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Where's Joe???

Writer's picture: BrookeBrooke

Grans risings soul family!!! How is everyone doing on this amazing Tuesday aka Mars day? What a day yesterday yall!!! Wow the twist and turns that have been taking place are intense! Today the Sun is at 1 degree of Leo with Mercury now at 26 degrees of Leo. The Sun is still opposing Pluto Rx in 0 degrees of Aquarius. Yesterday the energy was very intense, almost a little ADHD to be honest, and I want to explain why. Mars is now at 1 degree of Gemini. Let's dive into the Gemini energy for a minute. With Mars being here, we can have so many ideas and things coming in. We can also feel like we want to get everything done right now. Mars is how we take action, it's how we show up. With it being in Gemini, we can want to multitask and this is where accidents can come into play, or I should say discoveries. With the Air trines we have had with the Planets, we are reprogramming our thoughts, words and how we communicate not only to ourselves but to others as well. With Jupiter in Gemini as well, we may have to learn lessons two times. The reason being is that those that have dominate Gemini placements, especially Sun, Moon, Rising, Mercury, and Mars placements you typically will have to learn lessons two times. This is due to being able to access and use both sides of your brain. So you will learn the lesson one time for one side, and then vice versa. This can make the energy feel a little ADHD and very hard to focus. This is due to also the Gemini mind being able to process information at extreme rapid speed. You will need to ground more than usual with this energy. With all of this Air energy spend some time writing, and letting go of any and all negative self talk. This is a full moon lunation cycle so get real serious of the role you play in your own suffering. This is going to be huge!!!

I have been preparing you all to hold onto your britches, and be prepared for many twist and turns. Good lord it has been nothing shy of Truth!! Yesterday morning I came across a screenshot of someone saying that Biden had fell while in Vegas. Tucker also reported on this post about the Las Vegas Police shared. This was also the same time he announced he had covid. This is when they took him home, and now no one has seen him publicly. Where is Joe?? What's really going on? Speculation has it that he was barely hanging on after that trip. We have zero evidence to back up him being alive. Kamala gave a press conference with him on the phone... She even slipped up and almost said "recording" Instead of phone call. So where is Joe? And all of this happens when Benjamin Netanyahu's arrives in the States... First off what is he doing here after the court ruling on Friday... Second, where is Joe? It was reported this morning that there is a lot of speculation floating around on the internet that he could have passed. Or is he in court? As I have mentioned before, I haven't felt life from him in a very long time. Best believe they will be forced to tell the truth today with it being a Mars day, and Mars being in the first degree of Gemini. The seeds have already been planted for the truth to come out. Buckle up, its going to be a wild ride to the Election.... If we even have one. Now would all of this be considered an insurrection? Or even considered them stealing an election? Yes it is possible it is considered all of these things, especially with them misleading the public on the real updates about Joe. Would this be grounds to bring in the military for tribunals? It's very possible, yes. It was also released that Kamala had enough pledged delegates to be able to be the Democratic Nomination for the 2024 election. And they want you to believe that Trump is a threat to democracy... Same gaslighting and play from their playbook as 2016 and 2020.... You know, orange man bad... Insert eye roll please! lol It was also reported that Nancy Pelosi is endorsing Kamala yesterday. Keep in mind they are choosing a candidate wo the public voting to ensure that is who they want to vote for. This is where it starts looking like its very intentional in stealing the election. Voters have been removed from being able to cast their vote to ensure that is who they choose to elect. This isn't how a free nation runs their elections. How ever it is starting to smell very bad. Hold on to your britches, we are just getting started!

Have you been keeping up with the investigation with the Secret Service Director? Oh my word yall.. Hold on. Nancy Mace called out the director of the Secret Service Kimberly, telling her that she was full of shit with what happened with Trump. Y'all she was all over it, and the director refused to answer any of these questions. You know what that means, don't you? It means that when they refuse to answer any of these questions it is due to incriminating oneself. Hello.. They are telling you, without telling you what happened. You have to read between the lines with this one. Pleading the 5th, and not answering these questions, is showing the world that this was in fact an inside job... You don't have to hide the truth, unless the truth might paint you out to be the one in the wrong. There has also been speculation of a second shooter on the water tower. I did see video of what looked like a person on the water tower and shots going off then they disappear. This was clearly an attempt to take out any and all oppositions to the road to the election. Not to mention all of the other evidence that is stacking up against the Secret Service Team. The speaker of the house has called for Kimberly to resign, and I couldn't agree more with this. I was even shocked to see Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez saying that this should have never happened. She is usually on the side of the corporate america, and not the people. But then again, this could happen to any of them if you want to know the truth. Good to see she is speaking up for the right things finally.. As I am typing this out, Kimberly has officially resigned. I guess it's better to step down than it is to tell the truth of what really went down. This won't be the last that we hear of her, I have a feeling there will be more investigations, and the truth will eventually come out. If military tribunals are put into place due to this looking like a major inside job, this could be considered as treason... Planning to take out a presidential running mate to eliminate the opposing side is right up there with treason. Especially when you almost succeed at it. This falls right in there with "crimes against humanity" in my opinion.

I have been in deep retroflection trying to decide how I wanted to break down the energy today. Today is my mothers birthday. It is also one of my best friends birthdays, Monika. She has been such a guiding light for me and the path I have had to walk the last 3 years. She stepped in right when my mother stepped out of my life. She is like a second mother to me. Happy Birthday Beautiful Soul Sister!!!! The divine works in mysterious ways, in the moment of deep betrayal from my own mother, I was delivered a beautiful friendship that helped me to heal one of the biggest wounds a parent could ever put their own child through. I see 723 everywhere I go. Yesterday 23 showed up everywhere.... and I mean everywhere. It is a constant reminder of the past. At first I was angry for the sinks to show up non stop.. I begged my guides to make it stop... Until one day Monika said to me, maybe instead when you see this number you think of me. In that moment I couldn't be upset or angry anymore. It didn't feel like I was being punished every single time I came across it. I can't say that this change happened over night, however it did eventually take place and happen. For 3 years I have made it very clear that my own mother is not allowed to be in my life, until she is able to take ownership of the fucked up things she has done and say she is sorry. I have yet to receive that apology. I'll never see one from her, and having to accept that she is okay "cutting her nose off despite her face", as the saying goes. She truly believes she has not done one thing wrong and how dare I hold her accountable for the fucked up things that have happened... I warned her on my birthday that God was going to deliver to her exactly what she did to me, and last night it started. For over 3 years I have asked her to take ownership or to step out of my life and receive the wrath of God. When we do people wrong, we are to take ownership of those things and appoliage. I have been threatened for even speaking up about this. My brother of course took my moms side and proceeds to tell people I'm Crazy.... No one has witnessed crazy yet from me, and that is a FACT...... Especially after the things that have happened. I won't stay silent any longer... It's time for the truth to come out. This didn't just happen to me, but to my kids as well.. My children have been hurt from all of the slander of my name that has taken place from people that claim to love them. You don't destroy a kids mother and not hurt them in the process. The lack of consideration for what this did to them is beyond comprehension for me. I have stood alone for the last 3 years while I was ran out of town, and parental alienation took place. Defamation of Character and Parental Alienation is severe child abuse. But hey, I'm the CRAZY one.... All because I connect with God differently then they do. I know the walk of Jesus very well, because I have had to walk that walk with my own family. How does one forgive these hard deep truths? Especially when it continues? Not having hate in my heart towards the ring leader of this shit show has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do. The injustice my own children have had to endure is enough to fully send me to the dark side, but yet I have fully remained in the light and called the darkness as I have seen it. No parent, step parent, grandparent, cousin, brother, sister, friend or whoever has the right to say one word about me to my kids even behind closed doors, and those that have defamed my name should be called out. The truth always prevails. Let me be very clear, I do not hate my mother... It's the opposite to be honest. I have cried and wished she cared enough about the damage she caused me and my kids to fix it, but the truth is she doesn't care. I have questioned why she didnt love me enough, or even my kids enough to fix what she did.... That is a hard pill to have to swallow. How could a mother not be able to fix what she broke? I have cried, hated life, felt like I was dying, but no hate. Just at a loss at how a mother could destroy not only her own child, but her grandchildren in the process. This hurt them...... Only clinical narcissist are not able to say they are sorry for their actions, and that is a fact. I refuse to stay silent any longer..... Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow, especially when you are in the wrong... In order to protect myself, I no longer have anything to do with any of them. It's a saturn year, and best believe God is about to deliver some Karma..... May the dominoes fall as they are meant to. Everyone had their chance to do right by my kids, but their ego was too great to even consider the damage that took place by running me out of town. God heard every word said about me, and it will soon be their reality. This is how it works. Some of us are here to deal karma, and we do that by allowing others to lay their own path by their actions and words. This is where divinely protected comes into play. These actions were meant to break me.. They were meant to kill me.... But guess what? It didn't kill me, but it sure felt like it was going to. God saw all of that too. I was kicked out of my kids lives the last 3 years from the people that claimed to love them.... Make it make sense.. The more I tried to get closer to them, the more hell I went through, until I put it all in Gods hands and asked God to take over. So that is exactly what I did. This is my chiron wound, the gift that keeps giving. This is the generational karma I have been healing. My grandfather did the exact same thing to my aunt with my mother... He went to hell. He also tormented me when he passed in 2011. His spirit is not in the angelic realm whatsoever. He is also the reason why I ran from my gifts of being able to see and communicate with those that have crossed over. I have spoke about this openly before. I was shown what was going to happen months before it even happened with my mother. How does one hold it together knowing what is about to come for you?

It is not easy for me to write about the things that broke me in two. I have had to stand alone and fight what has felt like a losing battle. The thing is, I wasn't actually losing, they were laying the foundation for their own towers. It took a long time for me to accept that I will never receive the apology that is needed for real healing to take place. Once you accept that it will never show up, you soon realize you don't need the apology or even them in your life. Once you accept it all, it's very freeing. I do deeply feel sorry for those that joined forces to make a point to degrade me to my kids. The reason why I feel sorry for them, is because I know what's coming for them for what they did. I have witnessed what my guides do to those that hurt me. My guides clean house when people step out of line with me. Which is why I always say, "I can't save you from you"!

Today I did change directions just a little. I did share more of my story, which I haven't done publicly. I do not share this to hurt anyone. I share what I have been through because I know I'm not the only one that has been thought this nightmare with so called "Christians" that claim to be good people. It doesn't matter how much money you give to the church, that won't get you into heaven. It doesn't matter how much money or land you have here on earth, you can't take it with you when you pass... And if you think these earthly possessions get you into heaven, you are very lost. If you live a double life, God can see that too. And if you think fooling the masses into believing you are a good person, when you are evil behind closed doors will get you into heaven, you are so wrong. You can't hide from God, and God is the Final Judge of it all!!! I have a right to talk about the things I've been through, its my birth right. If you have a challenge with me sharing my journey, you should have picked your role that you played in my life better.... I'm only sharing what I have walked through. You did what you did, and I'm going to do what I'm going to do to bring healing in for myself. I know at times I can come across as having a challenge with Christians, which I don't. I've just witnessed the ugly truth of what some of them truly are. I have been attacked, told I was delusional, and that my brain is broken for how I communicate with God. I have been gaslight, kicked out, mocked, and even left for dead by some so called Christians. God saw everything, and is the final Judge. Just with everything in life, where there is light, there is also darkness. Some read the bible, while others walk the journey with Christ. Just remember that Jesus aka Yeshua flipped some tables when he needed to... And standing in my convictions and truth is flipping some tables. I have family members that watch my every move and report back to each other... I see you in my stories, liking my stuff and then removing the likes. Hear me loud and clear, you are just as guilty as the others with your complicity in silence in what has happened to me and mine. God sees you too.... How would you feel if the tables were turned, and the same family that went after my kids, came after yours???? You are just as guilty as they are... Let me be very clear, I'm not upset or even angry. I'm just done protecting people that have tried to destroy me. I also want to make sure everyone knows I'm not a victim, I only share my truth to inspire others to stand up and face the devil head on. And sometimes the devil is living in the 4 walls of your home.... I have fought the battle,and won with God on my side. You too can slay the demons and have victory too!!

When I say you can walk through the fire, and come out on the other side, I mean it. There has been many moments I questioned if I would make it through, and once I would God would say to me, "why do you doubt me standing here next to you"? Why do you question your divine protection? You are not alone, for I am with you said the Lord. Trying to be a good mom while my whole world was falling apart has been one of the hardest mountains to ever have to climb up. This had to happen in order for me to fully believe in God's divine protection.... I know this. This also had to happen for the wound to be present in order for me to have the healing codes to be able to clear this generational karma and trauma from our family lineage. I was the one chosen to clear this. I was the one picked to walk through the fire, to come out the Phoenix. I am a divine light warrior, and I survived what almost killed me through God's Grace! I do pray for my mother and those that joined forces with her to go against me. I pray God does show mercy on them, for they do not know what they have done. And as soon as they have a meeting with the almighty, they will see the truth once its too late to right their wrongs.... You only get the chance to fix what you tried to destroy while here on earth. How you leave people is the judgement you will have to answer for. God could care less about your material gain when it comes to judging your soul. This is a fact...

I know this post is very long, its deep and alot of dark truths have been said. I want to be very clear, I love my mother because she choose to have me and bring me into this world. I do not agree with the things she has done to me or mine, and I have a right to talk about the trauma that has taken place with my kids and myself. I was never paid the same respect I gave my ex husband with our kids, it's never been so clear as to what has really gone on behind closed doors. My kids have been caught in the crossfires of an injustice witch hunt on their own mother. The more defamation of character that takes place against me, HURTS MY KIDS.... I am their mother, and regardless if you agree with my lifestyle choices to follow astrology, doesn't give anyone the right to slander my name in front of them. When you talk bad about me in any fashion to my children, you are in fact hurting them. They shouldn't have to defend me from those that claim to love them... They are half me, and this alone teaches them to hate the parts of them that is just like me. This is mental abuse at the highest level. Mental abuse cant be seen, but it causes more damage than physical abuse. The physical abuse will heal with time, the bruises heal and go away. However the mental abuse last a lifetime. Shame on every single person that has spoke badly about me to my children, shame on those of you that have remained quiet because you wanted to protect your own. It's time to take ownership in the role you played in trying to destroy not only my children, but myself as well.

I know today is deep, with lots of Pluto truths of dark secrets that have been swept under the rug. And before the comments start with saying "she is only saying this to blackmail me", grow the fuck up, and appoliage. That is free! I know the truth about who was behind all of that anyways. God does too!

I am sending you all of my love today and always. Just remember it is always darkest before dawn. We are in the eye of the storm, and it will all be over before you know it. Remember to hold the line, and to stand 10 toes down in your truth. When God is behind you, no one can stop you. This is a Fact!

@Copyright Brooke Hurd


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