Grand risings beautiful soul family!!! I do hope everyone is doing well on this beautiful Mars day aka Tuesday! The energy of today will feel a little easier than the last few days, which is a beautiful thing!! The sun is at 4 degrees of Cancer, and Venus is at 10 degrees Cancer forming a square with the nodes today. Since we are still in the energy of the full moon, there could be towers that show up with your money and relationships. Keep in mind, these squares being in Cardinal signs, you will feel the energy of changing these things. This is where we learn how to surrender and let things go. Remember what ever is meant for you, will always be for you! This square can also challenge you to take a hard look at how you balance self love, and also show up in your relationships. Towers only show up when we are out of balance in our relationships vs how we show up for ourselves. Mercury is now at 17 degrees of cancer, allowing us to really tap into our intuition, be prepared for major insight to be coming in with this transit.
The moon is in the 3rd decan of Aquarius. Later this evening at 18:30 EST, it will square Uranus at 25 degrees Taurus. Early this morning as the moon is moving closer to this square with Uranus, there was an 4.1 earthquake in Central California. One of the biggest things Uranus in Taurus is showing us is all of the natural disasters. We have had many people standing up to the extreme dangers of 5g, this is making me so happy to witness. Uranus is the great disrupter, also the rebel and the mad scientist. I can foresee many more speaking up about the dangers of the radiation and the direct affects it has on mother earth. In 2020 a tower was placed on an elementary school property in Oklahoma, and several children ended up with rare cancers, the parents had the tower removed from the school property. If you search for the news article now, it's been scrubbed from the internet. Which is a common thing for them to do, in order to hide the truth from the public. I did take a screen shot of the article when it came out. It should be illegal for them to do this. All of my earth healers, if you are guided to do any work, please do so. We are going to be very busy!! A couple months ago I did get warnings about earthquakes in California, so please listen to your guides and move when they tell you to move.
I have been preparing all of you for all of the darkness with in our Corporate structures that will be brought to light. Late yesterday afternoon Julian Assange entered a plea deal with the US to be released from a UK prison where he has been locked up since 2019 for leaking the DNC emails on Wikileaks. This is a huge win for the light team. Julian was jailed and locked up for releasing the truth, being a whistle blower and alerting the public to some dark horrific things connected to our DNC..... These emails were connected to presidents, and many other shady politicians. This is what ultimately exposed and brought to light pizza gate. I have been preparing all of you that the light is in full control. The dark is not able to be in control when the Schumann is at the frequency it has been staying at the last couple years. Yesterday it was 78, and the light is the only thing that can opperate when its that high!!! I would also love to ask all of you to set some intentions with me, to extend protection to Julian as he travels back home to be reconnected with his family after being separated from them the last 5 years.
Indonesia had a cyber attack yesterday as well. This is the new way of 'warfare".... South Korea had a major fire at a lithium plant... Russia had a major fire at a main defense electronic producer and research centers. We have also been experiencing these same attacks here on American soil. I do not believe these are accidents, and do feel its the new age warfare we are witnessing. We have experienced many similar attacks here in the US over the last 4 years.
Yesterday Apple released they are speaking to Meta about a possible Facebook merger on their new phones and operating systems. This is looking more and more like the mark of the beast... I have been debating on leaving Apple products, and if this happens, I will be purchasing another phone to ensure my data is protected. You will never have privacy again if this merger takes place. The government will be listening to everything you speak about through this integration. This is a hard "no" for me... I value my privacy more than having an Apple Brand! Which apple could be the mark of the beast, or at least the start of it.
I will leave you with this today, Just remember the light is in full control, and the darkness holds zero power now!!! Continue to hold the line, and believe that God wins in the end!! Im sending you all of you my love soul family!!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd