Grand Risings Beautiful souls!!! How are you doing on this amazing Saturns Day? The moon is in Libra, and Venus is 2 degrees from the Neptune square, with Mercury following 2 degrees behind Venus. This weekend will be packed full of hidden gems of discovery. Squares show us where growth can take place. On a global scale, I mentioned watching the water in my Gemini New Moon update, and just last night we had a 3rd ship show up in Cuba. First we had the Russian nuclear sub, next to follow was Poseidon ( on the day I mentioned it in my moon update) the American nuclear sub. A Canada war ship decided to dock in Cuba with the other two subs just last night. It's looking like a major world war is about to break out. On a positive note, the Schumann is 26 today, so this gives me hope.
With today being Saturns day, and since we are still in the energy of the New Moon, I will be setting some major intentions to help balance this war energy. Today I ask God to wrap his divine love around all of his children as we get ready to walk through this next week. World leaders are persistent on global control, while the people want to be left alone. Today I ask the Divine to step in and help the people to see through the veils of lies and deception. May all lies be exposed. May all that wish to harm and kill people be exposed. May all that have hurt children be exposed!!! May those that have used AI to deceive people be exposed. Just remember "Faith" the size of a mustard seed can in fact move mountains. Plus the light wins in the END!!!!
Im sure many of you are wondering, what you can do.... Find your tribe, this is why being your true authentic self is so important!! Start to learn plant medicine, learn how to grow your own food, and how to survive living off the land. Learn how to can and preserve your food, and how to make tinctures. I have been running my own experiments learning how to grow my food from live food. So far I have been able to grow tomatoes, horseradish, onions, and celery. These are some of the things that I use to make my Fire Cider. Collect as many books on herbal medicine and remedies that you can get your hands on! Learn as much as you can!!!! Also get involved with your local government's to start being an advocate for your community! Tennessee has been passing laws to show others what is being planned with Corporate America as far as vaccinated food, and chem trails go.
Uranus in Taurus is showing us the Mad scientist that have been let loose in the world. This ranges from all of the weather modification to the experimental shots..... Back in February I released that I didn't believe WW2 ever ended. When I take a hard look around, I stand 10 toes down on this even more so now! So far hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and the northern lights have been confirmed connected to weather modification. I mean why not play God and see what the Earth does in response to this absurd program?! This is where 5G is also connected to being able to move the energy of the storms, and also supercharge them. Truth really is stranger than fiction. There has been several studies released on 5G and how it can cook a human from the inside out if it is turned up too high... Now think about this for a moment, with all of the planes that have been having trouble in the air.... Could 5G also be affecting the planes as they fly through the frequency waves? Just a thought.
During these times it is up to us to believe that the light is in full control even when it looks like we are loosing big time. We are in fact winning due to so many being forced to awaken to the madness that is taking place around the globe. I don't believe for one minute that the dark is going to win this spiritual war, because we know that isn't possible. However I am here to remind you that the more you believe a better future is possible, the easier it will be for all of us to walk through this intense collective tower! Get involved and remember Faith over Fear!!!
I love you all, and thank you for checking in as I share a daily download here on my Blog!
Thank you sister!! Tune in LOVE is the highest vibration ❤️