Grand risings beautiful soul family! How is everyone doing on this amazing Moon day Monday? What an weekend, huh?! On Saturday I shared with all of you that Crimes of Passion were in the air with the Astrology. The day before that I suggested everyone watch my show with @thepeacedealer , and I have been preparing you all with this big Uranus, Mars, and Algol conjunction at 26 degrees of Taurus. I told you all to be prepared for anything, that shit could hit the fan. Sure enough it did Saturday evening when there was an assassination attempt on President Trump. It was released by Green that Biden had told his donors the day before that it was time to put Trump in the the bullseye. I have been preparing all of you for this conjunction and the upheaval it has the potential to bring. We have this exact conjunction today, and in the next 6 days we will have the second Capricorn Full Moon.... The energy of this is going to feel like the corporate structures are going to completely fall apart. Uranus in this conjunction is the wild card, which makes it very hard to predict. We did get a glimpse of the ability for this to go south real fast.... Let me be very clear with all of you, who ever has been behind the upheaval in this country the last 4 years, is behind Trump getting shot. So far there has been discrepancies in who did it, and why the secret service was ordered to stand down before the shots were fired.... It was an inside job for sure, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out with all the discrepancies that's been brought to light. Pray for our country, Pray for Trump and his family. This is a direct result of a weaponized Government. Just in the show "Morning Joe" has been pulled from MSNBC due to them being concerned that someone would say something inappropriate about the Trump assassination. Not to mention that CNN also had released a statement right after Trump was shot, that he just fell on the stage. This whole situation smells dirty, and those that worked together to try and take him out, will be exposed. Keep holding the line!!!
Today the Sun is at 23 degrees of Cancer, and the Moon is at 10 degrees of Scorpio about to be in a trine with the Sun and Saturn Rx..... Expect the unexpected today... This can go either way, good or bad. Keep an eye on the water..... With all of this water energy, keep an eye on your emotions. What are they telling you? Are you happy? Are you feeling angry? uncertain? anxiety? The Schumann has been very low the last two days.... Yesterday it was 7.. Those of you that have followed me for a long time know that the light is always in full control when the Schumann is above 10.... With it being this low, be sure to put the armor of God on every single day. This mirrors the energy of the collective especially after what just happened to Trump. Today more than ever he needs intervention of the divine Army to protect him as he gets ready for the RNC. Especially with what's going on in his chart with these conjunctions. Tomorrow afternoon the Moon is going to oppose this conjunction. Just be prepared for anything to happen over the next week, especially today going into tomorrow. The best way to balance this energy is to focus on bringing your energy back up. With this being a frequency war, the more we can hold the collective frequency above 10, we are able to be in full control of what's coming. Get out and do what you can to bring your own energy back up, focus on your shadows, and do the actual work of transmuting these lower vibrational energies.
Chiron is also in a square with the Sun today. We could be feeling extra sensitive today. When we have squares in the transits, it gives us an opportunity of growth. Chiron represents our wounds, which also end up being our super powers. As things are brought up for you, pause and take 5 minutes. Ground into your body and set with what is being brought up for you. Being able to control your emotions in all situations is where great mastory comes into play. When you give into your emotions, you are feeding the beast within. We can't control what others do, however we can control how we show up and respond to what others do. Your response is your Karma. This is going to be so important as Venus and Mercury move through Leo. Mercury is our mind, and also our words... Leo is fire and can be explosive if our emotions fall into the lower vibration of this Leo and Water energy. I cant express the pause enough everyone... When your emotions get high, take a walk and cool off. Trust me you will thank me later for this. It will save you so much unnecessary shit to have to work through.... Venus at 4 degrees of Leo, is working out of her opposition to Pluto Rx in 1 degree of Aquarius. When this opposition started, it was released that tampon companies had been putting extremely dangerous toxins in the tampons, which was leading women to have extremely bad cycles. There has been an attack on the divine feminine for a very long time. Even if we go back to the witch trials, woman have been attacked for just being women. This also goes hand in hand with the innocent lives that are being lost due to the laws being changed over the last 4 years to stop abortions after their is a heartbeat detected here in Tennessee. Let me be clear, this law is putting a fetus above women and it needs to be re examined. We are losing innocent lives due to this law. Women are the force that holds the power to connect the heavens and earth, this is why they have been out to get us since the beginning of time. Will the fight against women finally come to and end? I sure hope so, because women should be treated as divine goddesses. Without women, life is no longer able to be created here on Earth.
We have 3 planets retrograde, which kicked off retrograde season. This is where we get to practice who we say we are. We are always given opportunities to show who we are, or should I say opportunities to practice being who we say we are. With Venus and Mercury in Leo, you want to make sure as you are performing on stage, you are showing up as your true authentic self. This is going to be key in walking through the towers and test that have been set up for you. We will always be tested by our guides, Ancestors, Angels, and Spirit team. Always. Saturn retrograde will always bring the lessons back around. This is where discernment comes into play. You want to be able to recognize the lesson, pass it, and keep moving forward.
I am sending you all of my love today and always soul family!!! We are in the eye of the storm, and the end is coming very soon. The dark is no longer able to operate in the shadows. Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered. Continue to hold the line, and know the light wins in the end. God wins!!!
@Copyright Brooke Hurd