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Writer's pictureBrooke

WTF Wednesday...

Hello beautiful souls, how is everyone doing on this amazing Wednesday aka Mercury day? I was guided to start doing a download at the end of the day, since things have been getting pretty intense with what's going on in the world today. The sun is now at 12 degrees of Virgo, working into an opposition with Saturn RX at 16 degrees of Pisces. The moon is currently at 4 degrees of Libra, Venus is now at 7 degrees of Libra with Juno and Lilith at 9 degrees of libra. The ladies are cleaning up house in Libra right now. Expect Crimes against Humanity to be a theme with all of the ladies in LIbra. They are going to flip it upside down over the next couple weeks. The Nodes have moved to 6 degrees of Aries/Libra. Mars has officially ingressed into Cancer and is at 0 degrees. Neptune Rx has moved to 28 degrees and is out of the square with Mars. Jupiter is now at 19 degrees of Gemini. Uranus Rx is at 27 degrees of Taurus working into a square with Mercury 24 degrees of Leo. Today was intense with the shooting in the school in Georgia. I was hoping we would get through the final degrees of Gemini and not see any shootings. If you go back to April 23 Tennessee passed law to allow for Teachers to carry. I knew then that they knew something connected to the schools that could be a big possibility of needing teachers armed. What has been interesting for all of the laws thats been passed here, is that Tennessee is showing the world what is coming, due to the laws they are passing to protect their people. Exactly one year ago, I was showed that this was a big possibility of picking up. For those of you that have kids in School, be sure to listen to your gut every single day before sending your kids to school. In the transits we are in, we have a big possibility of seeing more of this. If I had little kids, I would in fact be homeschooling them. There is no way I would ever send my kids to public school. Just no way.... I begged my kids to do homeschool in 2020, and they wanted to finish their time in public school, which they only had 4 years left. I'm so thankful to have been able to see them walk the stage, especially after their school was locked down for an active shooter in the neighborhood on 2-14-24. What a way to wake up on one of my least favorite days, to a phone call from my kids on lockdown due to an active shooter. I am so thankful that my chiron day wasn't a repeat deep wound this year... Not even two weeks later they were locked down again for threats. This is the thing yall, this is what we must keep an eye on. If there is one thing I can say Im good at, is being able to see their plays before they make them. Listen to your children, if out of nowhere they have a bad feeling about going to school that day. With Mars now in Cancer, we have the energy to see extreme crimes of passion. You add that to Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, and Mars in Cancer.... This is a recipe of a shit storm with people not being able to control their emotions. Being a Progressed Aries Sun, I can see and feel how easy it can be to let the Mars energy get the best of you. I am deeply thankful for my Mars in Libra that allows for me to be balanced before responding.

Now that I have used today, to share more of what we can potentially see in schools the next few months, let's dive into how you can work with this energy on a personal level. Mars in Cancer is very intuitive, it only moves when its being intuitively guided. This is where pausing to check in with your spirit team, multiple times a day is going to be key. Intuition will be heigheted with Mars here, so do a gut check before traveling. Trust divine detours, and allow for signs and sinks to guide you. I always know when I'm off track, the sinks will stop... Listening to your spirit team is going to be vital. You also need to ask for signs... You want to be sure to be specific with the signs they show you, but also something you will remember. I have forgotten to be specific, and then said be sure to make sure I see it. Then end up with a tree falling on my house with in 15 minutes and setting In the dark..... So there is that... It ended up being a blessing, but a damn tower for a little bit. So keep that in mind. Listen to what your team is telling you to do, and then ask for a sign for conformation. Trust me they will show up. Also give them a time limit on when the sign needs to show up. 24 hours to 3 days, it really depends on you. Have fun and play with it. Please do remember to be specific, or you could end up in the dark. lol (meaning no lights on in the house lol). Also for the love of God all of you keep a check on your anger. Yes anger is healthy, it is righteous. It is a beautiful tool that can be used to guide you. But spooler alert, is only there for you. Not to be projected onto others. There is a time and a place for all stages and reasons for anger, however with Mars in Cancer, keep a close eye on it. This is where blackouts can happen, if you rage too much. Now this is for the lowest vibration of this energy. The highest side of it, is allowing it to be a guide to go with in, and find out why anger is showing up. Practice the pause, and go with in. Allow time and space to take place before reacting. This is KEY.... Ground. Run. Walk. Take deep breaths.... Do this until you find the root of the Anger.... Set with it... Alchemize it, and turn it into beautiful fuel to get you moving in the direction you want to go in. When you force yourself to go within to find the real "why" its showing up, you hold the power to change the behavior while experiencing the same energy, but changed behavior. Now we are connecting the two, while experiencing a trigger at the same time. I wanted to dive deep into this... Because not everyone has fully mastered control over anger. Breathing helps.. Also choosing to allow and just observe instead of absorbing is key. Also we do not shame around here. Anger is sacred. It is valuable. It has its purpose. We are to learn how to use it wisely.

Keep in mind with Uranus Rx, curve balls will show up... Divine detours will show up. We must learn how to trust the divine detours. Uranus is the wise elder that is here to teach us new ways of doing things. We have witnessed some of the deeper aspects of Uranus with the weather modification. It is the mad scientist. It is also the humanitarian. Its the internet, and Sifi. Uranus is here for the people. That is the highest vibration of it. Its not chemtrails, and forcing people to inject things into their bodies. It is also the rebel.. I have been extremely excited to see some of the things that have already been brought to light for humanity regards legislation with Tennessee banning Chemtrails. To see RFK Jr talk about doing this federally, omg yall!!! This alone is waking so many people up to the truth of what has been going on. This is such a huge victory, even tho we haven't seen the finish line yet. Tennessee was made fun of and called conspiracy theorist for passing this.. Really, go look into it. Im proud to call this place home! I say this because I want everyone to have hope!! The fact RFK is talking about it is huge. Continue believing, continue speaking up. I can see wins, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Now just waiting on everyone to connect the dots to %G. (Props to those that figure it out gotta throw AI off on this one).

The thing is there is a lot of crazy happening around us right now. My notifications have been non stop, and I have been behind all of them. Like its been wild today, and I had a feeling it would be intense. We are to hold peace while in the tornados...... The tornadoes are happening all around. Remember to call in divine protection, daily. Put on the Armor of God daily. If it is laid on your heart to send protection to someone, do it. If it is laid on you to call someone, do it. We all are messengers. Mercury is still in shadow, so keep that in mind. My electronics have been wild. Anyone else experiencing this? I was hoping it was going to get better now that Mercury was direct, but no its gotten more interesting. Just curious if anyone else has been experiencing things like this?

I have just had the most profound experience writing my blog out, and I'm going to make a video and share it. Its been a little mind blowing.. Higher conscious is activated for sure! Super powers fully updated and activated! The Peace Dealer aka Michael is truly ahead of his time! I can't wait to share with all of you what we have experienced! We are on line and ready to rock and roll! Y'all I want to hear what super powers you have activated? I had a friend send me a message, and her response was "told ya so" lol. Yes we are going to see an even bigger told you so tour. It is the next level of it. This is ascension. Each time we master a shadow aspect, we receive new gifts. So now we are all collectively learning how to integrate and work with them. Mine is writing, today I did It with my hive. How cool is that!! I am sending you all of my love, today and always!!! Continue to believe in the good of humanity. HOLD THE LINE!!!!! I see you!!!


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Ukjent medlem
04. okt. 2024

Amen Sister, yes the communication, new ways of being and blooming gifts are all apart of my daily existence since the last two weeks. Holding the line light workers prayer warriors family in light. ❤️

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