with your bayleaf and cinnamon. The sun is now at 26 degrees of Cancer. Pluto now retrogrades back into 0 degree of Aquarius, and as the sun moves closer to Leo we will feel this opposition with Pluto Rx. Keep in mind that Pluto only brings the towers when you are not in line with your destined path. This is Pluto's role, to redirect us when we are going in the wrong direction. We started getting a blast of energy on the Schumann yesterday afternoon. It is 39 the last time it was updated on my website. This is a great sign to see, especially with everything that's been going on in the world. Jupiter is in a tine with the south node, bringing so much breaking news in regards to what's been going on behind the scenes in the legal systems...

Two days now this week while the schumann was so low, I have to take a very long nap. I did notice during the times I was forced to lay down, major breaking news hit during those times. When I'm needed in the Astral, my guides will force me to sleep. It is normal to get tired when the schumann is as low as it has been. Surrender and do what it is that your body is needing. Be sure to drink a lot of water with it being as high as it is today. You may also notice a change in your diet, listen to what you are naturally drawn to, your body will let you know exactly what it needs. Also know that when this much energy comes in after it being low as long as it was, you may experience ascension symptoms. If you don't know what that is, look it up!

Venus is now at 8 degrees of Leo with Mercury at 22 degrees of Leo.... With Mercury at the "kill or be killed" degree, this is the day to really set with the words you choose to use. Pause before you speak and ask yourself these 3 questions, first: "is it true", "is it necessary" and "is it nice"? With Venus and Mercury in Leo it can be easy to fly off the deep end and get very dramatic over the small things. Don't sweat the details, and know that you are responsible for your own actions, even in heated moments. True alchemy and mastery comes when you are able to control how you respond to people, even when you want to fly off the handle at them. The fastest way to do this is to get into your child like playful self, and live fully from your heart. Last night the angels showed me exactly what happened to Trump on the 13th, and they want me to share what they told me. I'll make a video soon and share what was told to me, it was very profound to be honest. We are witnessing history in the making, which is one of the best times to be alive, even tho it might not look like it right now. I need for all of you to believe in the power of the divine, and best believe the light wins in the end. God has the right people in the right place to do exactly what needs to be done. This is a great time to do some inner child work, remind him/her that she/he is safe. The key to your destiny is connected to your inner child. Spend some time today in deep retroflection and allow for this to be brought up to the surface for you!

Mars is now at 28 degrees of Taurus, in a 2 degree orb of Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus. We are still witnessing the exposure of the toxic masculine energy being brought to light through the dark government structures (war), medicine, and weather modification. Keep in mind back in March and April I did share that all of these things would have to be brought to light, due to us being able to see what must be changed, also I said that only what the light is going to be building will be what is standing after this conjunction. White moon Selenia helped to lay the seeds with Jupiter back in March and April with Uranus. Only what is truly from the divine will be left standing once this transit is over. Now this may sound scary, but to be honest with you it's a beautiful thing.... Everything that we have spoke about in regards to new earth, is the only things that will be growing from this point forward. If it's not from God or the Divine, it will not make it. Which means it's only a matter of time before the dark agenda crumbles to the ground. We will see more of it exposed as we go through the next Capricorn Full Moon on the 21st of July.

Yesterday it was reported that the Gaza pier will be destroyed... You know what this means right? That the pier served its purpose to bring American Troops in to attack innocent people in Gaza... The president admitted this with the removal of the pier. It wasn't built to help innocent people, it was built to kill innocent people. This falls under the category of genocide, and the American Troops took part in this, and the President lied about it. I'm not shocked he lied, it seems to be a normal thing for this administration to lie to the public. Kinda like Biden saying he didn't really mean for Trump to be put in a bullseye and almost taken out. The thing is they have to tell us the truth, its spiritual law that they do so, so you must use extreme discernment to be able to know what is truth and what is propaganda. As you all may know, this administration is in deep with a certain list, you know the Epstein list.... It has been made very clear that they will repeat history and go after who ever stand in their way to keep this very dark secret. Let's go down a rabbit hole for a moment, shall we? We have only had 4 setting presidents suffer assassination, Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William Mckinley, and John F. Kennedy. There was assassination attempts on Theodore Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump.... Presidents only get taken out when they propose a threat to the unelected branches of government. Do you see a common theme amongst these men?

Senator Bob Menendez is to resign after his corruption conviction. Biden also released a statement that he has covid, and would drop out if the drs say he isn't able to continue the race due to medical diagnosis that would prevent him from serving as the president. I'm going to be very honest with you about his situation right here... It feels like they are preparing the people for his passing, and I'll tell you why I feel that way. Being a Psychic Medium, I am able to connect to those that have crossed over, and also the divine angels. I can see spirits, if I choose to see them. I discovered this in 2019, and during that time I told my guides that I would only work with spirits that live in the higher 4th Dimension and above.. Earth bound spirits, dark angels, ghost, demonic spirits live in the higher 3rd dimension, and 4th lower dimension. They are not able to live, operate, or even reach the higher 4th dimension, only Gods army divine angels, and souls that have ascended are able to live in that dimension. Due to knowing this is how it works, I told my guides that I would only work with those that live in the higher 4th dimension and above. Once I set those intentions, I was no longer able to see the dark spirits running around on the earth. Why is this relevant, well I have not felt life from Biden for a very very long time, and his spirit is not able to reach the higher 4th dimension. If he doesn't make it through his recent diagnosis, this would be an easy way to change who they put in his spot for the DNC candidate. There is only a couple ways this can go, they just remove him or he steps down on his own, or he doesn't make it through covid. It's very clear that they do not want him on the ballet. Just be prepared for anything with this situation. Buckle up, we could see so many twist and turns with what's going on with him.

It was reported this morning that the Chinese president suffered a stroke, and their former foreign minister Qin Gang has been removed from the Communist party..... It kinda feels like key players are suffering some major setbacks. Just remember that the light is in full control and all that have operated in the dark will be exposed. It's a Saturn ruled year, and the biggest lesson Saturn is here to teach us with its retrograde in Pisces is connected to War..... I can see Saturn doing his job to bring the karma to those that are not fully in line with the divine plan. This will take place all around the globe... This awakening is Global, and God has a hand on the entire Earth. Now as I have mentioned many times, we will see major natural disasters before we see war break out on this land... I mean this with everything in me, so please listen to what you are being guided to do. We need all hands on deck earth healers. Those that are connected to Atlantis, and Leumaria know that what is going on now with the rapid development of the AI, the fall of these two civilizations was due to the abuse of Electronics. Kinda sounds familiar of what we are living in right now, doesn't it? During those two times, we were on track to raise the vibration of earth in order to break the spell and dark hold that the dark has had on earth since the beginning of time. Both of these times, we experienced great flooding and a reset of civilization. Again also sounds alot like what's been going on here in the last 5 years, doesn't it? Every single time electronice has excelled, we have experienced a major collapse in civilizations. It is also the same thing that took place with Noah and the flooding. I was asked to explain why I don't support the rise of AI, due to every time this has happened, its failed miserably. It is going to be interesting to see how this unfolds, those of us that know the history of Atlantis, and Leumaria already know how this story ends.....

The moon is now at 19 degrees of Sag, bringing even more fire to the party. I know I have mentioned this many times, and I do feel it's important to bring it up again, please be on top of your own energy. This is vital to be able to keep the schumann elevated enough for us to be able to control this tower that we are walking though collectively. Just remember that your own personal work and vibration is the most important work you could be doing right now. Get out and have some fun as you work on your own personal vibration. I am sending you all of my love soul family, continue to hold the line and know the light wins, God wins!

@Copright Brooke Hurd

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