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Writer's pictureBrooke

Trigger Warning!!!

Updated: Jun 22, 2024

The sun is in the final degrees of Gemini squaring Neptune. I woke up to reports that Equador is experiencing a nationwide power outage. The day before Massachusetts had also experienced a state wide 911 outage. These are normal with the transits that have been taking place. I have a feeling we will see more of this. Is it naturally occurring, or is this a result of cyber attacks? We will discover the Truth as time goes on. I feel it's a mixture of both, due to the extreme solar flairs that have been taking place. I did warn everyone about these outages in my Gemini new moon update. We are moving into the Capricorn Full Moon, on 6/21/24 at 21:07 EST. This is going to bring to light the darkness in all of our corporate structures and evil government leaders. The next two weeks are going to be very intense. Buckle up buttercup, shit is about to get wild!!! Do you all remember what happened with Way-fair and Amazon a couple summers ago? Selling kids on their websites... You do remember that don't you? That triggered a second dark night of the soul for me. The selling and trading of children on the black market, horrific...

Late this evening the sun will move into the zero degrees of Cancer, bringing the Summer Solstice in. This is a huge ritual day, for the dark forces. Be sure to call in divine protection during this time. It is a great time to tap into gratitude, especially if you are not where you want to be. Set some intentions for yourself, and use the energy of Jupiters day to help expand the things you are wishing to bring in. This is a great day for it!

This morning Travis Scott was arrested for disorderly intoxication and trespassing in Miami. The timing of this I do find incredible. Do you all remember his concert on November 5th, 2021 at Astroworld where many people lost their lives? These are the kind of dark rituals I was refereeing to above. I know it may seem hard to believe that there is people out there that would make money off killing people, but then again not so hard to believe after taking a hard look around at what is truly taking place right now on Earth. This doesn't seem so far fetched now. Just go back and look at the video footage of the stage, this will paint a different picture of these people. The thing is they have to tell us what they are doing, its spiritual law. Its up to us to have the discernment to be able to see the truth as it shows up.

Yesterday the Governor of Louisiana signed into law that the 10 commandments will be posted in all public schools. While many are celebrating this as a win, I have my own feelings about this, and let me explain. Our first amendment is freedom of free press, freedom of religion, and right to protest peacefully. I can see this being used to usher in the one world religion. What religion would that be? Christian nationalist? Possibly.... No one should ever be forced to believe the way they feel doesn't resonate with their connection with God. Due to knowing that they want a one world religion, this does concern me deeply that those that believe differently will be attacked for not following suit. One world religion is right there with extreme communism. I feel I can say this, in being a christian we are never to force anyone to believe or worship the way we do. EVER!!! That isn't how God works.

I would love to touch on women's rights for a moment..... In Tennessee, we have the zero heart beat law where you can only elect to have an abortion if they don't detect a heart beat. Late term elected abortions are illegal here in Tennessee. Seems very black and white, right? Wrong.... Let me explain. Did you know that women are dying due to this law? Did you know that we are loosing unnecessary lives due to this law? Due to the law being written the way it is, if a woman has a miscarriage, drs are not legally allowed to do a DNC (which falls under abortion) and if the body doesn't reject the baby naturally women are dying waiting on the state's approval to have this procedure done. This is a HUGE challenge for women's health, because the state is taking their sweet time in approving these procedures to save lives... If anyone has ever had to deal with the state for anything, you know they take their sweet time. Now this is where I have a challenge with the medical field, why are they not going against the grain to save lives? Why are they setting back and letting women die, instead of saving lives? This is another reason why birth rates are dropping.... I get why people want to stop late term elected abortions from happening, however what about the women that are dying due to not having life saving procedures done to remove a dead fetus from the body? We will continue to see birth rates drop until people stand up and make a change. The law should accommodate both sides of this coin... I'll go back to what I mentioned before about the medical field, the medical oath "Do No Harm".......

God created the world full of different walks of life. Different Religions, Ethnicities, Heritages, Traditions, and Beliefs.... Who are we to say that our way is the one and only right way to believe? Just remember this is the Devils playground, and he is the greatest deceiver. We all bleed the same color.... We are all created perfectly in Gods image. Not one better than the other. Not one religion better than the other... I have had my own walk of being burned at the stake, witch trials burning, from those that are Christians. Its mind blowing to me at how mean they can be when you do not see the world the same as them... Yet they are not able to live a life like Jesus aka Yeshua. Yeshua set with the sinners, and showed them his true connection with God. Trust me when I say, God will use those that you least expect to carry out his divine plan. You never know who God is protecting and working through, because divine Earth Angels are a real thing. Just as Yeshua was a divine Earth Angel, also known as an ascended master! Don't mistake the Devil for God... God is love, God is free, the Devil is evil and wants full control.... Anything trying to control anyone is coming from the Devil. We are watching the fall of Lucifer right now... Just remember that!

Yesterday after writing my blog, I noticed that the weather in the Gulf was picking up momentum.. The war ships and subs are still in Cuba.. I have been looking for more information about these ships, and so far nothing has came up. Japan released a statement yesterday that they felt that Putin and Kim made war agreements... It's very possible that is what happened. In time, we will see what took place behind closed doors. I still find it odd that the weather is going crazy where they are all hanging out in Cuba... Just making note of it here for future reference. I would also like to ask, why did Putin give Trump a soccer ball? This keeps coming to mind as all of this is playing out. Such an odd thing to do.

I wanted to give an update with whats been going on with the Idaho Farmers... Did you know that the day before the water restriction was put into place that the near by colbalt mining plant had been given the okay to start mining 24/7? Did you know that it is well known and documented that you must use alot of water during the mining process? So could it be possible that the foreseen drought could be directly connected to this? Its very possible it is directly connected. They don't care if we have food, but we will have lithium... Make it make sense, please?!

I was getting to the end of my daily blog update, to see a notification come in that I found was important to share. Peace talks start happening for the other wars that have been taking place, and then another one breaks out somewhere else. Shew goodness.... Hezbollah, Lebanon has fired many rockets at Israel.... Reports are just now coming in.... Canada also declared Iran's revolutionary guards terrorist groups. France, Germany, and the UK have also shown support against Iran. Russia is also meeting with Vietnam to strengthen their ties. It does looks like the divide is taking place and the world stage is being set for WW3.... Continue holding the line, we are almost to the finish line. Be prepared for God to create some major twist and turns over the next two weeks. Just remember the battle is already won, God wins!!!

Lastly I want to leave all of you with this..... I will always hold space for global peace, because I know it can be achieved. I do my best to keep my opinions to a minimal, and just deliver the reports of whats taking place around the US, and also the globe while providing deep insight of how I can see things unfolding. Im sending all of you my love today!!! Hang in there, and remember we all chose to be here during these times!!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd

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