Grand risings beautiful soul family! Hows everyone doing on this amazing Venus day aka Friday? The sun is now at 7 degrees of Cancer. Venus and Mercury are now out of their squares. Our communication, relationships and money will start to feel this relief. The Moon is now in the first decan of Aries, and will square the Sun at 16:30 EST. As the moon moves closer to Chiron at 23 degrees Aries we will hear more about whats going on as far as Crimes against Humanity. Venus will connect in the Grand water trine very soon with Saturn and Poseidon. I would also love to note that Pluto is in a trine with White Moon Selina. All of the seeds that were planted with the Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction back in April, Pluto is only going to blow up what is not meant to be on our destined path. Just remember that towers can be beautiful blessings.
Mars is now at 14 degrees of Taurus, only 11 degrees from its conjunction with Uranus. I did mention that this conjunction will be exposing the mad scientist as far as the weather is concerned. I also warned that we could see more natural disasters. Early this morning there was a 7.2 earthquake in Peru.. And Mount Ibu Volcano in Indonesia erupts two times around the same time as the earthquake. The Saturn and Uranus squares we went through in 2021 and 2022 is what woke me up to being able to work with the weather. Many of you will start to wake up to your super powers of transmuting the earthquakes, calling in the rain, calming the winds, and transmuting the fires.... I know this might sound a little crazy to some of you, however I have had the pleasure to see this in action over the last 4 years, and know for a fact this is a real thing. Indigenous people have been doing this since the beginning of time. We are going to need all hands on deck. The weather is about to get wild! Keep your eyes on the Oceans, Rivers, Lakes and especially the Dams. There is one that I keep getting messages about and its the Three Georges Damn. In the past I have gotten messages about others, which would be the Hoover Damn. Keep your eyes on the water!!!
Yesterday Oklahoma's top educators orders the public schools to start teaching from the bible. My kids graduated from a public high school that offered bible courses. Im not saying I agree or disagree with this.. However I am trying to show you a picture of how this can unfold moving forward. We now have two states putting the bible back in schools. While this appears to be a huge win for Christians, please hear me out...... The goal is one world order, one world religion, one world Government. Christians please do not be deceived in ushering in the one world order just because its your religion of choice. Please wake up and see that we are being played by both sides.. If the religion of choice was another, you wouldn't set back and allow for this to happen. We have our first amendment right to practice our religious beliefs as we choose. This is the beginning of the dismantle of the first amendment and Christians you are being used to do this. Please wake up before our children are living in Communism.... After the debate last night, and the removal of many content creators the day before, we are bing shown this is the direction we are going in if people don't wake up. Let me be clear, I am a Christian and also fully believe in our Constitution. We must keep and maintain the separation between Church and State.... It is vital for the survival of a free Country. We are never to push our agenda or beliefs on others... This is the start of communism, and christians you are leading the way.... You are being used and deceived to dismantle our constitution rights. Not to mention you are fully in support of genocide when you believe in killing for your religious beliefs. You are being used for a very dark agenda, Please wake up! I want to leave you with this, the 10 commandments says : Do Not Kill...... This includes WAR!!!!! Im not sure where people started to believe that this was overlooked when you went to war, Guess what?! Its not... Stop turning a blind eye to killing because you believe it's the right thing to do for your religion. Supporting war makes you no better than the terrorist groups, and you agree to innocent kids killing each other which is against the 10 commandments. Can you see the double standard? Not to mention Religion is the last hope for a solid divide. I will NEVER support the removal of anyones rights, because we live in a FREE Country. If we fall, the whole world falls!! Just remember that! You can not be a supporter of the 10 commandments and support War..... This is deep seeded religious programing for the deep war machine. I have warned for several months that the Saturn Karmic lesson is connected to war, an when you support this, you are moving further away from what God represents. I'll go back to the 10 commandments, DO NOT KILL!!!!
Now to the good stuff.. WTF did we just watch last night? So they are trying to make you believe that we only have two Candidates for the Election. They refused to allow for RFK Jr to attend, and Biden was a complete mess.. Not to mention Trump didn't even answer some of the important questions... The switch is about to take place for Biden's position. They are already preparing the public for it. Remember I told you all that they have to tell us what they are doing, it's spiritual law. It started as soon as the debate was over. Biden is too old for this position and needs to retire, I also feel the same about Trump to be honest. The masses here in the US don't even accept that Biden is good for the job. They also know that Biden's VP doesn't stand a chance in winning come November. I just hope that Biden doesn't pull a Ukraine move and put into place Marshal Law to just stay in office. I can totally see something like this playing out in order to keep the war machine going. Who ever they are planning to put in Biden's place maybe worse than him. I had no idea that RFK Jr was such a threat to our Republic.... He maybe a bigger disrupter than Trump ever was... It is looking like we may need to take a deeper look into him.... They want you to believe that he isn't an option, when in fact he is a solid candidate. He is gaining momentum with Millennia's, Gen Z and now some of Gen X..... From what I have found, Boomers and up are the only generations that still watch and believe what MSM says. This year is a huge wild card in how this is going to play out. I would also like to add that so far there has only been one Candidate to hit some of the real topics that should be discussed during this time, and neither Biden or Trump have touched on these things. Its also worth mentioning that Elon Musk also told everyone that RFK Jr talk last night was worth watching, and I agree. I did catch some of it as well. Stop believing the corrupt Communist News Networks that we only have Biden and Trump to choose from!
I want to leave you all with this. No matter how dark it looks right now, God is in full control! Im sending you all of my love on this beautiful Venus day!!! Hold the line!!!