Grand risings beautiful soul family! Hows everyone doing on this Mercury day aka Wednesday? We have the sun at 5 degrees of Cancer forming a trine with the Moon at 3 degrees Pisces. Mercury is also at 18 degrees Cancer forming a grand trine with Saturn at 19 degrees Pisces and Poseidon at 15 degrees Scorpio. Venus at 11 degrees Cancer is also squaring the Nodes at 11 Aries and Libra. So what exactly does all of this mean? Let's dive into it, shall we?! Do you remember me telling all of you to keep your eyes on the water, especially during the full moon lunation cycle? There will be fated conversations connected to war and our legal system. There will also be conversations that take place in how you show up for yourself and others. Are your relationships balanced? With all of this water energy, emotions will be high, think crimes of passion high....You could also feel you are not being heard in your relationships. The thing about all of this Cancer energy is codependency can be an all time high if you are not able to demonstrate proper boundaries (moon in pisces energy). It's best to use this energy to focus on any old mother wounds you might need to dive into. Where are you giving at the sacrifice of yourself? Are your needs just as important as the ones that you care for? This will be a big theme over the next week, until we move into Leo season.
Due to being in the Capricorn Full Moon Lunation cycle, we will continue to see the dark underbelly of the Corporate Structures of the US. Jullian Assange has landed in Australia and reunited with his family. This is a huge win, please continue to pray for his safety, they wanted him dead for what he did. So to see him walking free, is a major blessing. I did prepare everyone last Thursday for God to work a little magic and give everyone a little hope, and sure enough this is some hope for sure!! The Schumann was 58 last night, and has been blacked out for almost 24 hours... We are being hit with so much light energy at this time. Be sure to get out and ground, do some gridwork, and drink lots of water!!! Just remember that the dark is not able to operate when the Schumann is this high!!! No matter how dark it looks, God is in full control!!!
There has been major floods in Iowa, destroying more farmlands, homes and cities. This is another hit to the food supply... Please start learning how to grow your own food... Become as self sufficient as you can.
I wanted to spend some time touching on Dr Fauci, moving forward I will refer to him as Dr Frankenstein. So when I speak about him this will be how I reference it moving forward... This is mainly due to AI... A little back story about this mad scientists, and yes that is what he is... Remember me mentioning Uranus in Taurus exposing the mad Scientist? Well this is our guy! Dr Frankenstein was born on December 24, 1940. He is a Capricorn Sun, Scorpio moon. This is where the mad scientist comes from. Being a Capricorn sun, he is all bout his corporate image, and this was supported with him being the highest paid employee at the White House... Capricorn is represented by the death card in Tarot (if this helps with the energetic image I'm putting together for you).. He makes even more money than the President, can you believe that? Now he is a Scorpio moon, and this is where the Aids epidemic comes into play. On the outside he looks very well respected and put together, however he has a very dark and twisted side to him that not many know about. He is also a Metal Dragon in Chinese Zodiac, so it does make sense him being exposed this year, being its the year of the Dragon. He also has Mars in Scorpio, which is where his drive to kill comes from. Not one thing he has done has been for the good of humanity, it has been driven by the pure pleasure in death. Keep in mind that scorpio rules death and transformation. It is the underworld, war, death, fighting, disease.... You get my drift right? He also has Jupiter at 5 degrees Taurus, Saturn at 8 degrees Taurus, and Uranus at 22 degrees Taurus. Now transiting Mars is the great activator... As Mars has traveled throughout the first decan of Taurus, this is why we are just now seeing him admit the truth behind his evil science experiments. As Mars activated his Saturn, which rules karma, he was exposed for crimes against humanity. As Mars moves closer to his natal Uranus, be prepared for major breaking news about what is to come with this dude. This will happen over the next week or so. Keep in mind that Saturn is about to station retrograde to start dishing out some karma, buckle up, because what is exposed about this man may make your stomach turn. A few months back the local news in Georgia announced a rise in Hiv and Aids cases, this was also recently announced in Memphis. Texas is another state that has also reported a rise in these cases.... This is the type of mad scientist Dr Frankenstein really is... The rise in new found cases started right at the roll out of the new experimental shots.. Could this be connected? It is very well known that he created Aids and Hiv due to the whistle blower Judy Mikovits being jailed for trying to warn people of this with her many books.. She has been bankrupt, jailed, and blacklisted for telling people what this man was doing... This is not medicine, this is genocide... I have been watching to see how this unfolds, but in the last 3 years we have had a sudden rise in new cases, and its not being discussed what-so ever. This is the exact same play that was used in the 80s.... He will be held accountable for Crimes against Humanity. I do feel it's important to add that he will have his nodal flip soon as well. The transiting nodes are 11 Aries and Libra. North node is in Aries, South node is in Libra. His natal North node is 7 degrees Libra South node is 7 degrees Aries, this is the year his whole world comes crumbling down and he is exposed for the evil he has participated in. The tower is brewing in his life for sure.... Timber!
Continue to hold the line for Peace to be ushered in... The reason being is that we are stronger than any dark agenda there is... What ever you believe will be what you bring into your life!! Its called the law of attraction! The light will win, best believe!! Im sending you all so much love today and always!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd