Grand risings beautiful souls! How is everyone doing on this beautiful Labor day, Moon day Monday, and Virgo New Moon? Yall doing well? The New Moon will be at 21:55 PM EST. The Moon and the Sun will be 11 degrees of Virgo. Mercury is 23 degrees of Leo, working out of a trine with Chiron at 22 degrees of Aries. Pluto has officially retrograded back into Capricorn. Y'all ready for the shit show to set itself on fire now that Pluto has moved back into Capricorn? Yesterday Uranus stationed for Retrograde at 27 degrees of Taurus. Mars at 28 degrees of Gemini, is working into an exact square with Neptune Rx at 29 degrees of Pisces. Saturn Rx at 16 degrees of Pisces is working out of the Square with Jupiter that is 19 degrees of Gemini. The hard energy is easing up, now that we are working out of all of these squares. However we do have Pluto that is about to rock our Corporate structures, blowing up everything that isn't in line with the Divine. To give you a good idea of how the next three months will look like, is going to look like the two Capricorn full moons we had this summer. We have known for the last 5 years that these structures would be falling. This will be all of the medical companies lying to the people... This will include all of the corrupt politicians around the world. This is a global awakening. Cancel culture is alive and thriving with everyone canceling all influencers and famous people that have been misleading the general public.
Keep in mind, the light has already laid the foundation of what we are building. This is where the big test is going to come into play. Do you believe the dark is going to win, and the world is going to end? Or do you believe that the light is in full control, and it will prevail in the end? This is going to be huge, because of collective manifestations. Keep in mind, the Schumann has been extremely high, until yesterday it was 16... Its not been updated yet for today, however we are still high enough to be able to lead the way for the future.
I want to dive into some things that have been brought up to the surface the last week or so. RFK jr joining Trump has brought a huge wave though the collective. Especially with the things they continue to speak about. Now I have mentioned many times that I have zero faith in the election systems, due to the election fraud that took place in 2020... I did come across something that addressed this yesterday, I have not been able to confirm this, however I'm not the only one that feels this way. We have witnessed the election of the free country being stolen, not just once but working on number two. Kamal should be arrested along with Joe due to stealing the election, this falls under treason. I will continue to hold the line for this to be brought to light.
I want to speak about what has been going on in Aurora Colorado, I reported on this on the 23rd of August. It had been reported by the Governor, and the news that the apartments had been cleared out from the Venezuelan Gangs from the apartment complexes. Apparently this is a lie, and the truth isn't being reported as it is. The Mayor if the town, has said it is happening, and they are taking care of it. So the truth of what is going on, is being suppressed. There has been rumors that the Hells Angels are going to show up and handle some business. I've not been able to confirm this, however it wouldn't shock me to see something like this play out. It almost feels like a trap to be honest with you. I'm going to be 100% transparent with all of you, they want Civil War, and this could very well open the door for that to happen. I have come across videos of locals taking matters into their own hands, putting signs up all around their complexes saying "fuck around and find out". I don't blame them for doing what they need to do, in order to protect the innocent.
I will be holding my Virgo New Moon healing circle at 2pm EST today. I would love to have you join us for a lovely afternoon. I am sending you all of my love today, and always. Just remember, things are not getting worse they are getting uncovered. Continue to HOLD THE LINE soul family!