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Writer's pictureBrooke

Venus Day

Grand rising beautiful soul family. How is everyone doing on this amazing Friday aka Venus day? TGIF yall! Its been almost eerie quiet the last 24 hours. Today the Sun is at 4 degrees of Leo, And the moon has now crossed the North Node, moving quickly to Chiron. In my full moon lunation cycle video, I did share that the Moon would be highlighting the toxic masculine that has been running loose on earth aka the one driven by WAR.... Right now the Moon is at 13 degrees of Aries, and will conjunct Chiron at 23 degrees of Aries at 2:22 am on the 27th. As the moon is ascending to this exact conjunction be prepared for breaking news connected to Crimes Against Humanity. This has been building up over the last few months, and with this being the Capricorn Full moon Lunation Cycle, and tomorrow being Saturns Day, It wouldn't shock me if we see more brought to light about the International Court ruling against Israel for Crimes against humanity. The timing of this, and all of a sudden Biden stepping down is quite remarkable. This is a Saturn ruled year, and karma will be served on a silver platter. We have been watching a repeat of the holocaust take place... Its never been so clear as to which side people would really be on. And if you think Biden has been the one in charge, you are so wrong. Kamala has been the one behind the curtain pulling all of the strings. If you follow The Peace Dealer, he breaks down her chart and her connection to Lucifer. This is why things have gotten extremely worse over the last 3 years. She is the setting president, and as soon as people realize this, its a game changer. Her legacy will end up being that she assisted in killing many women and children in the sacrifice to her "GOD". Things are about to get interesting for sure yall. Especially after everything we have been watching go down. The predictive programing has already started with the news saying she is moving up in the polls to beat Trump. That is funny. Normal people have put polls out on TicTock and its showing a different opinion of the people. I'm with Michael on this one, Kamala is a very powerful woman, and her intentions may not be the best for the American People. Soon everyone will see the truth. All that is done in the dark will be brought to light. The speech that Netanyahu gave was quiet interesting... That man gives me the same feeling that Hillary has always given me. He is evil down to the core... I can feel it seeping from him.... I did have a conversation with a friend of mine about this, and she can feel it too. Did you know that Trump had tweeted in the past "How come ISIS never attacks Israel? Because the dog doesn't bite his own tail"... This tweet was said to have been July 22, 2015. Now if this is true, it would bring to question the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. If this is true, it would mean that this group was created to start a war based on lies, to come in and take natural resources from the land in these countries. Now if this is true, could it be possible that Issy is behind all of the Evil right now, and are playing us Christians? Anyone that is driving hate for another religious group is coming from the Devil.... Extreme discernment is needed during these times. I will do my own research before I ever hate a group of people because someone evil tells me I must hate them because they are evil. The same group is feeding both sides of this, and it looks like Issy is the ring leader in leading this extreme Genocide of a nation. All in the name of God. In 2020 they fueled race wars... White against Black. Now it is Christians and Jews against Muslims. Same damn play from the play book... Divide and conquer. And yet again everyone is falling for it. Divided we fall, United we rise.... This is a fact. Hamas is not all Muslims, just as Christian Nationalist are not all Christians... It would even be the same as not all white men, are part of the KKK.... There is extreme hate groups in every single religion, or even secret society. Killing innocent people in the name of going after an extreme group is war crimes. There's rules to war, and somehow Issy believes they don't have to follow them. But yet they tell you that its Hamas that is evil. Anyone that is okay with innocent women and children dying is supporting EVIL. Yesterday the capitol was vandalized with Hamas graffiti. I wonder how much they got paid to do that? I bet there was a crisis add to pay people to come in and do that. Just like the George Floyd, and all of the looting and Riots that took place summer of 2020... How quickly we forget that those in power pay people to do these things... If we start channeling our hate and anger towards those in charge, and blame them instead of each other, the Game changes. Every single leader should be charged with Crimes against Humanity and locked up forever.. Even those leading the "chosen" land. No one is above international court of law. When Christians and Muslims can make peace, all of the wars in the middle east will come to an end. It starts with us first.... Trump is calling for the wars to end, and so should we... Just remember the lesson as a collective is connected to the inhumane ways of WAR, and bringing peace to the globe. The moon is going to bring all of this darkness to light over the next 24 hours, buckle up and hold onto your britches. Just remember things are not getting worse they are getting uncovered.

Jupiter is at 13 degrees of Gemini, in a sextile with the Moon right now in Aries. Keep in mind Jupiter is only going to expand truth, and the moon is going to highlight what is dark. We also have Mars at 3 degrees of Gemini conjunct White Moon Selina at 5 degrees of Gemini. White moon Selina has been the buffer since the feminine is leading the way. She is allowing for only what is from the divine to be what is standing moving forward. These seeds were planted back in the spring with the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in April.

Mercury has officially moved to 0 degrees of Virgo. You will feel the shift in your thoughts almost instantly. Keep in mind that Mercury is in its home sign and position. Positive aspects of this transit, is being able to bring the full list of the details facts to the table. You want to be extremely mindful with the conversations you are having with yourself. Mercury in Virgo can seek perfection of self and also others. It can be very critical of oneself and also others. During this transit, it is best to use this energy staying focused on the things you love and what you have been building. Mercury is squaring Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. You may need to slow down and focus your thoughts in a more positive way, before you are able to move forward in what you are doing. Mercury is slowing down to prepare for its retrograde that will start on August 5th. You may notice that electronics are not working properly, and also call in divine protection when you are traveling. Mercury will station at 4 degrees of Virgo and retrograde back into 21 degrees of Leo ending its retrograde on August 28th.

I had to stop writing and go pull up Issy's Prime ministers chart to see if anything stood out to me. For starters he is a Libra sun and Moon, with a Sag Rising. I am going to do a little digging into his chart, because he has pluto and Mars in leo. there is another person that has this exact same thing that I want to dive into. Give me a little time and I will share here what I have. What I was picking up on, can be seen in his chart with a few things. I do want to explore a few more things before I share my findings. But he is a double Libra, Sag Rising.

Enjoy the quiet time, because I'm not sure how long we will have this before its wild and crazy again. We knew the riots were going to start all over again. We also knew that a positive movement would be hijacked by the dark and paid actors would start to riot. We knew these things because this is how the dark operates. I did warn everyone of a repeat of 2020, this also included the riots and looting. Stop blaming a religious group of the evil ways, when there is an extreme group that is on bank role to keep the divide there. You have fallen for the same trick to their divine and conquer. They want you to believe that everyone that is part of that religious group is bad, that is not even close to being the truth. I know what I am saying might be hard to hear, however it is truth. Wake up America we are being played! Big Time!!! It would be funny to see them all arrested soon, wouldn't it?

Just remember to hold the line. We are still in the Eye of the Storm and should be out of it very soon. I have a feeling something big is coming, buckle up and hold onto your britches. We had a major bast of energy with the Schumann yesterday and it was 68. I could feel it all over my body. Be sure to drink lots of water and ground when it gets this high. The light is in full control, and the dark is about to be put on blast! Lets go!!!!!

@Copright Brooke Hurd

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