Grand risings beautiful soul family. How is everyone doing on this amazing Friday aka Venus Day? The Sun is now at 1 degree of Virgo, Venus is now at 22 degrees of Virgo in a square with Mars at 22 degrees of Gemini. Mercury Rx at 23 degrees of Leo is in a trine with Chiron Rx at 23 degrees of Aries. The moon is at 25 degrees of Aries still conjunct Chiron. Jupiter is still in a square with Saturn Rx at 17 degrees of Pisces. We are still feeling all of these squares in the skies, which means there could be many opportunities of growth that can take place. I brought back my Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energy check in readings to help navigate through these times. Just remember it isn't happening to me but for me. Keep in mind with Mercury Rx in a trine with chiron, and still being in the full moon lunation cycle be very intentional with releasing things connected to your wounds that could be sabotaging you. Spend some time with your inner child to see what you are doing that is blocking you from having the life you so desire. Keep in mind that retrograde season will bring the past back around to see if you have learned the lesson. Same lesson, just a different meat suit. The past will be circling back around to give you an opportunity to show your spirit team that you have in fact mastered the lessons. This is Earth School, and Saturn Rx is here to remind us that as soon as we past the test we are able to move forward to the next step. You could also be experiencing growing pains in your relationships and money with the Venus and Mars square. To use this energy in its highest form, be sure to channel the highest octave of mars to be able to move forward in a healthy balanced way. Venus in Virgo is taking note of what works for humanity and what doesn't. We are only moving forward with the things that are in the highest octave for humanity.
Yesterday it was released that over the last 3 years close to 300k immigrant children have gone missing from the boarders. Having open borders is how children slip through the cracks and get thrown into human trafficking. Our lovely VP has been the one over the border since coming into office. Why would they not keep documentation of these kids? You know I have mentioned that human trafficking has been a big part of why we are seeing what we are seeing transpire around us. The US is the number one consumer of children in the sex slave industry. Children are also used for child labor.... This is a serious virus that has swept through the nation over the years... Do you really believe they leave the borders open for no reason? The easiest way to traffic humans would be the ones that does not have documentation.
Yesterday it was reported that King Charles is preparing for his possible death after his cancer diagnosis. They have already started preparing for his funeral. Things must not be going well for the King. Not to mention that the Princess has also been recovering from her cancer diagnosis. No reports on her, and what is happening there.
There was another Volcano erupt in Iceland. It was also shared this morning that China had a 7 "suns" appear in the sky. They are calling this a great optical illusion. You know a couple years back it was announced that China had a fake sun simulator. That was the first thing I thought about when this showed up today. There has also been reports of weird things happening with our sun here too... At my market last weekend, I did discover that the videos of sunflowers not facing the sun anymore was a real thing. At first I thought it was fake, until I asked someone that grew sunflowers. Now they have been doing some wild experiments with this whole global warming situation. There is no telling what is really going on with the Sun and the sunflowers, but something is up and not quite normal.
It was just reported that two trains collided head on in Boulder Colorado. This is just now coming in. There has been a lot happening in Colorado the last two weeks. There was also an apartment complex that was taken over by Venezuelan immigrants.. Last I heard the apartment complex was finally being cleaned out and returned back to the landlord.
There is rumor that RFK Jr maybe dropping out and joining Trump's team. RFK Jr has not openly said this, but the VP has mentioned this could be a possibility. I have zero faith in our election systems. I seriously want to pull my vote, so they can't vote for me. 2020 was rigged, and not one thing has been done to fix it. IF you think they won't do it again, take a hard look around.... They are already showing you they have no problem to create another pandemic to lock everyone down, and of coarse get ready to steal the election. I have zero faith in our politicians, and our election system. We do not get a say in any of it. They have already cheated by putting Kamala in as the Democratic nomination due to her not even being elected in that spot. That is election interference which is grounds for treason. When 2020 is FIXED, then and maybe then I'll have a little faith in our elections.... Not one minute will I ever believe we will have safe and effective elections, until 2020 is fixed....
The Schumann is still blacked out, and yesterday it was 89... It does feel like its dropped some today. Be sure to get out and ground, drink lots of water, and listen to what your body needs. Your body will tell you everything you need, and when you need it. Just remember that the battle is already won, God wins!!! Continue to hold the line and sending healing to the root chakra. Its working. Also it is still raining in the Middle East, where we sent the Rain. So please believe that God and the Angels are working on our behalf.. Continue to HOLD THE LINE!!!! I am sending you all of my love today and always!