Grand risings beautiful souls!! I hope you are having an amazing "SUN" day! Today the moon is in the 3rd decan of Libra, and Venus is squaring Neptune today. Are you able to see your relationships clearly? Neptune can rule delusions, and with Venus it rules our love, relationships and of coarse money! Where are you seeing things with rose colored glasses? Are you still in the job you hate thinking it will change suddenly one day? Are you still with your narcissist partner thinking they will all of a sudden change? Are you fully fulfilled with what you are doing to make your life better? Are you holding onto people that were only meant to be in your life for a season? Just remember with Pluto retrograde, towers will show up to give you clear direction that you are going in the wrong direction. Lean into the towers and allow for the trash to take itself out. Literally. At 16:18 pm ET, Mercury will be conjunct Venus in a square with Neptune. Be sure to call in divine protection while traveling today. There could also be some major miscommunications take place over the next 24 hours. Venus and Mercury will ingress together into Cancer tomorrow... I would avoid wanting to numb yourself with drugs and alcohol. When things get stressful, we can want to numb it with outside forces. Its best to hit what ever challenge that comes up head on! We could experience more issues with our electronics over the weekend. My internet has been out 3 days the last week.
Yesterday the US put into law that the young adults will automatically be signed up for the draft. Now all of a sudden we have a clear definition of a man and a woman... Funny how that happens. I can foresee this being a big trigger for rebellion here in the USA. What I mean by that is, if the wrong kid is drafted, parents/grandparents could rise up and go against the agenda. Especially drafting someones daughter that doesn't support this Genocide that is taking place on the planet right now. I have already started seeing some resistance with this agenda. I want to make it very clear, I fully support global pace and know it can be achieved. Trump did show us this during his 4 years in office, so it is possible. The evil war machine must be stopped. In the last couple days, there has been peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Also peace talks between Israel and Palestine. I will continue to hold space for this to grow, as the seeds have already been planted. Call me cray cray, however I fully believe this is possible and can be achieved.
Over the last two months, there has been many truths be brought to light in regards to human trafficking and crimes against humanity. This will continue to grow as more facts are released. Hang in there family, I see you!!!